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Demi*~ by KingdomHeartShera


Fear the randomness, FEAR IT!!! >=0

For reals, though, this picture was very random. It's basically a doodle I felt like finishing. ^^; I was sitting in the back of my Geometry class while I started it. (I technically don't have to actually DO anything in that class, since I dropped it and will go to another class after midterms, but I have to be in the room 'til then.) After finishing the right side with the angel wings, I thought I'd ask a classmate what to do on the other side. Thus, demonic wings! ^^ So, blame her for the randomness. XDDD

For the record, my scanner hates me and has decided, despite the fact that I've been fiddling with it, to bleach every dark color. So, that purple is, in reality, much darker. XP Bishing thing.

*Violence warning ish on here 'cause I was told that I had to have it if she had scars/scratches. Blegh. T_T

General Info

General Info

Category Anime/Manga » - Original art » Anime Fantasy » Angels
Date Submitted
Views 1439
Favorites... 2
Vote Score 4
Comments 31
Media Colored Pencil / Crayon
Time Taken


Comments (31)

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DrMadison on February 20, 2008, 3:55:33 AM

DrMadison on
DrMadisonWow!... a Devil/Angel Seraphim! Awesome concept!

KingdomHeartShera on February 20, 2008, 5:29:05 AM

KingdomHeartShera on
KingdomHeartSheraThank you! =3 It was extremely random, but I do kinda like how it turned out . . . although it's pretty old. XP

mandy94t on December 21, 2007, 12:24:09 AM

mandy94t on
mandy94tholy shootmonkeys.
Me:Don't ask....if I could draw wings like that I'd have YOU saying it.
Daisuke:Yeah.Sure.Nice and stuff...
Me:VERY nice.She ish a talented onna.
Daisuke:*falls out of chair snoring*
Me:- - '

KingdomHeartShera on December 21, 2007, 4:19:03 AM

KingdomHeartShera on
KingdomHeartSheraXDDD Thankies for the comment, darling! <333 (Poor Daisuke. Better put a pillow under him next time. XP)

By the way, what's 'onna' mean? I kinda get the general picture, but it's been so long since I looked at any japanese that I'm out of touch. *dies*

mandy94t on December 21, 2007, 10:26:19 AM

mandy94t on
mandy94tonna- woman.^ ^
Daisuke's falling asleep all the time.and when he does it's fun to prank him.TOOTHPASTE GOATEE!!

KingdomHeartShera on January 2, 2008, 4:41:23 AM

KingdomHeartShera on
KingdomHeartSheraShweetness. <3 I'm use that from now on. ^^

Omigawd. That's awesome. Pranks are great. <3 Poor Daisuke-kun. XP

mandy94t on January 2, 2008, 9:55:48 PM

mandy94t on
mandy94tyesh.pranks are fun.falling asleep first where I live:bad idea.^ ^ And I've learned that when they start making noises,

KingdomHeartShera on January 3, 2008, 4:53:38 AM

KingdomHeartShera on
KingdomHeartSheraXP I'm too scary for anyone to mess with me, which is great. ^^ Run away! =0

mandy94t on January 4, 2008, 9:10:50 AM

mandy94t on
mandy94tyou ain't scary.No one sits in the same seat as me on the bus.Because I'M UGLY AND GODDAMN PROUD.*huge grin*That and people think I'm anorexic.

KingdomHeartShera on January 7, 2008, 4:26:42 AM

KingdomHeartShera on
KingdomHeartSheraI hate sitting with other people on ze bus! =0 Gawd. Annoys me. I don't know why. XP Nyah, I'm sure you're fine. And so long as you are NOT anorexic, don't give a crap about what people assume. That's how I survive. <3

mandy94t on January 7, 2008, 6:13:14 AM

mandy94t on
mandy94tI don't care at all what others think.That's why one random morning I went around yellig "I'M AN ATHEIST!!"which is true, of course.I get a lot of crap for it now, but it felt awesome to give those morons another reason to hate me...^ ^
And preps must die.*cough*
Daisuke:Every goth/punk/emo person says that.
Me:I'm not goth, son.Nowhere NEAR cool enough.
Daisuke:But you draw, listen to disturbing music, and write.

KingdomHeartShera on January 9, 2008, 4:24:18 AM

KingdomHeartShera on
KingdomHeartSheraXDDD That's awesome. I'd do that, but everyone's too loud and I'd just get ignored. XP

Daisuke is made of awesome. <333

mandy94t on January 11, 2008, 10:12:05 AM

mandy94t on
mandy94tYes.Yes, Daisuke is made of awesome.And he has a fan club.Leeta-san's dark side (1 from 4) named Shimika likes him, and Pepsi-san's yami Nami likes him.And Nami's a cannibal.0.o
Daisuke:*eating chocolate donuts*You talkin' 'bout me?
Me:Not at all, dearest.

KingdomHeartShera on January 14, 2008, 4:31:40 AM

KingdomHeartShera on
KingdomHeartSheraThat's pretty damn cool. XP My Adin-darling has a lot of fangirls, I've discovered. And Lael has even more! =0 So, jah. XDDD

And . . . Daisuke, share? *puppy dog face*

mandy94t on January 14, 2008, 6:09:41 AM

mandy94t on
mandy94tDamn...Lael and Adin ish ladies men...
I might post teh piccehs of all my creations.I have about 48 voices in my head.It's karazy.^ ^
Daisuke:Share?My donuts?NEVAH!!
Me:*evil eye*
Me:Or I'll sell your Winry plushy to perverted yuri fangirls.
Daisuke:NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!*gives huge pile of donuts**runs*AAAH!!

KingdomHeartShera on January 15, 2008, 4:42:38 AM

KingdomHeartShera on
KingdomHeartSheraIt certainly seems that way. XDDD Kinda funny, actually, considering how they're . . . y'know . . . gay. XDDDD

I know. Sometimes I just doodle like crazy to get them out, but it only works about half the time. ^^; 'Tis scary. But sure, post'em! =3

XDDD Poor Daisuke. But, who would Winry be in a relationship anyways? That chickeh from the library? XDDD

mandy94t on January 15, 2008, 7:37:12 AM

mandy94t on
mandy94tthe sad scary thing is, I have actually seen some Sciezka and Winry pairings on FF.That's sadf, the sick, twisted things people come up with.
I no like gay pairings.YAOI, NO.YURI, NO.Some people like it though, so yeah...*shudder*

KingdomHeartShera on January 16, 2008, 4:07:37 AM

KingdomHeartShera on
KingdomHeartSherao.O;; That . . . I dunno 'bout that. XDDD They're just friends. But I suppose it makes sense in a twisted sort of way. ^^;;

Well, it's your right to like it or not like it. ^^; It's something of an aquired taste. I like the relationships, but not really the sex part of either pairing, and I definately like yaoi more then yuri. o.O But, each to his own. Just don't read "A&D" if you don't like it. XDDDD

mandy94t on January 16, 2008, 6:08:37 AM

mandy94t on
so how many characters are in your head, or do you not count?Mine just keep multpilying like rabbits.Now it's 52...

KingdomHeartShera on January 17, 2008, 4:45:33 AM

KingdomHeartShera on
KingdomHeartSheraOh, gawd. I have so many . . . And see! It's those damn plot bunnehs! >=0 Twelve-ish from "Magik?", eight from "A&D", six from "A Reaper's Price", nine from "Fade to Dusk", five from "Harbingers" . . . I could keep going. Let's just say that I have a LOT. XDDDD

mandy94t on January 18, 2008, 6:27:42 AM

mandy94t on
mandy94tthe comment bar is so long and so thin...^ ^
Yesh, evil plot bunnehs.Me, my creations are kinda like family and stuff.So I worry like bejesus when I don't know where one is.That's kinda why I screwed up m Keyboarding eam-Kotoba was missing, I was all freaked, distracted...and yeah....

MeMewSun on December 20, 2007, 7:31:56 AM

MeMewSun on
MeMewSuni l♥ve it... its awesome!!
......and i feel the same way about scanners...they always make pics look darker. ♥favs♥

KingdomHeartShera on December 21, 2007, 4:11:28 AM

KingdomHeartShera on
KingdomHeartSheraThank you! ^^ I really appreciate it. <333

Trinity_Fire on December 17, 2007, 9:12:51 AM

Trinity_Fire on
This looks brilliant! Seriously, darling, I love it~ haha, random? I draw demis all the time. XD *coughIriscoughcough* But the triple wings are gorgeous, dear, absolutely gorgeous~ *_______*
I just ADORE the golden wings. Huh, to be honest, I don't think I've yet colored golden wings, so props to you. It looks quite beautiful, and... is that a little bit of brown I see smeared in there? Nice. :)
And the demon wings, uuush, they're gorgeous. I love the streaked red and the solid black edges, and the girl's calm expression and half-torn shirt are wonderfully done.

*hesitates* Can I... crit, a little? I love it, really, and I could go on forever on its awesome points, but here's just a few tiny anatomical tips... given the top half of her body, even a little for anime, her legs feel a little large/long. Also, her left leg is shorter than the right, which could be perspective, but if it were, then the left leg wouldn't be quite so... thin, to make up for the angle... But otherwise, it looks wonderful! The skin at the knees still seems pulled a little tight for me, but just barely. (mostly prominent on the left leg.)

Otherwise though, absolutely beautiful. *_____* I love her purple hair too, and its tints~ gorgeous. :) Amazing art, dear! ♥

KingdomHeartShera on December 18, 2007, 4:21:17 AM

KingdomHeartShera on
KingdomHeartSheraXDDDD I luves you. <333 You ish fun. =3 I did try to add a bit more random coloring and shtuffu in here then normal, so I'm glad it looks okay. ^^ Her expression almost died on me after being inked, but I was able to salvage it. =3

Ayuh, I know that her legs are out of proportion and all wierd, but . . . I didn't really know how to fix it, and wasn't really in the mood to go back over it. ^^; <--*lazy* Her left leg is supposed to be perspective, but that didn't exactly work. ^^; Blegh.

But thank you, darling! You make me happy. <333 And I really appreciate the crits. <3

Trinity_Fire on December 19, 2007, 6:45:46 AM

Trinity_Fire on
Trinity_FireIt's quite fine, dearie. Oh man, perspective's a dog. I suck at it too, so I'd know. D:
Like, for legs, it'd get all weird... here's a pic I have... not quite the same thing, but it does looks awkward at first.
Although, then again, it's squashed a little from her upper thigh...
...Okay yeah, that was just for fun. I like Angel Sanctuary art. XD
You're doing excellent though, dearie. I love the colors you do. *____*

KingdomHeartShera on December 20, 2007, 5:04:08 AM

KingdomHeartShera on
KingdomHeartSheraI'm so terrible at perspective. XDDD But, I'll take those examples. And thankies! <333

Angel Sanctuary is teh awesomeness. I need to read more of it somehow. I watched the OVA, though. ^^ Thank you, darling!!! <333

ranphasetokelly on December 17, 2007, 5:03:26 AM

ranphasetokelly on
ranphasetokellyomg thats so awesome! O_o wish i could draw like this
love it!!!=D

KingdomHeartShera on December 17, 2007, 6:18:37 AM

KingdomHeartShera on
KingdomHeartSheraThank you so much! ^^ Practice makes perfect, darling. <333

ZimaZem on December 17, 2007, 5:13:28 AM

ZimaZem on
ZimaZem:D Neat. I really like it.
The wings are cool. :3

KingdomHeartShera on December 17, 2007, 6:16:59 AM

KingdomHeartShera on
KingdomHeartSheraThank you! ^^ I tried. =3