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How to draw when you can't draw: Part 1

How to draw when you can't draw: Part 1

How to draw when you can't draw: Part 1 by Kodina
How to draw when you can't draw: Part 1 by Kodina


For a project in school, we were asked to create a drawing tutorial. While the rest of the class drew "How to draw curly hair", I started with the basics (this being because I can't draw). If you like it, comment. If you hate it, comment. If you are indifferent, comment. Maybe I'll make some more, then. *shifty eyes*

General Info

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Category Tutorials » Human Tutorials
Date Submitted
Views 10008
Favorites... 9
Vote Score 1
Comments 41
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (41)

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Tv123 on December 18, 2007, 8:42:22 PM

Tv123 on
Tv123omg, i am SO jealous!! you're awesomely awesome!!!! hee hee, *faves* great piccie, made me laugh!

odious on October 21, 2006, 4:32:52 PM

odious on
odiousreal humans have shoulders and thighs so there legs don't meet and arms arn't attached to there necks but this only adds to how funny it is.

Topaz_Dragon on July 14, 2006, 9:17:53 AM

Topaz_Dragon on
Topaz_DragonOh wow...
I will NEVER be that good... EVER.

I wish I could draw like that ;B

RikusShadow on July 9, 2006, 1:06:05 PM

RikusShadow on
RikusShadowwow this should really help me with my drawing skillz! *pulls out sheet of paper* HECK YES! lol this is funny! *favs*

Silvermoon93 on June 5, 2006, 12:59:56 AM

Silvermoon93 on
Silvermoon93O_O This looks so hard to draw! How can you draw like that? lol ^_^

brannyn on March 27, 2006, 1:38:58 PM

brannyn on
brannyni need to show this to a friend

FireBender789 on January 14, 2006, 2:34:33 AM

FireBender789 on
FireBender789lol! thats good, but i'm really not sure i can handle it...its a bit ADVANCED for me...

CANDY_CANE on October 10, 2005, 9:38:49 AM

CANDY_CANEnice pic soo professional but why is he not wearing any cloths eww hes naky

KCohere on October 10, 2005, 1:20:30 AM

KCohere on
KCohereTerrific! And everything is there. ;)

Bugaloo on September 5, 2005, 3:23:28 AM

Bugaloo on
Bugaloostick figures shall rule the world!!!! Bwhuahahahaha!!!!*skydives of air plane with no parichute. mehehehe*

jamacainprincess on August 23, 2005, 4:00:06 AM

jamacainprincess on
jamacainprincesslol my mom loves stick fingures

blue_moon15 on July 9, 2005, 12:35:05 PM

blue_moon15 on
blue_moon15o the things you can do with a simple stick figure...this is hilarious!!!!!!

Art-Queen on May 22, 2005, 3:11:14 AM

Art-Queen on
Art-Queenyeah ok. lol

bejja on May 10, 2005, 11:25:34 PM

bejja on
bejjaohh it's awsome!i know you work then a lot!!hehe!!!!it's soo funny!!

xtrmbean2 on May 5, 2005, 4:40:48 AM

xtrmbean2 on

kyokyo on March 19, 2005, 9:57:39 PM

kyokyo on
kyokyo0_0***** *writes it all down in notebook* NOW I CAN DRAW!!! MWAH HA HA!!! *runs off squealing*

Gardian_of_the_shadow_relm on January 1, 2005, 5:34:07 AM

Gardian_of_the_shadow_relm on
Gardian_of_the_shadow_relmI COMAND YOU DO DO MORE!!!!!

Gardian_of_the_shadow_relm on January 1, 2005, 5:33:25 AM

Gardian_of_the_shadow_relm on
Gardian_of_the_shadow_relmHehehehehehehehe.....lovin it!!!!!!!!!! Do more!!!

xSlipknotMunkEEx on December 20, 2004, 7:05:54 AM

xSlipknotMunkEEx on
xSlipknotMunkEExWhoa, you just made me so.. Confused X.v Thanks for the help. I wrote this a long time ago.. when I was to lazy to type. Thank you alot for the comment :)

the_simon_cowell_of_art on September 5, 2004, 4:34:07 PM

the_simon_cowell_of_art on
the_simon_cowell_of_artfinally.<br />
some useful advice.<br />

Kodina on August 15, 2004, 11:46:44 AM

Kodina on
Kodina Arethusa_Prongz...who says I'm not 6? *Looks around* *Doesn't see anyone getting it* ...well, good for your brother. Tell him that I appreciate his confidence to upload snarky-yet-simplistic art onto Fanart Central. Wait, he hasn't done that? Uhmmm...sorry.

Arethusa_Prongz on July 28, 2004, 2:59:36 AM

Arethusa_Prongz on
Arethusa_Prongz*dies of laughter* My little brother is 6 and he could draw better!

Gimmecat on July 18, 2004, 1:49:00 AM

Gimmecat on
GimmecatLike OMG. How can somebody draw that good! I'm dying in jealousy! The colouring, the lines, the smile on the mans face...i'm so moved. never seen art this perfect! O.O <br />
<br />
<br />
Yeah. sarcasm xD Don't take it offensive, that was just Gimmecat rambling :3 <br />
I think this is cool. Art-teachers suck, <br />
[atleast mine's does] <br />
so don't care, make more, MORE!

shadowchild on June 6, 2004, 2:07:07 AM

shadowchild on
shadowchildlmao that's hilarious

EvilLiLSkater on May 22, 2004, 6:47:56 PM

EvilLiLSkater on

xXAnimeXx on May 19, 2004, 10:54:05 AM

xXAnimeXx on
xXAnimeXxI am awesome at anime.. BUT THIS REALLY HELPS!! It brings my pictures to life.

Cheezy_dA_ on May 11, 2004, 3:01:51 PM

Cheezy_dA_ on
Cheezy_dA_LoL! funny =) ahh Now i can DRAW!! j/k :-D

ReiRei on April 16, 2004, 12:16:02 PM

ReiRei on
ReiReiI really like this. I needed a good laugh today ^.^

tibix158 on April 11, 2004, 11:57:51 AM

tibix158 on
tibix158heh.. this is awesome! but your teacher put you remedial art class?! he/she must not have a sense of humor T-T

Razac on March 31, 2004, 9:36:09 AM

Razac on
Razachey at least u brought a smile to my face.....keep it up, if u want just e mail me and ill give u some lessons go on you wont regret it :)

Kodina on March 20, 2004, 4:49:58 PM

Kodina on
KodinaI am very proud to note that Mr. Disturbed_1 was able to draw stick figures while still a fetus the size of a grape that lacked the limbs to hold a drawing utensil most likely longer than himself. <br />
<br />
Comments still gracefully taken.

Kayodic_Weazel on March 20, 2004, 11:10:59 AM

Kayodic_Weazel on
Kayodic_Weazel*cries and laughs at same time....* <br />
HAHHA Hilarious i should post something like that......

Disturbed_1 on March 18, 2004, 10:59:19 AM

Disturbed_1 on
Disturbed_1pathetic....i was drawing like that in my moms...ok better not go there...

TifaBakura on March 18, 2004, 7:41:34 AM

TifaBakura on
TifaBakuraLol how funny I'm going to have to show this to a friend of mine ^o^

Kodina on March 12, 2004, 10:31:40 AM

Kodina on
KodinaI'll be away for a week, and am currently working on part II. I won't be able to post any pictures while I am away. *mutters something about the non-existence of computers in northern Canada* <br />
<br />
P.S. Thanks to everyone who comments. When I handed this in for art class, my teacher looked at me and said "stick people arn't really drawings". She put me on a remedial art class that didn't help. Hu hu, the power of stick men still dominates.

mysia on March 12, 2004, 7:54:26 AM

mysia on
mysiaThis is hilarious! Great job. Now I know what to do when the artist block comes. ^^

miko_of_moonlite on March 12, 2004, 7:49:41 AM

miko_of_moonlite on
miko_of_moonliteroflmao^^ anywhozawhatz got any tips on drawing on thje comp, and how DO u draw curly and wavy hair@_@??? I NEED ANSWERES

sally_the_ragdoll on March 12, 2004, 7:34:11 AM

sally_the_ragdoll on

KamiAkai on March 12, 2004, 6:23:31 AM

KamiAkai on
KamiAkaiOhh ahhh I was wondering why my stick men were getting to be so boring...Perhaps you can start a tutorial on stick animals.

Cloud_Strife_Biggest_Fan on March 12, 2004, 6:21:17 AM

Cloud_Strife_Biggest_Fan on
Cloud_Strife_Biggest_Fanthanks I will remember these tips!

Borrowed_Wish on March 12, 2004, 6:05:37 AM

Borrowed_Wish on
Borrowed_Wish::dies laughing:: this is good. i like.