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Doodle lolz

Doodle lolz

Doodle lolz by Koji45
Doodle lolz by Koji45


Boardom + Pencil + Paper = ..Well...That!!

Lol No clue xD

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Category Miscellaneous
Date Submitted
Views 1199
Favorites... 2
Vote Score 4
Comments 20
Media Graphite pencil
Time Taken


Comments (20)

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SpiderMuffin on December 2, 2008, 4:16:20 AM

SpiderMuffin on
SpiderMuffinHahaha that's well cute :D

Koji45 on December 2, 2008, 10:41:35 PM

Koji45 on
Koji45xDD Thankss!

Living_Dead_Girl on November 11, 2008, 2:53:33 AM

Living_Dead_Girl on
Living_Dead_GirlLOLOL nice equation, you should be a math major XDD! Awwww it's a stick with a flower and a butterfly and a kitty cat! That's fantastic! Most ppl doodle like blood and gore and I'm all, "Could you make it a little more... humane?" So, this pic is quite beautiful! ^^ All it needs is some music. This is a lovely song! Not the vid really, but I lurve the song, it's not like all of the heavy metal running around. At last, food for the soul =o

Koji45 on November 11, 2008, 3:54:18 AM

Koji45 on

Usually when I doodles it's somethin silly happy......or something like Cheese or a tissue box lulz

Thankss <333

And I likes teh Song!! =DD
I wont lie, I do love metal (not the shreiking stuff though) But I also love calmer music.....well, really the only music I Don't like is Rap The Death Metal stuff, Old country, and Opera singing! =33
Other then that <33 (more or less)

Living_Dead_Girl on November 12, 2008, 1:36:15 AM

Living_Dead_Girl on
Living_Dead_GirlXDD Opera nice! It's a pretty rare thing for someone to like it, so more power to you! Honestly, I hate rap ^^' Sorry. But I'm pretty content with the other things. I love rock as long as it's not uber heavy guitar playing so you can't even hear the guy's voice LOLOL! In short, I like the slightly calmer songs of Metallica, they are someawe!

Koji45 on November 12, 2008, 1:58:57 AM

Koji45 on
Koji45Mewww. Nu the list I typed (Rap The Death Metal stuff, Old country, and Opera singing!) was the music I don't like! lol! Sorry sometimes I don't speek/ type clearly x3333

I like Rock, Metal, and Newer Country best probably if I HAD to pick! <3

Living_Dead_Girl on November 12, 2008, 2:12:31 AM

Living_Dead_Girl on
Living_Dead_GirlOhhh okie! Sorry, I didn't catch that LOLOL! My bad ^^' I'm content with anything but rap. I can tolerate the country my roomate listens to and the fake gospel music even though she's not a nice person. I can even put up with pop music and the death metal screaming some of my friends listen to. Sometimes I sing along with them for fun ^^ It goes "AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" XDD! I just can't tolerate rap. You can't spell crap without rap LOLOL!

Koji45 on November 12, 2008, 2:19:55 AM

Koji45 on
Koji45LOL AGREED!! (on the rap thing) I can't STand Rap at all.
Most anything else I can at least stand!
I've kinda been listening to Disturbed to much lately. *wiggles*

Living_Dead_Girl on November 12, 2008, 2:28:30 AM

Living_Dead_Girl on
Living_Dead_GirlOhh, I know that band ^^ And my roommate is gone and I actually don't intend on working on school work this exact hour, so I might actually listen to some music for a bit. I haven't procrastinated on school work in years, but it's only a one-page essay, which is surprisingly hard to do, trust me, cos you have to have multiple proofs that can't come from the free web, you have to have paraphrasing and/or sumarizing, you have to have an exact quote from the reading material, which is 34 pages long, and you have to make the entire essaye about why you agree or disagree with that statement. You can't have any kind of gramatical errors and your word ussage is restricted cos you can't use lame words like: thing, good, bad, nice, ect. I actually don't have a problem with those last two things, but you have to fit all of that crap into one page double spaced and it's nostalgic XP

Koji45 on November 12, 2008, 2:42:16 AM

Koji45 on
Koji45Lol I have always Procrastonated Way to much threw out school!

Holy Crap!!! DD: I would like.....Fail that essay!
Meh brain hurts just reading what you have to do ://///

I still need to find a collage to go to! *fails*

Living_Dead_Girl on November 12, 2008, 3:06:21 AM

Living_Dead_Girl on
Living_Dead_GirlXDD don't sweat it, you'll find one. I usually don't have a problem with the essays and I make 20/20, but the last two were 17/20 and 15/20, which is TERRIBLE for me cos I'm an English major. I dunno if I'm doing worse or if he's grading more harshly. Maybe he's just grading me more harshly cos I'm making an uber high grade in that class cos I was supposed to be in English 110, but they put me in 106 cos I was one point below what I needed to be on my ACT to test out of it cos the ACT is insanely stressful for me, but, if I were you, I would take it as many times as possible, yupyup! ^^ *sings* Everybody wants to rule the wooorld! I love 80's music =D

aeris7dragon on November 11, 2008, 12:05:24 PM

aeris7dragon on
aeris7dragonYAY stick figures!!!!!!!!!! ^^

Koji45 on November 11, 2008, 12:06:43 PM

Koji45 on
Koji45xDDD Lolzz


PrincessMarinia on November 11, 2008, 11:30:52 AM

PrincessMarinia on
PrincessMarinia>> its spelled 'boordom'


but yeah lol supervillan.

Meesaw on November 11, 2008, 4:02:25 AM

Meesaw on
MeesawIt's a masterpiece.

Koji45 on November 11, 2008, 4:10:12 AM

Koji45 on
Koji45xDDD LOL Thanks!!

Darkecho on November 11, 2008, 3:08:12 AM

Darkecho on

Koji45 on November 11, 2008, 3:51:03 AM

Koji45 on

thingy on November 11, 2008, 3:31:27 AM

thingy on
thingythat's one of the LOL thingys I've seen

Koji45 on November 11, 2008, 3:50:25 AM

Koji45 on
Koji45xDDDD Lol Thanksss!!