Christmas Eve Party (not finished)
Christmas Eve Party (not finished)
Christmas Eve Party (not finished) by Koji45


((This picture is not finished. I have no idea when i'll get around to finishing it though so I post it now =3 ))
K, so this has to do with a RP me and my brother (mrsaturn123) did on Christmas eve. When we RP it always takes place in this Odd Hotel in some other dimension, where anything can happen anytime anywere. And anyone could be there. I'll explain that more if you ask.
But anyway, every Christmas eve we always have like a Hotel Christmas Party RP type of thing, and these were just a few of the things that happened.
In That picture Right in front with the Big Christmas Tree. For those of you who don't know who they are, the Kid is Lucas, the Coyboy guy is Flint (they're from Mother 3) and the other two are my OC's. For some reason Lucas just kept staring at the Christmas tree. ( i'm guessing cause my brother didn't feel like playing as him at the moment)
The Pic in the top Right corner with Luigi at the computer. What's going on there is Xiossy (the girl in front) got a phone call from a talkative friend who wouldn't shut up. She made Wess (from Mother 3) Hold the kid for her. He wasn't happy....obviously.
Now the Kid's name is Eliot I'll explain about him at the end of this thing. And Luigi was on the computer. =3
The pic under that With Luigi! The guy in the way front is my Character Kubo, and Luigi is singing. (all Rps we do start with Luigi singing or humming for some reason) And that's a stupid looking Link in the back a little =D
The other Pic thet has a Christmas tree! The Girl is My OC Miki, and the Alien dude is Giegue (from Mother 1) Yes he's sapposed to be a bad guy, but in this RP he's not so bad. He tends to hang around Miki a Lot. And The Giant Cat is Cheetar. He likes to lick people. =3
The Pic right below that With Cheetar again, is Cheetar and Boney (from Mother 3) Cheetar had gotten right up in Boneys face at one point.
Below that Is Teddy (from Mother 1) And my Character Ritsuko. She jumped on his back and wanted a piggy back ride!
To the right of that, kinda hidden under the other pics has Loyed (probably spelled wrong, from Mother 1) and another of my OC's Kasumi. (can't remember what's going on there)
Next to that one Is Wario and my Character Leroy. Right at the begining Miki and Leroy had brought in a bunch of food, but no one was aloud to eat just yet, cause not everyone was there yet or something, and Leroy was in charge of Guarding the table from Wario.......didn't work to well.
The Pic above that one Has Duster (from Mother 3) and My Character Xiolana. That ones' pretty self explanatory.
We got Wess, Daymond, Ritz, and Hoshi in the background as well.
And last, that pic to the right of and kind under that one is Supposed to be the Ultimate Chimera (from Mother 3) Yup, even the Ultimate Chimera was there. But he wasn't attacking anyone for some reason. He just walked around a lot.
I think that's all of them. Then Another Big thing that was happening was Wario and the Egg Nog. Any time anyone even spoke the word egg nog Wario would like tackle them for Nog. And Yelling "NOGGGG" and stuff like that. Was funneh. x33 He like dominated MOST of the Egg nog that night.
It was a really fun RP!
Now, as if this description isn't long enough, i'll explain Eliot.
Eliot was a Character that wouldn't have been made up if it wasn't for my RP's I do with my brother.
If anyone remembers my Character Rokuro (i've posted pics of him before) He likes to create creatures (like Chimeras I guess now that I think about it) but in another RP we did there was some fighting and arguing and Rokuro ended up grabbing someone by the hair and then accidentally pulling some of the guys hair out (not much but still) welllll, him liking to experiment with D.N.A and living things and all, he used some DNA from the hair and created this kid. He did it party to see if he could, and Partly to Piss of the guy he was arguing with. Although obviously Rokuro made the kid part animal as well (can tell just be looking at the picture) The reason the Kid is part Mechanical As Well is that he was I guess a little deformed in a a way at first. Didn't even have a left arm to begin with. etc etc. Rokuro used mechanics and stuff to fix him. idk.
So sence the DNA stolen was technically from a real character (actually, it's brother was RPing as him at the time) then Eliot is kind of a fan character in a way I guess. 0o (only one I have I think)
But ya. Kind of strange i know. But oh well. =3
I think in the RP Flint was the one who suggested the name Eliot, and Xiossy (who was taking care of the kid at the time) liked the name and chose it!
K!! Now My mega long description is finally over! YAY!!
If anyone actually read all this! Holy Crap! Thank You SO much for actually reading! *Gives lots of cookies!!* .....(or what ever yummy stuff you like)
mrsaturn123 Playing as:
Link ((lol there were like 4 diffarent links there. Just for fun Ritz called "Link!" just to see if she could get them all to answer etc.))
and many others that arn't on this picture
Koji45 Playing as:
Nobu (not in pictures)
and some more that are not in pictures ((yup, all OC's...cause I suck at playing as anyone else. x3 ))
K, so this has to do with a RP me and my brother (mrsaturn123) did on Christmas eve. When we RP it always takes place in this Odd Hotel in some other dimension, where anything can happen anytime anywere. And anyone could be there. I'll explain that more if you ask.
But anyway, every Christmas eve we always have like a Hotel Christmas Party RP type of thing, and these were just a few of the things that happened.
In That picture Right in front with the Big Christmas Tree. For those of you who don't know who they are, the Kid is Lucas, the Coyboy guy is Flint (they're from Mother 3) and the other two are my OC's. For some reason Lucas just kept staring at the Christmas tree. ( i'm guessing cause my brother didn't feel like playing as him at the moment)
The Pic in the top Right corner with Luigi at the computer. What's going on there is Xiossy (the girl in front) got a phone call from a talkative friend who wouldn't shut up. She made Wess (from Mother 3) Hold the kid for her. He wasn't happy....obviously.
Now the Kid's name is Eliot I'll explain about him at the end of this thing. And Luigi was on the computer. =3
The pic under that With Luigi! The guy in the way front is my Character Kubo, and Luigi is singing. (all Rps we do start with Luigi singing or humming for some reason) And that's a stupid looking Link in the back a little =D
The other Pic thet has a Christmas tree! The Girl is My OC Miki, and the Alien dude is Giegue (from Mother 1) Yes he's sapposed to be a bad guy, but in this RP he's not so bad. He tends to hang around Miki a Lot. And The Giant Cat is Cheetar. He likes to lick people. =3
The Pic right below that With Cheetar again, is Cheetar and Boney (from Mother 3) Cheetar had gotten right up in Boneys face at one point.
Below that Is Teddy (from Mother 1) And my Character Ritsuko. She jumped on his back and wanted a piggy back ride!
To the right of that, kinda hidden under the other pics has Loyed (probably spelled wrong, from Mother 1) and another of my OC's Kasumi. (can't remember what's going on there)
Next to that one Is Wario and my Character Leroy. Right at the begining Miki and Leroy had brought in a bunch of food, but no one was aloud to eat just yet, cause not everyone was there yet or something, and Leroy was in charge of Guarding the table from Wario.......didn't work to well.
The Pic above that one Has Duster (from Mother 3) and My Character Xiolana. That ones' pretty self explanatory.
We got Wess, Daymond, Ritz, and Hoshi in the background as well.
And last, that pic to the right of and kind under that one is Supposed to be the Ultimate Chimera (from Mother 3) Yup, even the Ultimate Chimera was there. But he wasn't attacking anyone for some reason. He just walked around a lot.
I think that's all of them. Then Another Big thing that was happening was Wario and the Egg Nog. Any time anyone even spoke the word egg nog Wario would like tackle them for Nog. And Yelling "NOGGGG" and stuff like that. Was funneh. x33 He like dominated MOST of the Egg nog that night.
It was a really fun RP!
Now, as if this description isn't long enough, i'll explain Eliot.
Eliot was a Character that wouldn't have been made up if it wasn't for my RP's I do with my brother.
If anyone remembers my Character Rokuro (i've posted pics of him before) He likes to create creatures (like Chimeras I guess now that I think about it) but in another RP we did there was some fighting and arguing and Rokuro ended up grabbing someone by the hair and then accidentally pulling some of the guys hair out (not much but still) welllll, him liking to experiment with D.N.A and living things and all, he used some DNA from the hair and created this kid. He did it party to see if he could, and Partly to Piss of the guy he was arguing with. Although obviously Rokuro made the kid part animal as well (can tell just be looking at the picture) The reason the Kid is part Mechanical As Well is that he was I guess a little deformed in a a way at first. Didn't even have a left arm to begin with. etc etc. Rokuro used mechanics and stuff to fix him. idk.
So sence the DNA stolen was technically from a real character (actually, it's brother was RPing as him at the time) then Eliot is kind of a fan character in a way I guess. 0o (only one I have I think)
But ya. Kind of strange i know. But oh well. =3
I think in the RP Flint was the one who suggested the name Eliot, and Xiossy (who was taking care of the kid at the time) liked the name and chose it!
K!! Now My mega long description is finally over! YAY!!
If anyone actually read all this! Holy Crap! Thank You SO much for actually reading! *Gives lots of cookies!!* .....(or what ever yummy stuff you like)
mrsaturn123 Playing as:
Link ((lol there were like 4 diffarent links there. Just for fun Ritz called "Link!" just to see if she could get them all to answer etc.))
and many others that arn't on this picture
Koji45 Playing as:
Nobu (not in pictures)
and some more that are not in pictures ((yup, all OC's...cause I suck at playing as anyone else. x3 ))
General Info
General Info
Media Colored Pencil / Crayon
Time Taken
Media Colored Pencil / Crayon
Time Taken
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Living_Dead_Girl on February 1, 2009, 12:42:19 PM

Koji45 on February 1, 2009, 11:48:15 PM
Koji45 on

Haha! That's ok! x3 I don't really expect a whole lot of people to acctually read the whole description! It's like the longest one I've ever typed I think!
Thankss!! =D
It's a fun way to draw a bunch of sceens in just one picture! xP
Living_Dead_Girl on February 2, 2009, 2:12:16 AM
Koji45 on February 2, 2009, 5:58:40 AM
Koji45 on
KawaiiAngelZaria on January 27, 2009, 3:59:44 AM
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Koji45 on January 27, 2009, 4:10:53 AM
Koji45 on
KawaiiAngelZaria on January 27, 2009, 5:45:48 AM
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Koji45 on January 27, 2009, 10:33:15 PM
Koji45 on
KawaiiAngelZaria on January 28, 2009, 5:18:05 AM
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Koji45 on January 28, 2009, 10:20:24 PM
Koji45 on
KawaiiAngelZaria on January 29, 2009, 12:00:00 AM
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Koji45 on January 30, 2009, 12:20:42 AM
Koji45 on
KawaiiAngelZaria on January 30, 2009, 5:06:14 AM
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Koji45 on January 30, 2009, 1:43:52 PM
Koji45 on
animelover87 on January 27, 2009, 6:29:01 AM
animelover87 on

One question though... WHY DOES XIOLANA HAVE A MAJOR-LEAGUE CRUSH ON DUSTER!? I just don't get it! o.0 ?
Alastor: I say, he's lacking in the looks department... xP
Me: xDDD Well... Maybe she doesn't care about looks! ^.~
Alastor: Tch! Whatevs... >> *wanders away*
Michi: *squeals* I see Hiro! :3
Me: Yeah, waaaay in the back of the first picture! xDDDDDDDD *Lawlz*
Michi: =/////= I knew that...
Me: Yeah sure... >:3 Too bad I missed out! Oh well! *glomps* xDDD
Koji45 on January 27, 2009, 10:37:34 PM
Koji45 on

LOLZZ Cause she does! Idk.
Xiolana: >:C What do you mean? Lacking in the looks department My a**!! I think he's Cute!
Hiro: ^_^' don't argue with her, she could keep it up for....well, ever probably.
Kubo: xD Ya, yer right! Hiro's only in the back ground of one picture! lol oops!
I was one of the photographers for the party here! Guess I missed him.
lolzz. Me and my brother do this every year. x33 It's kind of a tradision I guess you could say.
animelover87 on January 28, 2009, 8:19:41 AM
animelover87 on
Koji45 on January 28, 2009, 10:18:46 PM
Koji45 on