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"I couldn't risk that..."- TornxAsh

"I couldn't risk that..."- TornxAsh

"I couldn't risk that..."- TornxAsh by Krimzon_Yakkow026
"I couldn't risk that..."- TornxAsh by Krimzon_Yakkow026


"...You and I both know that the baron would've killed Ashelin! I couldn't risk that... Not even for the underground." -Torn
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Please excuse the excesive smear. I hafta learn to darken sketches from left to right not right to left (seeing as I'm right handed)<br />
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ANYWAY! The TxA parasite (which has surfaced as ChibiJaime XP) is still sucking my blood. And I'm kinda proud of the outcome.. just not the smearness. When I get my tablet (YAY) I will CG both of my TxA pics.<br />
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And yes, they ARE younger here. Probably the first time they hugged. *squee* Ah yes.. The LOVVEEEE!!!<br />
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One of my older sister's (who knows nadda about Jak 2) questions were, "Why are they so sad?" Mmm... Because. Because They are. No, because I think that the Baron hurt Ashelin. He *would* be one to do that, too. He *was* about to kill her and all.. So Torn is comforting her =3

And yes, ah hava habit of changing their uniforms (Merrr...=3 *pets Torn's muscles*)

*waves hooves in hair* NOW, yes, the smudgeys will be gone when ah line art-tify this! *big cheezy yakow smile*

I used a #2 pencil. HA! XD

General Info

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Category Games » - All Titles » Jak & Daxter series » Jak 2
Date Submitted
Views 4465
Favorites... 9
Vote Score 0
Comments 10
Media Unspecified
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Comments (10)

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bluemoon_alchemist on March 27, 2006, 2:51:48 PM

bluemoon_alchemist on
bluemoon_alchemistchek ur comments on "this.i.promise" coz i don' wanna write it again

Hyel on July 14, 2005, 7:03:20 PM

Hyel on
HyelI don't know the characters, but how sweet!

Talin on August 18, 2004, 12:09:51 PM

Talin on
TalinAww so sweet! I work with woodless graphite SOMETIMES and that smudges like elephant dookie.(And no I dont go around the elephants at the zoo playin' with poo).... Sorry but this picture is awesome anyway!

darkdesire on June 30, 2004, 8:48:47 AM

darkdesire on
darkdesireThat has gotta be the koolest!Bravo!*claps*

ChibiJaime on April 25, 2004, 9:45:20 AM

ChibiJaime on
ChibiJaime*does her "Huzzah for more TornxAsh mooshiness!" dance* I make a great parasite, no? X3<br />
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It looks good, I think... and, in the words of Rayne, "sae sweet".<br />
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*pets* Dun worry, Ash, you're okay now, and Torn is gonna give you some lovin' to make j00 feel better. *wise nod*

Weasel on April 25, 2004, 3:46:42 AM

Weasel on
WeaselWhoa! *Cheers* Ash looks really pretty, y'know that? And Torn looks pretty down...full ah feelins and emotions! Awesome job...I'm favin' this! I think your anatomy is improving alot. KEEP DRAWINGGG!!

ElfyGirl on April 25, 2004, 1:06:48 AM

ElfyGirl on
ElfyGirlThat's shoo! Cute!! Ahh the love is in the air!! Gotta love this! +favz

Krimzon_Yakkow026 on April 24, 2004, 11:52:36 PM

Krimzon_Yakkow026 on
Krimzon_Yakkow026awww thank ye! Yeah, smudginess is mah enemy.. and I was *trying* to erase some and make it cleaner, but Ashelin looked all blotchy and such so, yeah. It looks terrible around Torn's hand... GAH. Poopy led likes to smear. Doot. How about we repost some clean lineart, shall we?<br />
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Oh, and I'm glad chu like Ash's hair! When I color it, it's gonna be funky.. some Xmen inspired hair color =P

MandyPandaa on April 24, 2004, 10:47:50 PM

MandyPandaa on
MandyPandaaYay for TornxAshelin! One of my favorite couplings in Jak II.=3 This is really, really detailed, and Ashelin came out wonderfully...I love her hair! Her dreadlocks always did kinda scurr me. oO; And you did perfectly on the tattoos...great job! Yay TxA!<br />
(If I was an elfy-thing like them, I'd always worry about being poked in th eyes by someone's ear.=P)

Raksu on April 24, 2004, 5:27:01 PM

Raksu on
Raksuaww, i like this...maybe its bit hmmm...smudgy, but it doesn't matter :D<br />