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.+Thanks Weasel & MandyPandaa![SKETCH]+.

.+Thanks Weasel & MandyPandaa![SKETCH]+.

.+Thanks Weasel & MandyPandaa![SKETCH]+. by Krimzon_Yakkow026
.+Thanks Weasel & MandyPandaa![SKETCH]+. by Krimzon_Yakkow026


Thanks so much for the bday pics, Mandy and Weasel! I couldn't help but do something in return!<br />
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Yes, I know the sketch is rather smeared, but that's because of my scanner.. Also, Dezi isn't really that far off the page, but the scanner didn't want to pick up the rest of the paper.<br />
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Annnd... ehh.. phooey. That's my sad first attempt at drawing an Ottsel and Monkaw in my life. And the sketch is not verreh detailed, because I *was* planning to cg it, and I still am going to, but Photoshop ANNND my scanning program have been acting up. =( I got them working again though, so this is next in line for CG-ishness. (cos I color with traditional media like a 5yrold. :P)<br />
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Oh, and I thought it was about time I introduced my fursona, Krimzon Yakkow. Actually, credit for the basic design goes to WEASEL. I had an original concept of the yakow, but I loved Weas's design so much that I added much of it in this, mostly in the hair and horns. The yakow has a story behind her.. I'm sure that a yakow with KG tattoos doesn't make sense without one! <br />
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The monkaw is BINTU (c) MandyPandaa<br />
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The ottsel is DEZI (c) Weasel<br />
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Thank you so much guys!!! =)

General Info

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Category Games » - All Titles » Jak & Daxter series » Fan Characters (OC's)
Date Submitted
Views 2097
Favorites... 3
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Comments 7
Media Unspecified
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Comments (7)

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narris on August 4, 2004, 4:32:54 PM

narris on
narristhat is awesome!!!!!<br />

_Krimzon_Guard_ on July 29, 2004, 5:21:17 PM

_Krimzon_Guard_ on
_Krimzon_Guard_lol you people have your own charactors cool !!!! make me a krimzon guard of me lol

Sennia91 on July 12, 2004, 1:37:02 AM

Sennia91 on
Sennia91Ah, I have nothing to do with this pic, but, it's an isntant make you feel good! You can feel the fuzziness eminating from it! great pic!

ElfyGirl on June 19, 2004, 5:39:40 AM

ElfyGirl on
ElfyGirlGYAAAHHH! That is shooo kool! *glomp of death* Lookie is Bintu and Dezi, And The Yakkow!!! This is sooo awsome I love the way u did this! +favs

MandyPandaa on May 31, 2004, 7:53:59 PM

MandyPandaa on
MandyPandaao_______o;; *blushes* *flips*<br />
WHEEEEE! ^______^ D'aww, this is so NICE, Krimzon! =D And really unexpected! Gawrsh, you didn't need to do was YOUR birthday, you deserved prezzies! X3 But wow-a, THANKS! =3 Jeez, you can draw Bintu so cute-like! ^^ Dezi too! Heehee, he's become famous for that purple 'n red ball, huh? XD First time? Doubt it. Ha.<br />
Your fursona is really cool! And an original concept. Something to do with dark eco...? Meh, I'll wait and find out. ^^ But neat, with the KG tattoos...look somewhat like Ashelin's.(Haha ashelin's a yakkow) Neat and cool idea! Thanks so MUCH! ^______^; I'm sure this will look the loverlyness CGed, but really, take ya time! =3<br />
~Mandy who is teh gigglyness

DarkDude on May 31, 2004, 1:03:27 AM

DarkDude on
DarkDudecoolie!^^ I like teh sketchieness of it all!^^ Very neat=)

Weasel on May 30, 2004, 1:34:33 PM

Weasel on
WeaselHoly...<br />
KRIMZON...<br />
I is speechlesh....I LOVE IT! ISSO unexpected, omigooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh...! You drew DEZI! XD I just love it when I see different styles of her!She looks so great, and I adore her expression! MEEEP! First time drawing ottsels and monkaws? I wouldnta noticed until I read so. It's AWESOME for a first try! I love how ya did Bintu! His never do well on his face, but you do it BEAUTIFULLY!! I love his pose! <br />
Meep...I blushed that you used my design. You're so welcome! Gah, this is too cool! I can't wait to see you CG this because you're just as much my CG hero as I am yours, Krimzon. =*) I never caught up on CGs as fast as you did...I just didnt, and your potential just blows me away. Your talent rocks and its only gonna rock harder!<br />
Meep I luff this! And I luff you too! *glomp* < 3<br />
Mandeh will flippppppppp! Meep!<br />
I love the KG tatts...never even crossed my mind! Original!<br />
Oh yes... *instant fave* XD