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Old Self Portrait -woodburned

Old Self Portrait -woodburned

Old Self Portrait -woodburned by Kupo
Old Self Portrait -woodburned by Kupo


The woodburned version of a pic I did like FOREVER ago...not sure why I even decided to make a woodburning out of this one but here it is!

This is the original, if anyone cares *shrugs*:

General Info

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Category Real People » Self
Date Submitted
Views 1325
Favorites... 1
Vote Score 2
Comments 36
Media Other crafts
Time Taken idk
Reference old pic


Comments (36)

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Living_Dead_Girl on October 4, 2007, 8:38:44 PM

Living_Dead_Girl on
Living_Dead_GirlOh my goodness, that didn't streach it out at all XDD! I figured I should just start with another fresh comment. Well, my 8th grade History teacher loved the Civil War and we watched at least three movies about i. I didn't like any of them XD. Have you ever heard of Gods and Generals? That was one we watched that I actually remember the name to. It wasn't bad and the end was pretty sad actually. hehe... I've always wanted to learn more about other countries cos I know almost nothing about them.

Kupo on October 4, 2007, 10:02:02 PM

Kupo on
Kuponope never heard of it.
and yeah, that's kinda what I'm thinking about China, but with the Civil War there's lots of info that's completely new to me plus main info that I've known for years and years or at least vaguely remember that ties it all together, so I think it might be a little easier to learn than China would be. idk though I still think that would be pretty cool. I wonder what the topic will be next year.
crap, gtg do my homework. one and a half paged essay on medieval art (hopefully) comin right up.

Living_Dead_Girl on October 5, 2007, 8:16:55 AM

Living_Dead_Girl on
Living_Dead_GirlLOLZ medieval. Yah, the Civil War would be easier just from the things you already know about it and you are familiar with American customs. But easier doesn't mean better. Next week I have no school. I wouldn't be jelous just yet. I'm going to be workign the entire time and I'm probably gonna be miserable.

Living_Dead_Girl on September 7, 2007, 8:44:56 AM

Living_Dead_Girl on
Living_Dead_Girlhehe.. I like it. LOLZ I couldn't burn wood if my life depended on it. And I don't even udnerstand what woodburning is! Actually, I like the painting. And the kupo is funny too XD. The eyes are uber neat and self portraits are fun.

Kupo on September 8, 2007, 12:25:26 PM

Kupo on
KupoIt's actually embarrassingly easy compared to how lame this looks, but thankie!

Living_Dead_Girl on September 9, 2007, 12:34:59 AM

Living_Dead_Girl on
Living_Dead_Girlhehe.. but there's no eraser. And I NEED an eraser to draw. It's as necesary as a pencil.

Kupo on September 9, 2007, 5:26:32 AM

Kupo on
KupoNo, see what you do is you photocopy the pic you wanna burn and then you take the copy and stick it to the wood with hot wax. then using that as a stencil you go over it with a wood burner, which is about as easy to handle as a really thick pen, tho it takes a little more patience than just that. Then you scrape off the paper with a chisel (well, what's left of it and the wax anyway. most of the paper falls off as the wax holding it melts away during the process) and then you paint it ^^ Then you just gotta go up to big bad Mr. Gosney to get it graded ^^' I think I got like a 95 on this though =]

Living_Dead_Girl on September 9, 2007, 6:22:42 AM

Living_Dead_Girl on
Living_Dead_Girlhehe... wao, that would actually be hard for my pics cos I can't go over them with a relaly thick pen. I've tried. Ohhhh 95 is not bad. In my art class, she was very hard with grading, my teacher I mean.

Kupo on September 9, 2007, 8:50:54 AM

Kupo on
KupoI meant it's about as thick as a really thick pen. A better comparison would be a like one of those permanent markers that isn't a sharpie, you know how thick those get. woodburners don't make THAT thick a line for how thick they are though, it's about like the line from a fat crayola marker, unless you get permission to use one of the professional ones, which are thin and draw thin like skinny markers and they're always hotter and easier to work with.

I agree, not a bad grade on this at all, especially considering that horrible paint job and stuff. For some reason (can't quite remember why) I decided to try bringing my own paint instead of using the stuff he had there. obviously it didn't turn out too well. Oh, but this wasn't art class, it was wood shop. I can't even remember if the art teacher was a tough grader or not. I never really cared as much as I cared for shop for some reason.

Living_Dead_Girl on September 10, 2007, 12:19:03 PM

Living_Dead_Girl on
Living_Dead_GirlOhhh I see! But I still can't make lines with them. It's wai too thick. speaking of crayon, we got a xcrayon from a Flinstones vitamin thing ^^ It's an uber fun crayon! And speaking of burn, I played with purning glass in chemistry today. And now I have a habit of yelling "Burn" in Spanish in Spanish class. It's just fin. If I'm not mistaken, it's Quema....something. I have it written down somewhere. Well, I don't have wood shop, so the best comparrison I can use for my is Art Class.

Kupo on September 11, 2007, 10:35:20 AM

Kupo on
Kupolol that's awesome =D How do you say it??? what's an x crayon?

Living_Dead_Girl on September 11, 2007, 12:03:09 PM

Living_Dead_Girl on
Living_Dead_GirlIt's quemada. So every time I have the need to say "Burn", I can say it without getting points taken off for speaking English. Whoops, that X was a type-O ^^'

Kupo on September 12, 2007, 7:41:07 AM

Kupo on
Kupohaha swizzle!

My teacher keep saying we're gonna get oral pts taken away for english, but she hasn't started yet. even tho we're 3 wks into the school year now, we still haven't been through much yet, plus for the most part we just don't even know eachother well enough to start talking a whole lot. so far nothing's worth saying if you have to use your head for it.

oic, about da typo XP kinda seems like I shoulda realized that.

Living_Dead_Girl on September 12, 2007, 11:55:57 AM

Living_Dead_Girl on
Living_Dead_Girlhehe... yah. Well, we're all in Spanish three and it's a pretty small class and it's fun to joke around with them. Plus Spanish is just more fun to say.

Kupo on September 17, 2007, 1:34:51 PM

Kupo on
Kupotrue true. but unfortunately PreAP is the only kind of spanish 3 here, so there are a lot of stupid kids in there anyway since there's no other class for them if they wanna keep going (There's this one guy, Drew, that seriously makes me wonder how the heck he made it past spanish 1 sometimes! He was saying nosotros like "nahss-trahss" the other day and he doesn't understand reflexive verbs or know what puerta means or anything!) so even now we're not done reviewing yet. I want to review so I can get my brain all sorted out and have this all stored in my short term memory again (it's still in there for the long term, but that just isn't quite as helpful when speaking as it is in writing) but the reviews we're doing are so slow and overly comprehensive, as if we're actually learning everything again.

Living_Dead_Girl on September 17, 2007, 8:56:27 PM

Living_Dead_Girl on
Living_Dead_GirlLOLZZZ don't worry, lost of the kids in my class are like that. I must be absolutely FANTASTIC at reading and spelling cos everyong is always asking how to spell the words and they can't pronounce them right, but I can spell any word correctly and I can pronounce just about all of them really well. Is it really that hard to pronounce? OIC. Well, pelo isn't hair anymore. Hair is cabello. I would explain, but I have to leave now or I'll miss my bus. See you later!

Kupo on September 19, 2007, 12:15:43 PM

Kupo on
Kupo?por que'? (lol makeshift puncuation)

Living_Dead_Girl on September 20, 2007, 11:52:11 AM

Living_Dead_Girl on
Living_Dead_GirlLOLZ you know what's fun to say? Crusty skin blisters. Right so, my Spanish teacher tought us that hair is Pelo in SpanishI. But now it's cabello. God only knows how many ppl I've insulted by mentioning dog hair. I like your dog hair. Oh, I always have to make makeshift punctuations for those too XD. I have a feeling I told you the story before though. Did I?

Kupo on September 22, 2007, 10:36:57 AM

Kupo on

so pelo is dog hair? I've always been taught that pelo was hair, that's really weird. idk, maybe I'll ask my puerto rican friend.

Living_Dead_Girl on September 23, 2007, 3:09:52 AM

Living_Dead_Girl on
Living_Dead_Girlhehe... well, we asked a mexican study hall kid if pelo was cabello de perro and he said si`. With the makeshift accent. Cos si is if. Without the accent. Yah. But in Soanish three, they're teaching us the same words... juts more proper ways to say them. So it's kinda weird.

Kupo on September 26, 2007, 11:40:48 PM

Kupo on
KupoHuh, weird. We're actually learning dif words...finally. Last time I was in there we finally got a new vocab list. oh but today I would have spanish but instead I'm here, home sick with pink eye.

Living_Dead_Girl on September 27, 2007, 10:17:07 AM

Living_Dead_Girl on
Living_Dead_GirlO mai, pink eye! hehe... well, I haven't missed a day of school in 3 years. Almost 4, but I was sick one day in my Freshman year.

Kupo on September 27, 2007, 11:41:06 PM

Kupo on
Kupowow. I almost never get sick, but I'll usually get a little sick and end up staying home for one or two days (always consecutive if 2) a year. Course right now I'm on my second day and then next Monday (the 8th, not the 1st) I'm gonna be in New York for a couple days, cuz my grandmother is awesome and is gonna take me since I'm turning 16. How cool is that?!

Living_Dead_Girl on September 28, 2007, 9:04:26 AM

Living_Dead_Girl on
Living_Dead_GirlWao, awsome! I'm glad your 16th birthday is gonna be good! I wanted to kill myself on my 16th birthday, so I'm relaly happy for you ^^ I'm from New York. Nice place. Lived in a nice neighborhood and everything. Well, I get the sniffles, but I never take a day off just for that. But I don't get sick... often. I don't want to jinx myself. *looks both ways* Oh, and I have 2 consecutive days also ^^ It's usually one, but they give you another day if you're an honor student.

Kupo on September 29, 2007, 2:44:21 AM

Kupo on
KupoHuh? They give you? We can have like 5 days off from each class every semester before we have to start making it up w/ Saturday school.

I just like to stay home for sniffles. My dad doesn't like to let me, but my mom always knows I'm not faking it (even if I am exagerating) and that I can handle the makeup work.

Living_Dead_Girl on September 29, 2007, 3:17:14 AM

Living_Dead_Girl on
Living_Dead_Girlhehe... well, I hate missing a day of school. I have a test almost every day, so it's not that easy to make up. We don't have Saturday school. They just make you take semester exams if you miss.

Kupo on September 29, 2007, 3:49:09 AM

Kupo on
KupoI have tests every day in Academic Decathalon but since they don't count for grades I don't have to make them up.

Huh. wait, so you don't have to take semester exams if you go to all your classes???

Living_Dead_Girl on September 29, 2007, 11:04:22 PM

Living_Dead_Girl on
Living_Dead_GirlNo, you don't. And if you're passing all your classes. If yu're failing you have to take them anyway. Academic decathalon? The heck? Is that like the president's thingy? Cos I don't have PE. They only allow you to take it in your freshman year here.

Kupo on October 2, 2007, 11:30:36 AM

Kupo on
KupoHuh? Academic Decathalon is like this thing... idk we just learn everything. Except PE lol. but everything academic and even vaguely related to the topic, which this year is the civil war, plus math. so all the causes and major battles of the civil war, reconstruction, diseases that went around and were serious problems during the civil war, music and art that was popular during the civil war, etc.

Living_Dead_Girl on October 3, 2007, 8:34:32 PM

Living_Dead_Girl on
Living_Dead_Girlhehe... I see. I'm not an expert on the Civil War. Persoanlly, I like WWII. It's just so.... depressing. And I relaly like that kind of stuff for some reason XD. It's getting hard to read these LOLZ!

Kupo on October 4, 2007, 8:38:11 AM

Kupo on
KupoI kno! Hmm I know I'll type a really long thing and it'll stretch it out =3 so smart yes yes


but so anyway, yeah that would've been a really cool one to do too, but learning the Civil War in so much detail really is interesting. Last year the topic was China, and I just can't help but wonder if that would make it more or less interesting (this is my first year to be a part of it)

Kupo on October 4, 2007, 8:39:16 AM

Kupo on
Kupolol! Never mind, definitely not smart.

Kupo on June 23, 2007, 10:40:44 AM

Kupo on
Kupopsht, as if the painting on this is any good! But thanx tho :D

Pyra_Flare on June 22, 2007, 9:37:31 AM

Pyra_Flare on
Pyra_FlareWHEEE!AwesomeAwesomeAwesome!!! ^_^ I couldn't do that on wood...and especially couldn't paint that good enough. I can never keep in the lines! ^.^'

Obsessiveotaku on February 16, 2007, 7:48:50 AM

Obsessiveotaku on

zoozoo400 on December 11, 2006, 6:04:45 AM

zoozoo400 on
zoozoo400nice ;P