OMG its me xD
OMG its me xD
OMG its me xD by Lonewolfshadowuchiha


lol couldn't resist not putting this up, this is my fave out of all of my groups Konoha High School photoshoot, this was taken before we left the house so I wasnt windsweped and soaked, since it decided to rain halfway through the shoot xD
well for those who saw my last cosplay pic on here you may now see my Face sorry if it scares, blinds and/or kills anyone xD
well for those who saw my last cosplay pic on here you may now see my Face sorry if it scares, blinds and/or kills anyone xD
General Info
General Info
Media Other digital art
Time Taken 0.32 seconds xD
Media Other digital art
Time Taken 0.32 seconds xD