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Jak, you're so dirty!

Jak, you're so dirty!

Jak, you're so dirty! by MandyPandaa
Jak, you're so dirty! by MandyPandaa


I know what you wanted to see. Perverts.<br />
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But anyways, enough with my lame little jokes. Here's a cute little Jak in a mud puddle. I guess poor kids need a form of entertainment too, huh? ^^ DUCK! *dodges*

General Info

General Info

Category Games » - All Titles » Jak & Daxter series » Jak (himself)
Date Submitted
Views 4351
Favorites... 15
Vote Score 0
Comments 29
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (29)

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cartoonfan88 on April 10, 2006, 11:30:19 PM

cartoonfan88 on
cartoonfan88Soooooooo cute

ILUVJAK on November 1, 2005, 9:40:36 AM


NEVERBENORMAL on October 27, 2005, 7:02:38 AM


*starts throwing mud at Jak*

he throws and misses so it splats on you BWA HA HA HA!!!!!!!

i luv this!!!!!! he is so cute!!!

Zero_Velocity on October 18, 2005, 3:07:32 AM

Zero_Velocity on

Mongoose on September 17, 2005, 6:24:14 AM

Mongoose on
MongooseDang perverts... Anyway, dis is funny! And your art rocks. *thumbs up*

Lychee on July 17, 2005, 12:18:18 PM

Lychee on
Lycheeyaaaay! Small small Jak! Aw i love him *cuddles small Jak* *faves*

ChibiSess on March 29, 2005, 8:09:17 AM

ChibiSess on
ChibiSessAwww... that is so cute. I'd love to spend a day with him when he was that young. I'd take pictures and sell em on eBay! Anyways, I lokve this style! He looks like a hobbit, ya know? With the big feet? ^_^

mewtwo_mew on February 15, 2005, 11:31:44 AM

mewtwo_mew on
mewtwo_mewahh i wanted well ahh soooooo cute you did it again guurrll

someone_who_dont_matter on January 11, 2005, 5:07:10 AM

someone_who_dont_matter on
someone_who_dont_matterAWWWWWWWWW that is UBER kawii!!!!

DylanSanders959 on November 29, 2004, 7:10:06 AM

DylanSanders959 on
DylanSanders959how cute ! awwwwwwww , this is soooo cool ! *favz the cute jak *

Wavemaster_Metrion on August 17, 2004, 12:03:30 AM

Wavemaster_Metrion on
Wavemaster_MetrionYay! *hops in the mudpuddle with Jak and starts a mud-throwing fight*

kenshin_freak on July 2, 2004, 5:02:27 PM

kenshin_freak on

darkdesire on June 30, 2004, 8:44:59 AM

darkdesire on
darkdesireYou know Mandy,you're right,kids need some way of entertaining themselves!I remember those days...My mom hated it but hey,it was fun!Awasome pic!You rock!!

SmmrSalsa on June 5, 2004, 8:12:42 AM

SmmrSalsa on
SmmrSalsadurty durty jak! lol very cute!!

Black_Esper on April 16, 2004, 6:42:14 PM

Black_Esper on
Black_Esper"Perverts" ? With G ? Hahaha ^^<br />
Anyway, this is really sweet. I wonder if it there was a mud fight ? ;)<br />
And for "rating too high"... Check the the "7 Stages of FanArt Madness", by SurrealSightstoBeSeen.. I know, its a nasty advertisment, but its worth the look :)<br />

ElfyGirl on April 13, 2004, 11:33:53 AM

ElfyGirl on
ElfyGirlAaawwww!!!! He's shoo kute!!! *hugs Jak* Meep! Great Job! +favs

Mariks_polerbeargirl on April 12, 2004, 5:30:00 AM

Mariks_polerbeargirl on
Mariks_polerbeargirlMud pies! *eats a mud pie* ........ Thats so cute!!!!!!!!!! XD XD XD XD XD XD

isolated_wolfess on April 9, 2004, 12:38:16 PM

isolated_wolfess on
isolated_wolfessAaaaw -grabs and snuggs- So cuute! I envy your skill!

ChibiJaime on April 9, 2004, 5:42:40 AM

ChibiJaime on
ChibiJaimeI must be the only one who knew the Kid was Jak from the get-go. I mean, it's a little kid with big blue eyes and greenish hair that doesn't speak! ^^;;<br />
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Aside from that, though... oh god, this is so cute. Lookit him all covered in mud and I love kids so much I just want to cuddle him muddy or not eeeee! ^^

Tamoko_Sanjii on April 9, 2004, 2:59:35 AM

Tamoko_Sanjii on
Tamoko_SanjiiIt's so Kawaii! -^_^- ....*looks again and squeals* AHHHHHH!!! :)

MandyPandaa on April 8, 2004, 8:50:03 AM

MandyPandaa on
MandyPandaaYeah, I considered rating it higher, just for fun, but didn't want to get too extreme. ^^(or get it rejected)

Weasel on April 8, 2004, 6:43:55 AM

Weasel on
WeaselAaaah, THAT's a keeper. *adding to faves...*

Krimzon_Yakkow026 on April 7, 2004, 6:19:46 AM

Krimzon_Yakkow026 on
Krimzon_Yakkow026omfg its the kid, i mean jak, i mean, the LITTLE D00D WITH CURLY GREEN SPURTS OF HAIR!!! omfG i loved the kid when i didn't know it was Jak, and still do! *adds to faves* WUV IT!

Hearsegurl on April 6, 2004, 11:42:20 PM

Hearsegurl on
HearsegurlI knew she'd love it! :~D

pinkgirl on April 6, 2004, 11:40:14 PM

pinkgirl on
pinkgirl*big hearts appear in eyes* OMI GOD!!! chur so coooot! ^_____^ LOVETY LOVE MAH JAKKIE!!

Silver_Charm on April 6, 2004, 9:23:55 PM

Silver_Charm on
Silver_CharmAwww! He's so CUTE!! *glomps lil Jakkie* <br />
And this is an AWESOME picture! *adds to faves*

Hearsegurl on April 6, 2004, 8:44:16 PM

Hearsegurl on
HearsegurlPinkgirl would love this pic. He's cute. Very nice drawing!

DarkDude on April 6, 2004, 6:30:09 PM

DarkDude on
DarkDudeThis is soo uberly cute!! DoMore!! DO MORE DAMMIT!!! <br />
ehehe..please? ~.^<br />

DarkDevil on April 6, 2004, 3:45:38 PM

DarkDevil on
DarkDevilHOW CUTE! ^_^