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He followed me home, can I keep him?

He followed me home, can I keep him?

He followed me home, can I keep him? by MandyPandaa
He followed me home, can I keep him? by MandyPandaa


Well, that's what Jak would say, if he could, ya know, talk.<br />
This pic has been in my head forever, finally got it onto paper. It was originally going to be me and the Swiper, but *sarcasm* I thought I hadn't put enough little Jak art up! *end sarcasm* I tried to get a more Naughty-Doggish look to it, other than my own style. I think that Jak looks the same(xP) but I really like that metal head. <br />
Swipers, if you can't tell, are the name of the metal heads you beat up on the first mission with Sig...and I think they're cute. If there's a metal head that I don't loathe, it's these. They look like kitties in the game! ^-^ So, lesson of the day...DON'T KILL SWIPERS! I don't. Unless I'm really low on skull gems. o.O;;<br />
<br />
Oh well. I still rather like this. Especially the Swiper, teehee. I tried to make Jak look pouty...but he just looks sad...AGAIN...ph33r his boring, stiff pose and COWER! X3 I don't really know who he's begging to. Kor? Samos? I dunno...=P

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Category Games » - All Titles » Jak & Daxter series » Jak 2 » Metal Heads
Date Submitted
Views 4249
Favorites... 20
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Comments (20)

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keenangel66 on August 9, 2006, 2:45:28 AM

keenangel66 on
keenangel66LOL! tht is really funny and sweet. bless him, id let him keep him.

ZidanesGirl on June 28, 2006, 5:18:01 PM

ZidanesGirl on
ZidanesGirlAwwwwwwww, that's sooooooo adorable *faves*

Jaksgirl38 on February 3, 2006, 6:26:38 AM

Jaksgirl38 on
Jaksgirl38ROTFL That's hilarious. *favs*
Just think.....If lil Jak brought it to Sandover.......
Jak: Isa metal head.
Mom: Jak, you know what I said about taking foreign animals home...
Jak: Momma, Can I PLEASE keep it??
Mom: Okay, but YOU'RE feeding it. I don't like the look its giving me.....
lol love the pic.

Light_Eco_Gal on January 4, 2006, 1:37:52 PM

Light_Eco_Gal on
Light_Eco_GalTee hee! I don't think that's the kind of "dog" you want to keep! It's a bit
Great piccy!

NEVERBENORMAL on September 18, 2005, 9:58:22 AM


Lychee on July 17, 2005, 12:20:12 PM

Lychee on
LycheeBWAHAHAHAHAA! love this! *rolls on floor laughung out real loud* Man, this is sooo funny! Love his expression! Man, this is amazing! *faves*

MidnightDreams on July 14, 2005, 11:04:07 AM

MidnightDreams on
MidnightDreamsI love this picture! But I especially like how you draw! It makes everything look soooo cute! Even the Metalhead is cute! I wanna hug it!

sooty on September 9, 2004, 4:55:18 AM

sooty on
sootyAwwwwww I luv dose metal heads their just sooooo cutE!!!!!!!!

Talin on August 18, 2004, 1:13:09 PM

Talin on
TalinAwww I'd let him keep it! Only If it's potty trained. (I don't know how big it's waste *ehem-crap* is and I dont want to find out!

Wavemaster_Metrion on August 17, 2004, 12:18:59 AM

Wavemaster_Metrion on
Wavemaster_MetrionI'll take it if he can't keep it... It's cute. XD Heck, the entire pic is cute. It followed me home, can I keep it?!?

wolf_blaze58 on July 18, 2004, 3:04:15 AM

wolf_blaze58 on
wolf_blaze58Swipers are really cute!!! I like the way you drew it.

CrimsonDrips_XX on May 14, 2004, 6:33:56 AM

CrimsonDrips_XX on
CrimsonDrips_XXawwww!!! too cute! =^.^= *favs*

Weasel on April 17, 2004, 5:57:43 AM

Weasel on's just, I wonder what people of Haven City would think:<br />
"Did that CHILD tame that Metal head?"<br />
"Aaaah! Oh my God!"<br />
Just a few I like it. *faves*

ElfyGirl on April 17, 2004, 12:12:23 AM

ElfyGirl on
ElfyGirlAaaawwww!!! that's so Kawaii!!!

MandyPandaa on April 16, 2004, 11:49:09 PM

MandyPandaa on
MandyPandaaOh, you mean the frog things? Those are kinda cute. Except when they gang up on you. o.O; They're a nice source of gems though. n.n Since there's lots.<br />
My favorite "villains" in the games are the purple lurkers. They're so funny!^^

pinkgirl on April 16, 2004, 9:19:08 PM

pinkgirl on
pinkgirllol another Jakkie boy pic. ;) I would most definatly keep the cute MH! Adorable piccie.

DarkDude on April 16, 2004, 5:04:24 PM

DarkDude on
DarkDudehaha thassoo funny +fav<br />
that's hilarious AwhHAHAHAAHAa * laughs like an idiot *<br />

Hearsegurl on April 16, 2004, 4:36:31 PM

Hearsegurl on
HearsegurlI likes this pic. Way cute!!!

DreamOfFire on April 16, 2004, 1:49:13 PM

DreamOfFire on
DreamOfFirelol!that is soooooooooo cute!^^

YoYo_Xvd93 on April 16, 2004, 1:08:11 PM

YoYo_Xvd93 on
YoYo_Xvd93CUTE!!!AND FUNNY!!! *falls on the ground and laugh hard* good pic.