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Kratos Aurion(Uncolored)

Kratos Aurion(Uncolored)

Kratos Aurion(Uncolored) by Metal_Overlord
Kratos Aurion(Uncolored) by Metal_Overlord


Kratos.<br />
<br />
'Nuff said.

General Info

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Category Games » - All Titles » Tales Of... series » Tales of Symphonia
Date Submitted
Views 3184
Favorites... 12
Vote Score 0
Comments 13
Media Unspecified
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Comments (13)

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PockyBaka on June 28, 2007, 12:14:20 PM

PockyBaka on
PockyBakalovely >w<

Lynxie on April 5, 2006, 4:47:50 AM

Lynxie on
LynxieThats awesome

Teron on February 8, 2006, 12:40:09 PM

Teron on
TeronGood gods..... so godly looking....

Kratosgirl14 on October 26, 2005, 4:09:25 AM

Kratosgirl14 on
Kratosgirl14WOW! that's smexy!

fantasygirl on September 10, 2005, 10:42:29 PM

fantasygirl on
fantasygirltwo words: HOT!!!! FAVES!!!

Jade_Dragon on August 21, 2005, 12:37:02 PM

Jade_Dragon on
Jade_Dragonyeah woo kratos is the beeeessssst but hes mine so go...umm...go drink some rat poison ^^ heehee i like that wooooooo kratos is the best yeaaaaaah ummm... and thats a GOOOD drawing of him you really captured the specialness of him (special is my nickname for him) wooooooo

fantasygirl on July 15, 2005, 7:10:35 PM

fantasygirl on
fantasygirlKratos is just soooooooo cool..
luv it

X5000PassagesX on June 28, 2005, 11:06:23 AM

X5000PassagesX on
X5000PassagesX*meep* SOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!! ... sorry but still... i wuvz kratos ^-^***

Kratos1988 on June 21, 2005, 3:31:40 AM

Kratos1988 on
Kratos1988very nice, Kratos i my fav and you did a good job drawing him.

blooangel on March 21, 2005, 11:12:08 AM

blooangel on
blooangelHe looks sad... But the pic is still prett. ^_^ Nice work. b^_^d

Yalryn on March 21, 2005, 2:44:11 AM

Yalryn on
YalrynThis is a very cool pic. This is pretty much the best Kratos pic I've seen so far. Also, do you do requests? If you do, could you do a pic of Celsius and Efreet, in one pic, and NOT have them kill each other? And if you're wondering, yes, I AM a Efreet/Celsius shipper.

MangaWhit on March 19, 2005, 3:59:59 AM

MangaWhit on
MangaWhitAAWWW! *steals Kratos and runs away* Great job on the shading! The lineart is really good too! Keep it up! ^-^