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sonally 4 eva!!!!

sonally 4 eva!!!!

sonally 4 eva!!!! by MikaRabidKitsune
sonally 4 eva!!!! by MikaRabidKitsune


This is something for Princess Sally Acorn. Cause she is a pillar in the Sally fan base! YEAY!


Actually this line work is from a hentai....(NO I AM NOT A PERVERT! I don't like hentai.)

I just re-did the whole picture and colored it in. The funny thing is Sally is not very well known in Japan, but she is pretty popular! XD!!!

By the way, Sally WAS in a Sonic game. Sonic Spinball! XD!!!

SALLY (c) SEGA, ARCHIE or Whatever...

OG line work (c) Furry Bomb #1

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Category Comics » Sonic the Hedgehog » Characters (Fanart)
Date Submitted
Views 5639
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Vote Score 9
Comments 32
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Comments (32)

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Gadoink on November 14, 2008, 11:16:33 AM

Gadoink on
GadoinkAmy: SONIC! NO!!!!!!!!! *strangles Sally*
Sonic: Thanks Amy you rescued me, she had me trapped! Thanks for saving me! *kisses Amy*

That is what SHOULD have happened.

MikaRabidKitsune on November 23, 2008, 4:01:21 PM

MikaRabidKitsune on
MikaRabidKitsuneHey, Sonamy fan?
Be more respectable to other's art. Kay? Thanks, bye!

lazertails on March 4, 2008, 10:33:59 AM

lazertails on
lazertailsu got this pic off of furry bomb
cause this pic is on there
but this is great anyway ^^

MikaRabidKitsune on November 23, 2008, 4:02:12 PM

MikaRabidKitsune on
MikaRabidKitsuneOf Course! Didn't you read the artist comments, dear?

bergman_joe on April 11, 2008, 3:24:07 AM

bergman_joe on
bergman_joeSonSal for the win!

Nemmer on July 22, 2007, 9:58:52 PM

Nemmer on
NemmerWoo yaeh sonic and sal forever! Amy can kiss sally arse. Lord Amy sucks! *favs*

QuanticChaos1000 on February 16, 2007, 9:43:44 AM

QuanticChaos1000 on
QuanticChaos1000This is such a nice picture!
I too find the Sonic Sally relationship to feel more right than Sonic and Amy, besides Amy is quite a few years younger than Sonic and Sally is the same age!
I wish they would have had Sally in the Sonic X series, I think it would have been a good thing to do.

FTCSS on October 15, 2006, 11:15:54 AM

FTCSShey can I use this pic as my avatar plz!?

MikaRabidKitsune on February 3, 2007, 2:29:29 AM

MikaRabidKitsune on
MikaRabidKitsuneSure you can!

Melvintomm on December 18, 2006, 4:12:42 AM

Melvintomm on
MelvintommSONIC AND SALLY 4-EVA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Melvintomm on December 18, 2006, 4:12:03 AM

Melvintomm on
MelvintommSONIC AND SALLY 4-EVA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WhiteLighting681 on November 3, 2006, 6:37:36 AM

WhiteLighting681 on
WhiteLighting681Faves, I love Sonally!!!

FTCSS on October 15, 2006, 11:12:23 AM

FTCSS4 eva!!!nice pic!I love it!

nextguardian on October 1, 2006, 10:26:52 AM

nextguardian on
nextguardianAwesome, great to see Sonic X Sally anytime!

Fuzzball96 on September 29, 2006, 2:11:59 PM

Fuzzball96 on
Fuzzball96mika that loveanimegirl comment was me cuz i didnt have an account back then

yujinakasgirl on September 26, 2006, 9:50:29 AM

yujinakasgirl on

bergman_joe on September 7, 2006, 3:27:18 AM

bergman_joe on
bergman_joe1. Sonic is annoyed by Amy, whereas Amy tries to get Sonic to notice her
2. Sonic and Sally have had an off/on relationship that is rooted in television and comic history (SatAM & Archie, respectively)
3. Sonic & Sally were nearly married at one point, so in the comics/toon world, species--let alone gender--doesn't matter

loveanimegirl on July 4, 2006, 4:47:49 AM

loveanimegirl on
loveanimegirlGO SALLY! Hey zetalover, how many times has Amy and Sonic kissed? Like, once? In almost episode Sally kisses Sonic, and in one episode they made out! Sally was there first. And jaideanna, it doesnt matter if amys a hedgehog. I've got a wolf to like her. I agree with Pyrafox (definatly) and Xander00. SONALLY 4EVER!!!!!!!

MikaRabidKitsune on August 12, 2006, 7:35:05 AM

MikaRabidKitsune on
MikaRabidKitsuneLMAO!!! Thankx! ^^

ScratchTheFox on August 12, 2006, 7:08:22 AM

ScratchTheFox on
ScratchTheFoxThere are a number of storylines in the Sonic games and shows, and either couple is perfectly right.

Cute pic you chose, nice coloring!

amylaine500 on July 28, 2006, 3:45:44 AM

amylaine500 on
amylaine500im not a sonic sally fan im a sonic amy fan but it's still a good pic!^^

FlameTheHedgehog on July 7, 2006, 6:14:33 PM

FlameTheHedgehog on
FlameTheHedgehogI dont want Sally to go away but i just like Sonamy better

zetalover on June 26, 2006, 5:07:19 PM

zetalover on
zetalovergo away sally! amy and sonic are better!

DaWolff on June 25, 2006, 11:13:55 PM

DaWolff on
DaWolffthat's very well drawn, even i don't support that couple :)

Xander00 on May 16, 2006, 1:10:17 AM

Xander00 on
Xander00This is great! Sonic and Sally 4 EVER!!! These two are fianced and no-one seems to get that through thier heads...
Well, that's me.

Pyrafox on May 13, 2006, 9:18:48 AM

Pyrafox on
PyrafoxYeah! Sally is so much better than gay ol' Amy and even gayer Mina. *ties Mina and Amy to rocket ship and sends them into space*

Violet_Rose on May 13, 2006, 8:19:44 AM

Violet_Rose on
Violet_RoseOMG! This is so good, keep it up! ^0^ *Favs*

Ranger on May 13, 2006, 7:15:40 AM

Ranger on
RangerVery cool. Like the looks on their faces. Keep up the great work. Presents medal.

jaideanna on May 12, 2006, 11:27:07 PM

jaideanna on
jaideannaOh..Good Job!I dont now wich to pick for Sonic cause Amys a hedgehog but Sally was there frist.

XenoNinja on May 12, 2006, 10:42:46 PM

XenoNinja on
XenoNinjaI am not worthy 0.0

Winter_wolf on May 12, 2006, 8:41:34 PM

Winter_wolf on
Winter_wolfWOOOWW O_O LOVE IT!!^_^
So well done!! :O FAVS!!* keep up the good work!