Moonwalker82958 vs Shirtless Wonder
Moonwalker82958 vs Shirtless Wonder
Moonwalker82958 vs Shirtless Wonder by MoonWalker82958


YAY I updated!!! :-D
Ok. There's this annoying idiot Austin that has a split personality. He has drug, weed, tobacco, and alcohol problems. (go figure)
His nick name is Shirtless Wonder. We've been having a conflict with eachother for quite some time and I was bored, so I wanted to describe it in art. Exept for that one time when he was high he kept on sweet talking me.. o.O;; he either wanted to kiss me or kreep me out. I think it was both at the time.
Anywayz, I got a couple other drawings to upload, lol my computer's allowing me to do things I havent' been able to do in a YEAR. I'm so happy. It sucks tho wit' the fact I have trouble getting online half of the time. oh well. comments plzzz
Ok. There's this annoying idiot Austin that has a split personality. He has drug, weed, tobacco, and alcohol problems. (go figure)
His nick name is Shirtless Wonder. We've been having a conflict with eachother for quite some time and I was bored, so I wanted to describe it in art. Exept for that one time when he was high he kept on sweet talking me.. o.O;; he either wanted to kiss me or kreep me out. I think it was both at the time.
Anywayz, I got a couple other drawings to upload, lol my computer's allowing me to do things I havent' been able to do in a YEAR. I'm so happy. It sucks tho wit' the fact I have trouble getting online half of the time. oh well. comments plzzz
General Info
General Info
Media Graphite pencil
Time Taken I dunno, half hour in reading class
Reference BLAH.
Media Graphite pencil
Time Taken I dunno, half hour in reading class
Reference BLAH.
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MoonWalker82958 on September 29, 2006, 7:33:46 PM
precurser_stone on October 3, 2006, 12:22:42 PM
carmen002 on October 1, 2006, 8:12:02 AM
carmen002 on
MoonWalker82958 on October 2, 2006, 10:24:48 AM
Light_Eco_Gal on September 28, 2006, 3:35:51 PM
carmen002 on September 28, 2006, 2:04:09 AM
carmen002 on
carmen002 on September 27, 2006, 8:12:51 AM
carmen002 on
Me and shirtless wonder: :: fists are up::
Shirtless Wonder: x.X
Me: :: whacks him again:: THAT'S FOR BEING A BIG LIE.
Shirtless Wonder: :: swings but misses::
Me: :: catches Shirtless Wonder in a neck brace and hits his head not too hard it would hurt him:: THAT was for getting drunk. :-P
Shirtless Wonder: ...?
Me: I dunno. I don't hate anyone, so that means I don't nessisarily hate-
Michael Jackson: :: raises my hand up into the air:: Angela is the winner!! :-D
Me: o.O Where'd you come from Mike?!
Michael Jackson: :: laughs :: I dunno. I pop up randomly. :: suddenly disapears before everyone's eyes::
Me and shirtless wonder: ::stare at eachother dumbly, then pass out::