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"Hello old friend..." [Dragon and Lycan.]

"Hello old friend..." [Dragon and Lycan.]

"Hello old friend..." [Dragon and Lycan.] by Nakao
"Hello old friend..." [Dragon and Lycan.] by Nakao


:p Third time's the carm I always say. x.x; This picture's been rejected like... Twice, because I was being dumb and clueless. Like I always am. :p Ah well, hope you enjoy it... One of my first stabs at true 'fantasy' art.<br />
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And yeah... I might try to color this'un tew.<br />
<br />
[Characters (c) Me.]

General Info

General Info

Category Fantasy
Date Submitted
Views 11235
Favorites... 27
Vote Score 1
Comments 35
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (35)

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Sterilite_Wolf on March 14, 2006, 8:10:31 AM

Sterilite_Wolf on
Sterilite_WolfHey there. thats awsome :) i really like your line worm and your characters look cool. Excelent job :)

DarkCrowsCalling on February 26, 2006, 5:54:49 AM

DarkCrowsCalling on
DarkCrowsCallingI really like it. ADDED TO FAVES!

ArabianFox on February 20, 2006, 1:08:26 AM

ArabianFox on
ArabianFoxDefinetely color it; I don't see how anyone could reject this. This is a wonderful, quizzical piece of work. Excellent job. (gives artist a taco. Wanders off)

sernina on February 3, 2006, 5:01:55 AM

sernina on
serninaI just went on the fantasy menu and this is the first piccy i clicked on... IT ROCKS! WHOEVER REJECTED IT MUST BE CRAZY!¬I LOOOOOOOVE IT! FAVS NOW!

ShadowKnightgirl on December 25, 2005, 1:12:41 PM

ShadowKnightgirl on

BlackHorse9231 on December 18, 2005, 5:45:05 AM

BlackHorse9231 on
BlackHorse9231That is cool.I think it is funny to in a why.

DarkDragon11 on November 17, 2005, 9:28:41 AM

DarkDragon11 on
DarkDragon11Thats good!

Kate-Sama on September 9, 2005, 11:08:52 PM

Kate-Sama on
Kate-SamaIf you are not a fmous,world renowned arust,who is sorrounded by fans and papporazzis,then I don't know why in the seven hells you wouldn't,or couldn't bnecome one!THIS IS AMAZING,honestly,you should call some authors,and tell them hwo good you are!YOU CAN ILLUSTRATE THEIR BOOK COVERS! >.< Or..Make your own chain of neverending fanasty art..I'm sure that would make us all happy..But anyways,AMAZING,FANTASIC WORK!PLEASE,KEEP IT UP!

SilverWyvern on September 7, 2005, 8:41:22 AM

SilverWyvern on
SilverWyvernWOW!!! LEET!! Keep it up! *faves*

TornLover on June 24, 2005, 6:31:26 AM

TornLover on
TornLoverunbeleiveable... blackwolf is right it DOES look like from a fairy tale book. Kinda like in the chronicles of narnia.. (which im currently reading) Wonderful! Two thumbs way way up!

loveangel1988 on June 3, 2005, 7:47:19 PM

loveangel1988 on
loveangel1988WoW,awesome,incredible..there aren't enough words..

k_dude88 on May 2, 2005, 8:53:52 AM

k_dude88 on
k_dude88Wow!(5 ys. latr still saying wow) I'll give you a cookie*stuffs cookie in mouth*

dj_gamer_girl on April 26, 2005, 4:32:02 PM

dj_gamer_girl on
dj_gamer_girlomg thats freakin GOOD

Griggsy on February 21, 2005, 11:24:04 PM

Griggsy on
Griggsyi dunno its kinda odd theres the werewolf then theres a random arm poking up cud be better but i love the simba esque werewolf tis gigglesome

Silvanis on January 16, 2005, 8:50:34 AM

Silvanis on
SilvanisWHOOOOO! I like a lot a lot a lot! I luuuuuuuv the lycan! *hugs lycan and dragon* Fave time! ^_^

Moon_Bind on January 15, 2005, 1:11:12 AM

Moon_Bind on
Moon_BindI realy like the eyes and the expretings they have, even though the dragon looks like it's looking up or to nowere in particular. Besides that, not much can't be understand in the picture. I think that it could have a bit more shading. That black thing in the background doesn't look much like something, so I'm assuming that it's a hill.
The image is very detailed and it feels that it comes from old times. It's very good.

psychofurbyowner on December 30, 2004, 8:50:31 AM

psychofurbyowner on
psychofurbyownerI love it! It took me a while to realize what the dragon was since it kinda blends with the rock. Awesome illusion!

Black-Bird on December 26, 2004, 12:17:51 PM

Black-Bird on
Black-BirdI guess I'm not the first person to think this looks great.

Asil on October 8, 2004, 9:27:59 AM

Asil on
Asilwow this is realy good.. the one on the rite kinda reminds me of the lion king guy haha

Shadow on August 19, 2004, 8:09:51 AM

Shadow on

Dragon_Lord on August 16, 2004, 6:16:02 AM

Dragon_Lord on
Dragon_Lord...omg... wow, i love this. its amazing. favs

sooty on July 28, 2004, 3:26:42 PM

sooty on
sootyAWSOME!!!!!! the dragon is sooooooo cute and Lycan looks really cool. This is so going strait to favs.

Pegasus_iz_myne on July 27, 2004, 11:56:17 AM

Pegasus_iz_myne on
Pegasus_iz_myneI LOOOOOOVE THE DRAGON. And I agree with lola and thesilentloudmouth, the lycan DOES look like a cartoon comepared to the dragon. Cool paper or whatever you did that on. I think it would be cool with more color and shade. But either ways...VERY GOOD! WOW! O.o

thesilentloudmouth on July 22, 2004, 1:51:51 PM

thesilentloudmouth on
thesilentloudmouthI love the dragon but I agree with lola, the Lycan looks like a cartoon compared to the dragon...

Lola_ice_queen on July 17, 2004, 12:22:35 AM

Lola_ice_queen on
Lola_ice_queenhow come the lycan looks like a cartoon, the dragon is awsome but the lycan looks like it is from a childs comic, other wise very nice

Hieis_Evangelize_Angel on July 15, 2004, 2:16:52 AM

Hieis_Evangelize_Angel on
Hieis_Evangelize_Angel... I... I WANT TO DRAW LIKE THAT!!! THATS INCREDIBLE!!! WAHHHHHHHHH I WANT TO DRAW LIKE THAT!!! Adds you to Author Favs.

wolf_blaze58 on July 12, 2004, 11:17:17 AM

wolf_blaze58 on
wolf_blaze58and i thought I drew detailed..and good you're great at drawing fantasy!! Keep it up!

starfire_fanatic on July 7, 2004, 12:16:34 PM

starfire_fanatic on
starfire_fanatic...i..can't..speak...grr i envy you. that is sooo kewl! i love dragons and it is so detailed! you should color it just to see what it would look like

sai on July 2, 2004, 8:51:12 PM

sai on
saiit's cool! color it! :D

Rei-chan on June 8, 2004, 1:12:24 PM

Rei-chan on
Rei-chanwhew...really startles me...detailed pic!way to go!!!cool..

Rei-chan on June 8, 2004, 1:12:05 PM

Rei-chan on
Rei-chanwhew...really startles me...detailed pic!way to go!!!cool..

Dragga_Ryuu on May 24, 2004, 1:10:24 PM

Dragga_Ryuu on
Dragga_RyuuIs the Lycan nervous? Why? Most of the canines I know aren't afraid of dragons. Or is he just waving in a strange manner to which I'm not acustomed?

Capricorn on April 23, 2004, 1:56:10 PM

Capricorn on
CapricornTHAT'S SO COOLZ! You need more comments on this! AWESOME! Great job! *ads to faves*

BlackWolf on April 20, 2004, 10:26:21 AM

BlackWolf on
BlackWolfi like this pic. it almost reminds of an illistration that would be found inside a fairy tale book. ^^ really neat. [and no one comments?! -.-']

DreamOfFire on April 13, 2004, 1:56:30 PM

DreamOfFire on