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The Gift

The Gift

The Gift by Nanda
The Gift by Nanda


My very first piece of Inuyasha fanart EVER. ^_^ *pats Inuyasha on the head* We've come a long way, baby.

General Info

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Category Anime/Manga » Inu-Yasha series
Date Submitted
Views 5117
Favorites... 34
Vote Score 0
Comments 21
Media Unspecified
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Comments (21)

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PrincessYukiko on September 25, 2006, 3:44:26 PM

PrincessYukiko on
PrincessYukikoawwww so sweet yet tragic! :P :)can u do one of inuyasha meeting ranma somehow? pleeeeeaseee!

Misachi-Chan on May 30, 2006, 2:22:57 PM

Misachi-Chan on
Misachi-ChanThis reminds me of a movie or something...  Man buys wife combs for her hair by selling his watch, she buys him a chain for his watch by selling her hair...  kinda depressing.

AvaYasha on December 30, 2005, 5:15:33 PM

AvaYasha on
AvaYashaits so well done!!!most of the other series are not like that!
its so good! FAVS

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on October 30, 2005, 1:03:55 AM

Tuxedo_Mini_Mask on
Tuxedo_Mini_Maskfavs and show them kiss lol

Enju on July 31, 2005, 4:13:46 AM

Enju on
EnjuYAY Sesshy!

theGhostofInuYasha on July 20, 2005, 8:25:39 AM

theGhostofInuYasha on
theGhostofInuYashaLoL! That is so funny! I laughed so hard I fell over! ^_^

lovagirlalot on June 16, 2005, 11:59:23 AM

lovagirlalot on
lovagirlalotThey in some deep s**t. this is a funny drawing.

MoonDreamer on May 28, 2005, 12:18:59 PM

MoonDreamer on
MoonDreamerLOL!! ha that was great..

vam-girl on February 1, 2005, 10:17:03 AM

vam-girl on
vam-girlthats funny!!! and well drawn!!

Anonymous_Chick on September 2, 2004, 1:33:17 AM

Anonymous_Chick on
Anonymous_ChickGOD I LOVE THAT!!

ChibiKioko1345 on August 29, 2004, 3:00:44 PM

ChibiKioko1345 on
ChibiKioko1345heyyy...thats right!! i had to read that story in my Literature class! heh...o.O anyway, this was so funny <3 i loved it

Angie-chan on May 1, 2004, 2:40:19 PM

Angie-chan on
Angie-chanHaha, that's cute.

scorpioserpent on April 18, 2004, 2:30:01 PM

scorpioserpent on
scorpioserpentLMAO!!! That's really cute and funny!

Nanda on April 8, 2004, 11:37:15 PM

Nanda on
NandaYes, I was aware of that fact. That's why the title is "The Gift," a take-off of "The Gift of the Magi." It's a little homage. ^_^

Kit_wit_issues on April 8, 2004, 3:05:05 PM

Kit_wit_issues on
Kit_wit_issuesi dont know if you know this or not, but this consept came from a story called "The gift of the maji(sp?)"

AngelKagome on March 30, 2004, 7:11:02 AM

AngelKagome on

DarkDevil on March 13, 2004, 11:02:56 AM

DarkDevil on
DarkDevilhahahahahahahahahahahahahaha fuuny great work

Mouse-chan on March 12, 2004, 9:05:36 AM

Mouse-chan on
Mouse-chanLOL! That's funny! Nice work.

Mangolious_kiwi on March 10, 2004, 11:12:56 PM

Mangolious_kiwi on
Mangolious_kiwiLol! That's cute! ^_^

DreamOfFire on March 10, 2004, 5:21:00 PM

DreamOfFire on
LOL,that's too good!*laughs untill choking,then runs to find a glass of water*

Raymei on March 10, 2004, 4:00:39 PM

Raymei on
RaymeiLOL<br />
classic n.n