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I-no must die

I-no must die

I-no must die by Nyah
I-no must die by Nyah


GGXX OWNEZ its so addictive. My fav characters are Testament, Venom, Zappa and Zato but I also like Ky and argh they’re all cool. Anywayz pic I did and then decided to CG it in cel style*suckz at cel style* <br />
Whoo lots o charas it was hard cos I kept on having to add ppl that showed up in I-no’s story or she showed up in theirs. I-no is such a pain to fight she keeps using this attack that almost kills you in one go!! So that is why she must die and that is why I dun like her much. I might post some Testament pics later.

General Info

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Category Games » - by Genre » - Fighting games » Guilty Gear series
Date Submitted
Views 8332
Favorites... 47
Vote Score 1
Comments 29
Media Unspecified
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Comments (29)

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OlinaChan on February 21, 2008, 3:51:20 AM

OlinaChan on

oujo on April 17, 2006, 6:56:21 AM

oujo on
oujoI like the zappa.

TigerLillie on March 13, 2006, 4:29:40 PM

TigerLillie on
TigerLillieI love the girls out fit I did'nt say much because in'm in a bit of a rush

VincentMeadow on February 14, 2006, 6:25:31 AM

VincentMeadow on
VincentMeadowHey! I was writing a fanfic about Guilty Gear, and I had written a chapter of I-No, and in the chapter I-No was being chased by all the charcters there cause she pissed them off and stuff. so. yeah. I had no idea that there was a drawing of this, it reminded me of the chapter I just did! heheheh. I really like your drawing because of that. So Im gonna fave this, also to please read that chapter, its humor and general story, and its rated mature for safety and funnies, PLEASE READ THAT CHAPTER! You dont need to read it if you dont like the thought that its rated mature tho. BUT PLEASE READ! Heres the link here, and find my story "Funny With GG"!
Tell me what you think afterwards. Please?

chibi_kitsune on November 24, 2005, 9:09:46 AM

chibi_kitsune on
chibi_kitsuneoh its so cute!!!!

MageKnight007 on November 21, 2005, 3:13:29 AM

MageKnight007 on
MageKnight007Awesome pic!

CN5 on June 17, 2005, 11:56:28 AM

CN5 on
CN5haha cuteness! i've gotta rent that game sometime...Maybe Ashley will rent it...THIS JUST IN!!!!!!! ASHLEY IS JOINING FAC!!!!!!!! GOD I'M DEAD!!!! lol just kiddin she's my BFF...she would have joined earlier but her computer kicked her off...stoopid computer!

Sesshomaru1111 on May 21, 2005, 10:24:31 AM

Sesshomaru1111 on
Sesshomaru1111I-NO!!!!!! she's my fav!!!

AsakuraElysia on April 30, 2005, 8:24:54 AM

AsakuraElysia on
AsakuraElysiaKAWAII!! Awesome!!

Nyah on August 28, 2004, 5:31:36 AM

Nyah on
NyahOH no wait you mean Zappa I love him to bits he's right at the top flailing his arms about or summat.

Nyah on August 28, 2004, 5:29:44 AM

Nyah on
Nyahyou mean Eddie/Zato? He's the one with his back turned and the sweatdrop. I love Eddie X3 Takehito Koyasu has the damn sexiest voice ever.

FoX on August 1, 2004, 3:54:47 AM

FoX on
FoXhehe lol but nice pic :)

Kilala813 on July 29, 2004, 12:33:50 AM

Kilala813 on
Kilala813I rarely EVER post comments. (since I'm so lazy) but this is so kawaii! Personally I like I No. But maybe that's just me. Props to youmy friend. Props....

shadowchild on June 26, 2004, 8:46:43 AM

shadowchild on
shadowchildyup, she did that attack on me!!! GAwd!!! i could never defeat her!!! the same with Jonnnhy!!! he did that attack on TEstament that killed me in one shot!!! can you draw me a Johnny must die!!!!

Kouji on May 8, 2004, 4:25:18 AM

Kouji on
Koujiaww how adorable it must've been a pain to draw all the little characters great job with the cell shadin tho

EccentricSage on February 24, 2004, 2:59:58 PM

EccentricSage on
EccentricSageYep. I-no realy must die...moreso because I hate her than anything else. Maybe Testiment could take care of that some day? Heh...I can only imagine her reaction to his Instant Kill atack...LOL Now I've got to draw that! ^-^<br />
<br />
I especialy like how Axle turned out in that one. He's such a cute character.

Mechpencil on February 21, 2004, 1:55:57 PM

Mechpencil on
MechpencilLOL! I love it you have Slayer in there! May too. XD

Missy-chan on February 11, 2004, 7:04:46 AM

Missy-chan on
Missy-chanlol, this is da coolest! lol

Lily_Carroll on January 25, 2004, 12:08:33 PM

Lily_Carroll on
Lily_CarrollIts cool! its Cute^^

Kachi on January 5, 2004, 5:51:53 PM

Kachi on
Kachi*grins* This is great, I love all their expressions (although I think I like Anji's and Dizzy's best :) ). The tiny Faust in the very background is absolutely adorable, I'd hug him if I didn't think I'd lose something vital...<br />
*giggles* Millia's hair and face are awesome.

blackwings on December 11, 2003, 5:57:20 PM

blackwings on
blackwingsROFL!!! this pic is so cute!!!! i love all the different expressions that fit all the different GGX characters! and you have great details of their outfits!

Kitsune-Namiko on November 28, 2003, 7:41:20 AM

Kitsune-Namiko on

Mookyvet on November 3, 2003, 6:14:41 AM

Mookyvet on
MookyvetXD Aha...Omg...XDD That's just fabulous! I LOVE the coloring! *squeaaaaal* ^^; Faust looks so nifty back there. XD The Baiken Chibi is great, though. *glomps!* This is definitely a favorite of mine. Mmhm, It is.

blackwings on October 26, 2003, 2:13:53 PM

blackwings on
blackwingsROFL!!!! so funny!!!! kawaii chibis!

Angel_Kairi on October 14, 2003, 5:33:34 PM

Angel_Kairi on
Angel_Kairihey i love that piccie!! *saves 2 fave* and i love that game ^^

Slot on October 14, 2003, 4:25:02 PM

Slot on
Slotvery very very good

Nyah on October 14, 2003, 2:56:59 PM

Nyah on
NyahWow my first comment thanx ^_^

DarkAnGel on October 14, 2003, 2:44:54 PM

DarkAnGel on
DarkAnGelthats really really kewl!