Draco's "nightmare" (REMAKE!)
Draco's "nightmare" (REMAKE!)
Draco's "nightmare" (REMAKE!) by OneWhoSitsWithTurtles


Well....IDK if you can read it lols. But yea it's a re-make of something I did last year. I just wanted to see how much I've improves. Quite a damn lot, I'd say. What do you think? The link to the other one can be found here:http://www.fanart-central.net/pic-320902.html
Let me know how much you think I've improved, ya?
put in mild sexual content for all you lovely prudes out there who think that his implications are wrong.
Let me know how much you think I've improved, ya?
put in mild sexual content for all you lovely prudes out there who think that his implications are wrong.
General Info
General Info
Media Graphite pencil
Time Taken Like....half an hour...only coz I kept stopping XD
Reference o.O None...
Media Graphite pencil
Time Taken Like....half an hour...only coz I kept stopping XD
Reference o.O None...