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Schematics by Oricalcoss
Schematics by Oricalcoss


Elco from the videogame Sudeki.
Elco has always been one of my favorites to play as in the game. He can fly. :3
I had trouble thinking of a pose to have him in, he's often working on his machine, or running amuck with the others, blasting away all in his path. But I thought that perhaps something on the more relaxed side would work best with him. Even though he doesn't look too relaxed. He looks angry because he's squinting, and he's squinting because he isn't wearing his glasses. They got smudged and now he's cleaning them off. :3
I used the same combo of colored crayons and colored pencils to color it, once again tuscan red being my star player. It just looks so nice. ^^

One last thing: I prefer comments without faves than faves without comments. PLEASE tell me what you think!

Elco is (C) to Sudeki.
Sudeki is (C) to Microsoft.

General Info

General Info

Category Games » - Other Game Not Listed
Date Submitted
Views 734
Favorites... 1
Vote Score 4
Comments 13
Media Colored Pencil / Crayon
Time Taken 6 & 1/2 hours!
Reference My Bwain, other referances.


Comments (13)

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kittyGurl_6 on August 15, 2010, 6:05:14 PM

kittyGurl_6 on
kittyGurl_6I'm just gonna go with the first things that I notice lol
1: slanted picture? that was my first thought, kind of a weird critique, but the entire picture does look like you drew it from a slight angle this time. Just try to be more aware of that I guess?
2: the colors are throwing me off. They aren't that appealing to the eye (well, my eye) I'm not sure if that's how it looked in the game, but a lighter wall color would have really made the floor pop instead of being this mass of red/brown that kind of blends with his skin tone

and that's all I've got. Great work! I can't wait to see the others :3

Oricalcoss on August 16, 2010, 2:45:37 AM

Oricalcoss on
OricalcossI LIKE RED.
And as I say, it deffinately looks better in person.
You know me and how I constantly turn the paper while I draw. If the paper were ever bolted down to where I couldn't move it, I'd move the desk. :3
Thanks for the critique. It really helps. :3

kittyGurl_6 on August 16, 2010, 3:56:59 AM

kittyGurl_6 on
kittyGurl_6haha yeah I remember that. Remember how slanted they used to be? oh man.
and you're welcome ;)

random_guy2 on August 15, 2010, 10:14:21 AM

random_guy2 on
random_guy2Quick, get him while his defenses are down! Haha. The glasses and parchments are really a nice touch. I like the look on his face and that you went for a more laid-back pose rather than some kind of battle. His prosthetic arm has great detail and coloring, but his right arm seems a bit off. It should be shorter I think. Oh, and I like the fence in the background. Another lovely picture.

Nice title, by the way. :-p

Oricalcoss on August 15, 2010, 11:28:49 AM

Oricalcoss on
OricalcossWhat to you mean "Nice title"?! Are you dissing me!? Whoa dude. DON'T FREAK OUT!

I admit his arm does look a tad off, but that was the best I could do. I told you that. Ha ha I thought that I would continue the laidbackitude. (Oh yeah, wordsmith) Since Tal and Ailish were so cool, why would Elco freak out? Ha ha ha
Thanks for the com man. :3

random_guy2 on August 15, 2010, 11:30:31 AM

random_guy2 on
random_guy2You're totally stealin' all my words bro. Schematics, wordsmith... c'mon bro. :D

Oricalcoss on August 15, 2010, 11:34:32 AM

Oricalcoss on
OricalcossHey homes, I ain't done nuthin'. It was awll in ma head 'fore we even spoke.

random_guy2 on August 15, 2010, 11:36:54 AM

random_guy2 on
random_guy2Sure thang.

Dementor on August 15, 2010, 10:06:22 AM

Dementor on
DementorVery nice very nice. ^^ Dudes with glasses are always cool. ^~ I love the shading and all the little details you put down. So much effort and the outcome is always fantastic. You're always better at drawing backgrounds then me. (i just don't do them altogether) I don't see much to be fixed in this magnificent picture. ^^
Oh and you should later draw all the people in like battle poses or something. That'd be cool. ^^


Oricalcoss on August 15, 2010, 11:25:27 AM

Oricalcoss on
OricalcossThanks. I try to do the backgrounds because I'm starting to hate when the people are floating in space. :3 I may do something like that, but I still have five characters to go! AGH!
Thanks again. ^~

random_guy2 on August 15, 2010, 10:16:23 AM

random_guy2 on
random_guy2Darnit, you beat me to this one!

Dementor on August 15, 2010, 10:49:59 AM

Dementor on
DementorOh yeah in your FACE!!!!!!!!!


random_guy2 on August 15, 2010, 10:51:17 AM

random_guy2 on