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The Last Good Soldier

The Last Good Soldier

The Last Good Soldier by Oricalcoss
The Last Good Soldier by Oricalcoss


Kazel from the videogame Sudeki.
Kazel is the Aklorian counterpart of Tal, or, as they say in the game, his "darkself." Kazel is one of the very few sane soldiers left loyal to Akloria. The remainder of the soldiers were driven insane by the lack of sunlight.
Kazel's pose came to me really quickly, so he was the first of the other four I drew. The pose is a new one for me and may look a tad hinkey, so please, be kind. :3
There are no referances in existance (that I know of) online where I could find his oufit design, so I had to turn on the game itself and sit there in front of it and draw him directly from the game. It was really hard to convert 3D to 2D (or at least it was for me.), but I managed it eventually.
I'm really proud of how his sword came out, even thought I had a referance for it, I drew it from the game and it turned out spectacularly. I also like his shoes. I'd wear those. :3
I colored with colored pencils (no crayons this time) and had to use extra effects to make the rest of the picture dark. It worked fairly well.
Hope you like it!

One last thing: I prefer comments without faves than faves without comments. PLEASE tell me what you think.

Kazel is (C) to Sudeki.
Sudeki is (C) to Mircosoft.

General Info

General Info

Category Games » - Other Game Not Listed
Date Submitted
Views 891
Favorites... 2
Vote Score 3
Comments 10
Media Colored Pencil / Crayon
Time Taken 2-3 Hours
Reference My Bwain, other referances.


Comments (10)

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luckylace222 on September 3, 2010, 2:33:55 PM

luckylace222 on
luckylace222What a fanccyyy swooorrrdddd~

Nice coloring! It seems abnormally dark though. ;P

Oricalcoss on September 7, 2010, 10:28:45 AM

Oricalcoss on
OricalcossThank you. I like his sword very much as well. The picture is intentionally dark, I used extra effects to make it darker to suggest that the picture had more of a nighttime setting.

Thank you for the comment! :3

random_guy2 on August 22, 2010, 4:01:44 PM

random_guy2 on
random_guy2This one is great too. The pose is really awesome, it looks so natural. I can see someone sitting like that in real life. His expression is wonderful too, he looks weary and a little tired but like he won't give up, even if he has to pull himself up with his sword. The hand resting on the sword's hilt really adds to that. His left eye does look a little slanted, though. The background is good, not as big or detailed as Alexine's but still good. The little things like the roots/vines on the crumbling pillars and the little bits of grass growing from between the stones give me a feel for Akloria. I can just imagine how desecrated it is. The details on his greaves and boots is great, the gold is a nice contrast to all of the dark colors.

random_guy2 on August 22, 2010, 4:03:24 PM

random_guy2 on
random_guy2Bleh, hit Submit too soon. Stupid phone...

Anyways, amazing picture. It is really nice to see the counterparts to Tal and his warm, fuzzy companions. Can't wait to see the rest of them!

Oricalcoss on August 23, 2010, 12:29:30 PM

Oricalcoss on
OricalcossThanks man! It's great to hear/read (:p) your coms.
I'm glad that you like it, as well as noticing all the little details I added to make it look extra miserable. I guess it helps that I told you those little bits sbout the game. Ha ha ha.
Thanks again, and also: "warm, fuzzy companions" killed me, I was laughing so hard that my parents thought I was crazy (in a 'we need to send that girl to a mental institution' kind of way. :3 ).

random_guy2 on August 23, 2010, 12:36:05 PM

random_guy2 on
random_guy2You're welcome! Looking for the details and commenting on 'em is fun.
Glad I could make you laugh.

Oricalcoss on August 23, 2010, 12:38:11 PM

Oricalcoss on
Oricalcoss*magnifying glass* Fun indeed.
Y'always make me laugh bro. . . . which makes me look a little like a psychopath. :p Ha ha ha ha ha

random_guy2 on August 23, 2010, 12:47:34 PM

random_guy2 on
random_guy2Well, you have those pills to help you out. ;)

Dementor on August 22, 2010, 3:44:47 PM

Dementor on
DementorAh so I see you actually intentionally made it dark. Please disregard the part in the comment on the last pic about the darkness. ^~ I really like this one. So far it's my fav out of the darkselfs. ^~ Those shoes are fantastic and his armor looks perfect. I love the shading of the hair. ^~ I don't know why it's my fav part of the whole pic. GREAT JOB AND KEEP IT UP BABY ONLY TWO LEFT!!!!!!!!

Favs ^_^

Oricalcoss on August 23, 2010, 12:11:16 PM

Oricalcoss on
OricalcossThanks. I'm glad you like it. I'm surprised that he's your favorite so far, honestly, I thought Alexine was much better. But I'm glad Kazel gets some love.
I am also very glad that you noticed his hair. It may not seem like it took much effort, but all of my greys were failing (to epic proportions) so I had to use black . . . but it turned out nice! :3
Thanks for the com babe!