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Can I Love You Now?

Can I Love You Now?

Can I Love You Now? by PataPata
Can I Love You Now? by PataPata


There's an episode in Lovers in Paris where Ki-joo sings to Tae-Young. The song (Sa Rang Hae Do Dwel Gga Yo [Can I Love You Now] - Park-shing Yang) made me happy so I wanted to draw a picture that went with the song. What a better couple than Jun and Bailong? They're practically canon. <3 I'd love to see more of this couple, hehe.

By the way, I know Bailong's supposed to be 4870609680948609376093 times taller than Jun, but I wanted to keep the mood consistent by keeping his face hidden. He wants to take his friendship with Jun to the next level. Ah, love. How sweet it is! *twirls around*

Reference used:
Hot Gimmick Volume 4 (for the hands [sort of] and to see if I put the bodies together correctly)
How To Draw Manga: Couples (also to see if I put the bodies together correctly)

Thank you limpet666 for reminding me about putting up the reference I used!

General Info

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Category Anime/Manga » Shaman King » Groups/Couples
Date Submitted
Views 1218
Favorites... 1
Vote Score 0
Comments 8
Media Other drawing
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Reference See description (:


Comments (8)

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KiwiTheHedgehog on January 4, 2008, 10:08:43 PM

KiwiTheHedgehog on
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PataPata on January 21, 2008, 11:54:16 AM

PataPata on
PataPataHehehe, thank you so much! I should draw more of this couple. :3

limpet666 on July 18, 2007, 1:35:56 AM

limpet666 on
limpet666^_^ I generally like Shadi/Isis too... Oo but I think that's just cos I like that Shadi's actually getting some love XD poor thing... Oo I never usually like the canon couples though. XD theres a story where someone paired Shadi up with Anzu and I wouldn't go near it...bleh.

Yeah, you could go over it in a program by using a different layer and stuff, but unless you have a graphic tablet it can be extremely difficult to get the lines neat. It much more controllablable (for me anyway) if I trace over my original.

XD I do have some of the SK manga, I'll have to go look at their height diffs, I cant say I noticed before. I know in the anime though when there's the fluffy bits between then that he looks just over a head taller than her...i think XD it's been a while since I've watch SK.

^_^ I'd def like to color this, but I'll leave it a little while just incase you want to instead XD god know I have a ton of other stuff to oclor whilst my photoshop is working, lol.

PataPata on July 18, 2007, 5:10:54 PM

PataPata on
PataPataOohh..Shadi/Isis. How interesting. :D I dunno, I've thought of Isis with something else was nice to, but I forgot who it was, haha. But I understand, Shadi needs some lovin'. Haha, it's alright. Some pairings I like aren't canon, like Hororen. :P HAHAHA Shadi and Anzu? I dunno why, but the thought scares me. o_O

Oh yes, that's how my sister does it. Though I'm not sure if my tablet is a graphic one. I just know it's a Wacom. XD Haha, I think you have a point. You don't mind if I trace over my original work, do you? :3

YAYAYAY If you can't find their height differences, I can show you a page. ^__^ But yeah, it's hard to notice at first. Ah yes! The fluffy bits in the anime! I just watched the dubbed episode where Yoh fights Bailong. I have to say that Dan Green does Bailong quite well and the part with Bailong and Jun in the dub is pretty adorable. :3 He did look just over a head taller than her..I think too. XD SK again! Or read the manga! I've actually learned some life lessons from the SK manga. *nods*

Hahaha, I'll see if I'll color it. (: Go on and color your other stuff. I wouldn't want to add more to your load. XD

limpet666 on July 18, 2007, 6:45:54 PM

limpet666 on
limpet666*snicker* Dan Green? But that's Yugi's voice actor! ._. *suddenly pictures Bailong with wild pruple starfish hair* scary...

*pouts* so lucky that you have a tablet *le sigh* i miss was crap, and only cost my like £30, but it was miiine! And it improved my art *sniffles* Ah well, at least now I'm better at traditional art XD My art A-level is starting to pay off *XD cheers*

*flicks cream chesse at*

PataPata on July 20, 2007, 3:37:03 PM

PataPata on
PataPataHehehe, yes. Dan Green. OH YEAH I forgot he was Yugi's voice actor, haha. But at least Dan Green actually puts emotion into his voice. I watched the 10th anniversary of Pokemon, Mirage Pokemon or something like that, and Ash's voice actor was horrible! When Pikachu was getting hurt, Ash said, "Pikachu" like he didn't give a crap! D:< But anyways...Bailong with wild purple starfish hair could be my worst nightmare. *shudders*

*pats* Thank you, but I'm sorry that you don't have one. It'd be nice if we could combine our moneys to get you a HUGE tablet! :D But aww..I understand. Even though something was crappy and cheap, it can still be worth something. Well, I hope you get a new one soon. *hug* Oh yes, you are progressing! I've look through your gallery and saw a great improvement in your art! Hehe. YAY FOR YOUR ART A-LEVEL (though I'm not sure what it is XD) *dances*

CREAM CHEESSEEEE *tackles* >:3

limpet666 on July 16, 2007, 2:17:48 AM

limpet666 on
limpet666EEEE! ^_^ I love this couple, one of the few het couples I actually do like as well. And you're so right, they really are practically canon ^_^

o.O you drew this amazngly well, with all the details and such, it#s just wow. The only thing I'd say was a bit off is her looks a little bit too comical for an otherwise serious picture.

But everything else is incredible! You drew their arms and hands incredibly, I can never get them to look as good as that! Did you use a refernce? *sidles up to* You can tell me...

^_^ And I think Bailong does look about the right height seeing as how he's stooped over to hug her. If he was upright he would be easily a head taller.

I'd really like to see this colored, if you don't ind me suggetsing, if you want to get clean black lines to work with you could just use tracing paper over the original and scan that in *hopeful*

(If you're not going to...would you mind if I did? *hopeful* ^^; I understand if you dont want me to though. Wow I'm being a bit rude today aren't I? Sorry! *throws bagels at*)

PataPata on July 17, 2007, 6:35:30 PM

PataPata on
PataPataYAYYYA Another Jun/Bailong fan! :D Haha, I'm glad this couple is one of the few het couples you like, but I'm curious about what are your other favorite het couples. :3 Yep, I wish there was more fluff with those two, but I guess I have to make up my own (not that I mind :P).

Oh thank you! I'm glad the details are alright because sometimes I draw them not so good. But I think when that happens, it's when I'm lazy. But you know how it is. If there's an idea of a drawing in your head, you just have to draw it. Something like that, haha. do make a point though. I was trying to make her looked shocked, but I suppose it didn't come out too serious-like. I tend to be bad at making my pictures have a consistent mood. XD

And thank you again! Hehe. ^__^ I like how I drew their arms and hands as well. And don't say that, your arms and hands are beautiful too! Possibly even better! Haha. Oh yeah! Wow, haha. Thank you for reminding me! I forgot to put the two references I used, but I'll put them up after replying. But yes, I used a reference for Bailong's hand and sort of Jun's (like I glanced at a picture, I wasn't too sure if her fingers looked better limp or clenched). Ahh, either I was in a hurry or I just forgot. I apologize.

:D I really appreciate you saying that. I was worrying about his height as you were able to see. He would be a head taller if he were to stand upright. Though have you read the Shaman King manga and seen those two standing next to each other? Her head reaches up to his crotch or maybe an inch or two higher than that. O_o

Oh really? Well, I'll see if I'll have this colored. And I don't mind you suggesting at all. I'll take all suggestions. (: Oh is that how you do your artwork? I haven't tried that before and I would if I can get some tracing paper. But there's a way to trace over the work with clean black lines on GIMP (and possibly on Photoshop as well, since the programs are pretty similar) so maybe I'll do that instead, if I can get the tracing paper. :P

(:O!! Really? You'd like to color this? Well, if you'd really like to color this, I don't see any reason for you not to. Besides, I know for a fact you color WAYY better than I do. It's alright if you don't get around to coloring this, since you have your preexisting work to color and your computer isn't being so crappy and all. And you're not being rude at all! It's all good. *eats bagels*)