Let's Get Married
Let's Get Married
Let's Get Married by PataPata


I was missing my boyfriend while drawing this picture so I was feeling lovey-dovey.
I'm so proud, I drew this picture without any reference. I'm sorry if I messed-up people's outfits/looks. XD
If you can't read something, just ask. (:
Cat © Moon_Princess
Chiru © MorbidTyriel
Christine Rosal and Francisco Martinez © God (I guess o_O I just drew him and I, I didn't give birth to us, hahaha)
Horokeu Usui and Ren Tao © Hiroyuki Takei
Sa-chan © animecrazyfan
Rishid Ishtar, Seto Kaiba, Shadi, Yami Bakura, and Yami Yugi © Kazuki Takahashi
And Lyrics © Let's Get Married by Archie Star
Smile, for love is such a beautiful thing.
I was missing my boyfriend while drawing this picture so I was feeling lovey-dovey.
I'm so proud, I drew this picture without any reference. I'm sorry if I messed-up people's outfits/looks. XD
If you can't read something, just ask. (:
Cat © Moon_Princess
Chiru © MorbidTyriel
Christine Rosal and Francisco Martinez © God (I guess o_O I just drew him and I, I didn't give birth to us, hahaha)
Horokeu Usui and Ren Tao © Hiroyuki Takei
Sa-chan © animecrazyfan
Rishid Ishtar, Seto Kaiba, Shadi, Yami Bakura, and Yami Yugi © Kazuki Takahashi
And Lyrics © Let's Get Married by Archie Star
- - -
Smile, for love is such a beautiful thing.
General Info
General Info
Category Anime/Manga » Yu-Gi-Oh! series » Crossovers
Date Submitted
Views 1782
Favorites... 6
Vote Score 4
Category Anime/Manga » Yu-Gi-Oh! series » Crossovers
Date Submitted
Views 1782
Favorites... 6
Vote Score 4
Media Other digital art
Time Taken A few days
Reference None! Surprisingly enough! :D
Media Other digital art
Time Taken A few days
Reference None! Surprisingly enough! :D
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animecrazyfan on August 14, 2007, 4:03:05 AM
PataPata on August 14, 2007, 7:01:34 PM
PataPata on
animecrazyfan on August 14, 2007, 10:42:39 PM
PataPata on August 15, 2007, 7:38:03 AM
PataPata on
secretbox on August 13, 2007, 11:08:56 PM
secretbox on
PataPata on August 14, 2007, 6:47:07 PM
PataPata on
limpet666 on August 10, 2007, 3:53:41 AM
limpet666 on

Eeeeee! Shadi and Rishid! *squee* aww...it would be so cute if they did get married.. I love their height difference... *giggles*
So cute! This picture is fantabulous!
PataPata on August 13, 2007, 4:44:08 PM
PataPata on

^___^ I had to put Shadi and Rishid. They're one of your most favorite couples! *giggles* Aww..I know what you mean. They should get married, hehe. Now I'm trying to imagine them in a kitchen, cooking breakfast. And yeah, their height difference makes them so lovable. :3
Oh thank you so much! *hug*
limpet666 on August 13, 2007, 4:50:16 PM
limpet666 on

I defo DO need to try diff angles...I'm slowly getting there but I'm far too partial to doing 'fave' angles, like profiles *le sigh* ack well.
Haha, I can totally see Rishid being the one to make breakfast and Shadi stumbling in all half-awake like an hour after Rishid gets up XD Haha...dont know why... i think that's my fangirl hormones going overboard XD
Oh the RenHoro is cute too even though I'm not a fan... I like Faust more...and Amidamaru... Gosh...its been so long since I last watched/read Shaman King =0
PataPata on August 13, 2007, 6:48:21 PM
PataPata on

YEAH YOU GO LIMPET :D And it's all good, at least you're progressing! I don't blame you, profiles are a nice and easy angle, hehe.
Oh yes! I can totally see that too! We should make a collaboration of that scene! You/I could make the lineart and you/I could color it. Puahaha, what do you think? :3 And it's all good, your fangirl hormones brings out your imagination. It does for me, haha.
Haha, thank you and it's alright that you're not a fan. :3 Faust and Amidamaru or Faust with Amidamaru? XD HAHAHA And watch/read some Shaman King! :D I'm itching to watch more Yu-Gi-Oh episodes, especially when I saw this part where Kaiba buys a car for $500,000. I have no clue why I like it so much. o_O
limpet666 on August 13, 2007, 10:01:12 PM
limpet666 on

I like pairing Faust with Pegs...but y'know...without an Xover Faust/Ami would be yummy...very yummy...
*snicker* I dont remember that part specifically, but I can so see Kaiba doing that XD He'd probably only drive it once... or maybe he's gonna get all wet and pose on it. O,o that was random... ^^; I've been up all night.
Oooh...YGO men wet-tshirt contest...yum... if only I could draw wet clothes... mmm...blurble...
PataPata on August 14, 2007, 6:40:52 PM
PataPata on

I know, I like Faust/Pegasus (all because of your picture XD) and hehehe. I can picture Faust/Amidamaru, since Faust has necrophilia and all. :P
Puaha, it's alright. I only saw that part in a AMV XD But yeah, Kaiba's so freakin' rich. You're right, he'd only drive it once and him getting all wet and posing on it sounds delicious. Oh being random is full of win. I want to be up all night! I'm not my usual self, haha.
:O You should draw the YGO men wet-tshirt contest! It'll be delectable, even though you say you can't draw wet clothes. You know how to draw the male form quite well. (;
limpet666 on August 14, 2007, 6:45:49 PM
limpet666 on

Oh! I downloaded that song! I didn't like it at first but it's actually grown on me, lol, suits the picture very well too!
Haha...well, I dont think i cant draw wet clothes... but I could just leave off the clothes and draw them neked..and wet... yurm. =3
PataPata on August 14, 2007, 7:12:04 PM
PataPata on
kamoku_hito on August 9, 2007, 1:22:21 PM
kamoku_hito on

HAHA. I only kid. A bit. >_o
Ew. How conceited. You drew yourself. And Franko looks funny. In a good way.
YAY You did my style thingy with coloring the background of the words and stuff. :D Except I don't put hearts though.
You should've put a hidden pepper somewhere! Hahaha
Good job, butt. Now draw me more HoroRen. Or make icons of them with RAIN. :DDD
PataPata on August 13, 2007, 4:06:06 PM
PataPata on

HAHAHA I'm kidding too. Hey, I haven't played it like 48475846784962 times a day, right? :3
I know, ew. I'm disgusting. It's better than drawing my OC with Kaiba because it's real<33 And Franko is funny, in a good way. :P
YAY I COPIED YOU Hahaha, just kidding. Just a little. :3 I thought the hearts were a nice touch, hehe.
If I did, you'd win because you would know where the pepper is, seeing the picture beforehand. XD
And thanks boob. I'll draw more HoroRen once I get past that freakin' 'runaround' part. PUAHAH RAIN >:3 I'll see, maybe you need to draw more emo pictures of them before I can make those rain icons.
kamoku_hito on August 14, 2007, 4:50:54 AM
kamoku_hito on

Well, that's true. Or else I'll foam at the mouth and die unexpectantly! >:D
True again, but you're still being conceited. LAWL. Franko knows everything, and that's scary. XD
GASP COPIER! >3> Oh well, I don't really care anyway. XD Ew. Hearts everywhere. @_@
So? Then I will WINNNN. MUAHAHA.
You're welcome butt. HAHA. Well, we'll figure out something very soon. YESSS RAIN. Ugh, I'm not in emo-mode, so that will be a while until I draw emo pictures.
PataPata on August 14, 2007, 7:05:54 PM
PataPata on

Puahah, you haven't foamed at the mouth yet so I'll try it out.
No I'm not. Look at my nonexistant breasts. LOOK AT THEM O_O That's what's so great about him<33
I KNOW GEEZ COPIER MACHINES Hahaha, what else should I put? Circles?
No, no winning for you. PUAHAH
You boob. XD Hopefully, lemme ask Frank later. RAIN (I keep thinking of Full House XD) And it's alright, there's no rush to make emoness.
AhouHeinDesu on August 9, 2007, 11:26:50 AM
AhouHeinDesu on
PataPata on August 13, 2007, 3:17:25 PM
PataPata on
Moon_Princess on August 9, 2007, 11:24:05 AM
PataPata on August 13, 2007, 2:42:58 PM
PataPata on
this is so cute!!
Let's just get married!!
I love how you drew my oc,thank you ^^