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LINOS by PataPata
LINOS by PataPata


PataPata what I called this file after I scanned it. Apparently I misspelled LIONS, even though there's technically one.

Oh no, too late.

I adore this picture, but there's a few things wrong with Kaiba. Let's list them! :D

1. His Duel Disk is on his right arm and he's supposed to be right-handed. Let's say Kaiba is ambidextrous, at least in this picture.
2. His Duel Disk doesn't even look like one! It's like a bootleg Duel Disk. Maybe he's dueling someone with the mentality, "You don't deserve to be dueled with a real Duel Disk so I shall use this bootleg one against you!"
3. The card on the Duel Disk looks bootleg too. He's screwing the rules and using fake cards!
4. His overcoat/trench coat thing is too gray. It's that way because I thought I could color it cool, but I didn't and I was too lazy to erase all the grayness.
5. He's getting raepd.

YES So if you find anything else to add, feel free to tell me. (:

Honestly, I'm proud to say that I'm improving. I dunno if I am in my lineart, but my coloring is much better than it was before. I still dunno how to shade correctly though.

I've been you think Sarsuki and Kaiba have a weird height difference? Of course, you don't need to answer, but just looking for a second opinion.

Something I learned while coloring this picture..
I had no idea that Kaiba's belt was green.
Seriously, I thought it was blue or gray.

Seto Kaiba © Kazuki Takahashi
Sarsuki Orimo © Me (PataPata)

General Info

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Category Anime/Manga » Yu-Gi-Oh! series » Groups/Couples
Date Submitted
Views 1253
Favorites... 1
Vote Score 2
Comments 13
Media Digital drawing or painting
Time Taken


Comments (13)

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JiniSingen on November 9, 2007, 12:10:22 PM

JiniSingen on
JiniSingenThen...why dont u just flip the pic in horizontal.:D

And then the duel disk will be placed where it was suppose to be.:3

Cute pic though,especially u hugging him.;3

So cute!xD

PataPata on November 17, 2007, 1:53:08 PM

PataPata on
PataPataOH DUH
Wow, I didn't even think of that. *slaps forehead*
Thank you for pointing that out Jini, but I think I'll just leave it as is because I'm lazy. (:
And thank you for the comment!

JiniSingen on November 18, 2007, 2:03:06 AM

JiniSingen on
JiniSingenOh I'm happy that that helped you out...and I see...^^;;; I get lazy at times too....xP

and ur welcome,I DO like the pic.^^ Its cute.

PataPata on November 21, 2007, 12:16:51 PM

PataPata on
PataPataYAYY And I'm happy that you're happy. (: Haha, laziness might be the death of us. XD

Oh thank you again! *hughug*

JiniSingen on November 23, 2007, 5:36:25 AM

JiniSingen on
JiniSingenyay yays!^o^

MorbidTyriel on October 29, 2007, 5:50:54 PM

MorbidTyriel on
MorbidTyriel LMAO OH MY GOD HOW DID I MISS THIS?!?!?! Seto's totally like 'omgwtfbbq, mate. I think I got a linos on my @$$.'


PataPata on October 29, 2007, 6:40:38 PM

PataPata on
PataPataHAHAHAHA IT'S AWWWWWWRIGHT Don't worry about it. :3 And God Chiru, you're freakin' hilarious. Lmao. XD

You may have those colors if you like. :P
And thank you! *tacklehug*

xEmotional on October 14, 2007, 4:39:08 AM

xEmotional on
xEmotionalahahah, nice expression XD .
i also like the simple background,
awesome awesome jobb :]

PataPata on October 29, 2007, 5:34:36 PM

PataPata on
PataPataAw yay, thank you!
I like the simple background too, because I suck at drawing backgrounds. XD

Moon_Princess on October 13, 2007, 4:29:24 AM

Moon_Princess on
Moon_PrincessROFL! I love the look on Kaiba's face!! XD XD
This pic is so cute! ^.^ AWESOME job!!!


PataPata on October 13, 2007, 5:22:30 PM

PataPata on
PataPataHahaha, thank you very much! :D I love his face too, I can't stop staring at it for some reason whenever I look at this. o_O
And thank you again! *hug*

limpet666 on October 13, 2007, 3:08:09 AM

limpet666 on
limpet666Lol, you defo are getting better in an all-round sense. ^^ you're lineartis much smoother now and there's more details, and your colouring is improving a lot ^^ I'm still in love with the way you color hair ^^

Haha, Kaiba really has no fashion sense, he should have the same color for ALL his belts, I mean, come on, green fro his waist with blue arm/leg belts, *tuts*

Oo although I suppose he doesnt have much sense in the way of fashion anyway. I mean, there's no denying he's hot, but if you actually break down what he's wearing... *snicker* I mean, wtf is that super-flary trench coat of doom, and the metal wrist cuffs? he'd be screwed if he went under a giant magnet.

PataPata on October 13, 2007, 4:57:27 PM

PataPata on
PataPataOh yay, thank you! *hug* Haha, I suppose my lineart's only smoother because I used treshold or whatever on the scan. I draw better on paper than I do on the computer. XD Aww, thank you again! Haha, it's not exactly my way, but I colored hair in this picture better that I did in my other picture titled, "For You" :P

HAHAH Seriously! I mean, frick, just because he's rich doesn't mean he needs 80486067045094 different colored belts. If his belts were all the same color, it'd make coloring him a whole lot easier because I'd be able to remember the color, haha. But yes, that must mean his waist is the land and his arms/legs are the ocean. XD

You're completely right. XD Honestly, to pull of fashion like that, you've got to be got or else people will shoot you down with flamethrowers. His trench coat is super flary because it makes it easier for him to flyyyy and the metal wrist cuffs are for..keeping the sleeves of his sweater back? Makes it easier to wash dishes with. :P AND YES You're brilliant Limpet! If he was under a giant magnet, he'd be screwed. Hard. With a rake. o_O Aww..the giant magnet reminds me of a movie with a toaster and blanket and other household appliances! I forgot what the movie was called..