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Hinata by Psyconorika
Hinata by Psyconorika


Hinata Hyuuga belongs to Masashi Kishimoto
Image belongs to me

General Info

General Info

Category Anime/Manga » Naruto series » Characters & Fanart » Hinata Hyuga
Date Submitted
Views 4076
Favorites... 109
Vote Score 8
Comments 49
Media Graphite pencil
Time Taken 2 hours
Reference none


Comments (49)

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QueenPaige on November 9, 2009, 2:36:54 AM

QueenPaige on
QueenPaigeAww she looks so cute!!!!! *FAVE*

luckylace222 on October 3, 2009, 12:42:03 PM

luckylace222 on
luckylace222Aww I love how cute she is! xD

Kooldude on October 19, 2008, 10:57:46 AM

Kooldude on
KooldudeI love it!!! Hinata's hair is so perfect!!

xXxTheNewMewxXx on April 19, 2008, 6:47:49 AM

xXxTheNewMewxXx on
xXxTheNewMewxXxHey! Hey!
this was in newtype mag!!

Edge14 on January 4, 2008, 11:24:37 AM

Edge14 on
Edge14She looks beautiful :D
I love her shiny hair and big Blue eyes ^^

Lovely work

piegurl on December 9, 2007, 12:09:47 PM

piegurl on
piegurlyou are so good at coloring she looks so adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LynnieLemon on September 26, 2007, 5:04:19 AM

LynnieLemon on
LynnieLemonWOW I LOVE IT!Nice coloring!^_^*faves*

Albels_Girl on September 7, 2007, 7:01:19 AM

Albels_Girl on
Albels_GirlO.O Wow, just.... wow! ^-^

Albels_Girl on September 7, 2007, 7:01:16 AM

Albels_Girl on
Albels_GirlO.O Wow, just.... wow! ^-^

pizza24 on June 20, 2007, 4:51:01 AM

pizza24 on
pizza24thats really good i love her hair^^nice job

unknownX on June 7, 2007, 5:11:44 AM

unknownX on
unknownXthis rocks favs

MarshmallowNinja on February 17, 2007, 6:57:26 AM

MarshmallowNinja on
MarshmallowNinjaits so pretty! -pokes-

Fumie716 on January 26, 2007, 1:08:24 AM

Fumie716 on
Fumie716wow...the hair is...too awesome for words O_O

Loversoftheworld855 on January 6, 2007, 6:39:06 AM

Loversoftheworld855 on
Loversoftheworld855wow thats amazing!*faves*

Yukina-chun on January 6, 2007, 1:53:30 AM

Yukina-chun on
Yukina-chunLoves the hair, ne! so shiney!!

KagomeTheArcher on January 3, 2007, 8:50:28 AM

KagomeTheArcher on
KagomeTheArcherKAWAII! I love how you made the hair look so shiny! *Adds to faves* Hinata rules ^_^!

Tanukun10 on December 14, 2006, 6:53:59 AM

Tanukun10 on
Tanukun10Beautiful Hinata.

Tesachao5 on November 8, 2006, 12:33:28 PM

Tesachao5 on
Tesachao5VERY NICE NICE NICE pic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

kittyshootingstar on November 6, 2006, 11:19:09 AM

kittyshootingstar on
kittyshootingstarWow! You draw in a really cool style! *faves*

Tesachao5 on November 5, 2006, 1:28:16 PM

Tesachao5 on
Tesachao5COOOLLLLLL PICTURE!!!!!!!! I like how Hinata's hair is very shiiny!!!! adds to favs

Yugioh9000 on October 16, 2006, 6:26:40 AM

Yugioh9000 on
Yugioh9000awsome job

MyArtStinks on October 7, 2006, 11:10:38 AM

MyArtStinks on
MyArtStinksThat's awesome. I really like your style! (faves)

Playstationfreak on October 6, 2006, 10:19:17 AM

Playstationfreak on
Playstationfreakawwww she's so cute! *huggles Hinata* The hair looks so shinny XD I'm so jealous of your colouring skills!

Yugioh9000 on September 29, 2006, 7:15:05 AM

Yugioh9000 on
Yugioh9000awsome pic

Oblivion1134 on September 24, 2006, 3:13:15 AM

Oblivion1134 on

Popuri_Friend on September 21, 2006, 6:09:01 AM

Popuri_Friend on
Popuri_Friendur pics r amaaaazing!!
u have been one of my fave artists 4 a while now...!!
do u like my gallery??

Bri on September 18, 2006, 6:49:02 AM

Bri on
Britotemo utsukushii !

Diomondcookie9 on September 16, 2006, 5:24:31 AM

Diomondcookie9 on

sasukeishot on September 15, 2006, 11:37:45 PM

sasukeishot on
sasukeishotsooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute >w< !

Angel_girl_808 on September 13, 2006, 3:09:46 PM

Angel_girl_808 on
Angel_girl_808OMG! Could Hinata be any more kawaii?!
lol my mom said it looks like a japanese styled dora the explorer :P.
I think it's the cutest Hinata picture I've ever seen.  *FAVS*

NaruHinaFan on September 5, 2006, 10:28:55 AM

NaruHinaFan on
NaruHinaFanI love what you did with her hair. She looks so adorable! *Favs*

blood_of_inuyasha on September 3, 2006, 5:27:18 AM

blood_of_inuyasha on
blood_of_inuyashaWow. That's really pretty.

sailorstarprism on August 29, 2006, 9:27:41 AM

sailorstarprism on
sailorstarprismomg!!her hair look so silky.and GREAT DRAWING.-favs-

Hotaru-chan-fan on August 23, 2006, 12:47:49 PM

Hotaru-chan-fan on
Hotaru-chan-fanWow. This has got to be one of the most beautiful pictures on this website. I mainly read and write fanficts, but... wow. This is just amazing. I love it. (also because Hinata is my favorite character) Go you! *faves*

lightepsilon39 on August 20, 2006, 9:46:25 AM

lightepsilon39 on
lightepsilon39Cute pic *favs*

rlkitten on August 18, 2006, 2:46:33 PM

rlkitten on
rlkittenhinata rox!!

MaxLightning1 on August 18, 2006, 11:29:50 AM

MaxLightning1 on
MaxLightning1its to good for words

RalphDaHobo on August 7, 2006, 3:11:19 AM

RalphDaHobo on
RalphDaHobolove her face =]

Gothic_Bitch_From_Hell on July 31, 2006, 2:51:49 AM

Gothic_Bitch_From_Hell on

winxgirl21 on July 29, 2006, 10:55:50 PM

winxgirl21 on
winxgirl21w0w!! This is amazing!! *favs*

LadySymphonia on July 28, 2006, 10:20:25 AM

LadySymphonia on
I love her eyes

Cannon on July 24, 2006, 6:46:36 AM

Cannon on
Cannonawwwww, she's so adorable! *favs*

GavinTheMage on July 24, 2006, 2:57:34 AM

GavinTheMage on
GavinTheMageWOW........That is really good. strike that its awesome.

Shadow_Fox360 on July 24, 2006, 2:09:01 AM

Shadow_Fox360 on

KC-Whitestar on July 21, 2006, 2:25:43 PM

KC-Whitestar on
KC-WhitestarHINATA! OMG! That is so cute! I love Hinata! Great work I love her expression and the coloring keep it up^_^

Zoriah on July 21, 2006, 2:24:52 PM

Zoriah on
ZoriahWow, cute picture! She looks awesome, great job!!

Sarieu_Tomoegotchi on July 21, 2006, 12:28:24 PM

Sarieu_Tomoegotchi on
Sarieu_Tomoegotchivery cool *^-^*

sesshy_lil_gurl on July 21, 2006, 10:53:13 AM

sesshy_lil_gurl on
sesshy_lil_gurlWOW favs. I really like this pic. Keep up he great work.

Rayne06 on July 21, 2006, 9:39:22 AM

Rayne06 on
Rayne06This is totally amazing!!!!
