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*Moon Dust*

*Moon Dust*

*Moon Dust* by Psyconorika
*Moon Dust* by Psyconorika


Chibi sailor moon! im going to do one like this of all the inners

General Info

General Info

Category Anime/Manga » Sailor Moon series
Date Submitted
Views 10626
Favorites... 160
Vote Score 7
Comments 79
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (79)

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Starofwonder123 on June 4, 2008, 11:17:40 AM

Starofwonder123 on

Twilightwolf94 on July 26, 2009, 4:37:18 AM

Twilightwolf94 on
Twilightwolf94This is so kawaii!!!

writingraven on May 30, 2009, 11:52:31 PM

writingraven on
writingravenvery cute

animespring on May 25, 2009, 7:52:47 PM

animespring on
animespringTOO CUTE!!!^^

seiyaandheliosluva on May 12, 2009, 10:53:36 PM

seiyaandheliosluva on
seiyaandheliosluvaWHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *cuddles moon* so adorable im cryin'

Small0bsession on September 25, 2008, 2:51:45 PM

Small0bsession on
Small0bsessionWAH!!!!!!!!!!! ADORABLE! I love Sailor Moon fan art! This is real cute! ^_^

I never realized how many Sailor Moon Fan Arts are on FAC =P

animefangirl1234 on September 24, 2008, 10:39:34 AM

animefangirl1234 on

CrashSpyro30 on June 12, 2008, 8:35:03 AM

CrashSpyro30 on
CrashSpyro30Whats a kawai?

matthespeedstar on July 7, 2008, 8:25:25 AM

matthespeedstar on
matthespeedstarKawaii is the Japanese word for cute. Alot of animes use it.

CrashSpyro30 on July 9, 2008, 4:42:30 AM

CrashSpyro30 on
CrashSpyro30Oh thanks!

YnxoXIV on January 17, 2008, 5:18:38 AM

YnxoXIV on
YnxoXIVaww kawai!! *faves* ^_^

AggieGrl1993 on August 13, 2007, 7:43:53 AM

AggieGrl1993 on
AggieGrl1993super cute! *faves pic & artist*

magicalmanga on July 19, 2007, 1:09:25 AM

magicalmanga on
magicalmangaMG! UBER KAWAII!!!

hagonemetal on February 23, 2007, 10:03:32 PM

hagonemetal on
hagonemetalits soo cute. i love her>

Emiko on January 12, 2007, 1:47:41 PM

Emiko on
EmikoThis is adorable!!  Great job!  ^_^

MiyuMotou on January 10, 2007, 1:36:03 PM

MiyuMotou on

SalemRat78 on December 15, 2006, 4:22:49 AM

SalemRat78 on
SalemRat78ZOMG CHIBI SAILER MOON!! SHE IS UBER KAWAII!! >w< so cute and innocent!!

Tanukun10 on December 14, 2006, 7:07:13 AM

Tanukun10 on
Tanukun10Chibi Usagi-san.

SaraJane on September 19, 2006, 4:53:18 PM

SaraJane on
SaraJaneSo Cute!

Playstationfreak on September 16, 2006, 1:53:53 PM

Playstationfreak on
Playstationfreakawwwwww that's adorable!!!

Saru_no_Cheesecake on August 25, 2006, 11:11:21 AM

Saru_no_Cheesecake on
Saru_no_CheesecakeAWWW! HOW CUTE!!! *faves*

TigerLillie on July 29, 2006, 7:32:39 PM

TigerLillie on
TigerLillieAWWWWWWWW so kawaiiiiii!!! faveing for sure

LadySymphonia on July 29, 2006, 6:22:40 AM

LadySymphonia on
LadySymphoniaI notice her hair ordango's are moon shaped at the bottom!

Little_miss_angel on July 24, 2006, 7:23:50 AM

Little_miss_angel on

Shadow_Fox360 on July 12, 2006, 2:45:18 AM

Shadow_Fox360 on
Shadow_Fox360so very cute.....

idkdotcom on June 25, 2006, 10:38:42 AM

idkdotcom on
idkdotcomthis is really good!

Popuri_Friend on June 21, 2006, 11:46:43 AM

Popuri_Friend on
Popuri_Friendi really like it!! and all of your work!!

*faves this piccy and you as an artist*!!

Shion6 on June 18, 2006, 5:25:12 AM

Shion6 on

TulipTori on June 17, 2006, 2:37:17 AM

TulipTori on
TulipToriSO CUTE SO CUTE!!!!!! X3

DarkDeity on June 6, 2006, 5:31:01 PM

DarkDeity on
this would make a really great wallpaper!!!! :D

Cartoonz on May 28, 2006, 9:21:02 PM

Cartoonz on
CartoonzThat looks so cute! =^^= I like the soft colors you used.

sesshy_lil_gurl on May 27, 2006, 8:55:27 AM

sesshy_lil_gurl on the max

narutoslover_15 on May 13, 2006, 12:37:38 PM

narutoslover_15 on
narutoslover_15gravy.... thats good

oujo on May 6, 2006, 6:13:41 AM

oujo on
oujoPrety and cute^^.*favs*

StoryMaker on April 11, 2006, 5:00:38 AM

StoryMaker on
StoryMaker...This is another show i miss.

Bucket on March 9, 2006, 9:41:13 AM

Bucket on
BucketSo cute!

flamealchemistTohru on January 1, 2006, 4:02:43 AM

flamealchemistTohru on
flamealchemistTohruOMG she is the cutest thing, I think she is cuter than my dog and my dog is the most adorable thing youve ever seen. I want her[takes pic and runs away]

tomfeltonfan1992 on December 30, 2005, 1:46:54 AM

tomfeltonfan1992 on
tomfeltonfan1992love it!!

ikickbutt on December 15, 2005, 9:45:09 PM

ikickbutt on

Cartoon_Lover on November 16, 2005, 11:19:06 AM

Cartoon_Lover on
Cartoon_LoverWOW!thats so amazing,cute,...WOW!!!

KawaiiGirly27 on October 25, 2005, 12:16:08 PM

KawaiiGirly27 on
KawaiiGirly27aww, that's adorible! ^.^

holidaywish on October 20, 2005, 7:37:09 AM

holidaywish on
holidaywishPOPTART!!!are you flying poptart from moon gallaries??if you are,i'm sailor nova!!i know someone here!YAY!(if you aren't from moon gallaries and have no idea what the heck i'm talking about,pleez ignore this^_^)

holidaywish on October 20, 2005, 7:33:58 AM

holidaywish on
holidaywishTHAT'S SO KAWAII!!!

purple_angel on August 13, 2005, 12:39:52 AM

purple_angel on
purple_angelso cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sailor_Crystal_Heart on July 30, 2005, 12:01:26 PM

Sailor_Crystal_Heart on

tohru0964 on June 24, 2005, 8:26:05 AM

tohru0964 on
tohru0964that is so cool!!! and it is one of the cutest pics i have ever seen. good job!!

flying-poptart on June 5, 2005, 7:32:30 AM

flying-poptart on
flying-poptartAAAAAWWWWW! its ADORABLE!

Tifa_Fan2004 on March 29, 2005, 1:34:17 PM

Tifa_Fan2004 on
Tifa_Fan2004I saw this on anothe site, and I already have it saved to my computer. Adorable, wonderful job!

kitty_robot on February 24, 2005, 6:31:21 AM

kitty_robot on
kitty_robotAAAWWWW!! Really Cute!!! I like much it!!

FreakFreak0515 on January 23, 2005, 8:48:21 AM

FreakFreak0515 on
FreakFreak0515Dame you are good!!

Baby-Panda on December 10, 2004, 8:05:10 AM

Baby-Panda on
Baby-PandaI think this might be like the cutest thing I've EVER seen!!!!

mskchick on December 9, 2004, 7:24:32 AM

mskchick on
mskchickwow i wuv ur chibi!!! awesome!!

ScarletAngel2004 on October 24, 2004, 4:47:38 PM

ScarletAngel2004 on
ScarletAngel2004This is really Kawaii! I luv it!!

Nevermore_Raven on September 18, 2004, 6:41:19 AM

Nevermore_Raven on
Nevermore_RavenKawaiiiiii! That's really good! I love the art!

pained_immortal on July 26, 2004, 10:28:23 AM

pained_immortal on
pained_immortali mustsay, this is the cutest sailor mooni haveever seen. thumbs up!

tlequyen on July 13, 2004, 1:16:24 AM

tlequyen on
tlequyenCuuuuuuute and pretty. You're my favorite artist.

DarkGoddess9100 on June 17, 2004, 3:49:02 AM

DarkGoddess9100 on
DarkGoddess9100I love this, it's so cute! Can't you make Sailor Pluto to?? I would really appreciate it. *adds to favs*

AmbrosiaJade on June 2, 2004, 5:09:03 PM

AmbrosiaJade on
AmbrosiaJadeAwww how cute! I lurve it! Keep it up! ^__^

nekochan13 on May 29, 2004, 6:23:24 AM

nekochan13 on
nekochan13 Neko: Kawaii....<br />
Chi-chan: Kirei.....<br />
(In case you don't know, kawaii means "cute", and kirei means "pretty")

Emerald on May 20, 2004, 8:00:46 AM

Emerald on
Emerald*shivers* I didn't know anyone can draw this good. Didja draw it on PSP nd do ya do requests?

ryokogirl3000 on April 12, 2004, 12:43:08 AM

ryokogirl3000 on
ryokogirl3000that is soo cute aww i can look at it all day!! do you do requests?

ryokogirl3000 on April 12, 2004, 12:43:06 AM

ryokogirl3000 on
ryokogirl3000that is soo cute aww i can look at it all day!! do you do requests?

myorangei on April 10, 2004, 6:34:45 AM

myorangei on
myorangeiwow tht is like 1 of the most cutiest things i hve ever seen like awwwwwwwww

BakurasGirl on April 6, 2004, 1:54:47 AM

BakurasGirl on
BakurasGirlshe looks so cute!!!! **adds to favss**

AnGeLsNeSt on March 19, 2004, 9:11:04 AM

AnGeLsNeSt on
AnGeLsNeStKAWAII!!!! *adds to favs*

feari on March 13, 2004, 1:12:37 PM

feari on
feariKawaii!!! ^___^

dustbunny on March 7, 2004, 8:29:40 AM

dustbunny on
dustbunnyso Cute!!!

Rukira on February 26, 2004, 12:46:10 PM

Rukira on
Rukiraawww so cuute ^^-

chisato_chan on February 7, 2004, 7:30:27 AM

chisato_chan on
chisato_chanawwwwwwwwww... thats so kawaii!!!

AngelRaye on February 7, 2004, 6:58:26 AM

AngelRaye on
AngelRayeThat is so adorable. I can't wait to see the others, especially Mars.

yume_no_neko on February 6, 2004, 2:12:17 PM

yume_no_neko on

GawainesAngel on February 6, 2004, 1:31:34 PM

GawainesAngel on
GawainesAngelSo cute! That'd make great wallpaper! ^^

DevilzMoon06660 on February 6, 2004, 9:17:42 AM

DevilzMoon06660 on
DevilzMoon06660tht is soooo kute!!!!!! luv it^^ good jobb!!

WaterNeko_Goddess on February 6, 2004, 9:11:53 AM

WaterNeko_Goddess on
WaterNeko_Goddess::squeals:: CUUUUUUUTE! ::clicks pic to favs:: I really really really like this one!

Mad_person200 on February 6, 2004, 9:00:52 AM

Mad_person200 on
Mad_person200so sweet! *hugs sailor moon* nice work can't wait for the rest ^.^

heartless91 on February 6, 2004, 8:56:07 AM

heartless91 on
heartless91O_O.....................................................................<br /> O_O