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Linkie! [wow.. he doesnt look a thing like him.]

Linkie! [wow.. he doesnt look a thing like him.]

Linkie! [wow.. he doesnt look a thing like him.] by PunkJunkie13
Linkie! [wow.. he doesnt look a thing like him.] by PunkJunkie13


lookie! i am brushing up on my link drawing skills... heh i have drawn too many yaois lately, look how femeneieneieneememe [lol] he looks. *sweatdrop* doesnt look like him... *looks up his skirt tunic thing* whehehe. ahem. yea. im gonna try to color this with my comp. but i like the old fashion way, so its most likely gonna be with watercolors.. sarah-chan and i were talking, there is NO YAOI IN ZELDA!! we tried thinking of pairings... but nothing rings a bell.. unless.. ganon.. *cringes* ewwwwwww. but then i thought, hey what about link and himself..? i saw a cloud doujinshi of that.. [ff7] so heh. you might be hearing more from me! rofl! *get hit with a rock thrown by a fangirl* heh heh ok i will leave now.. *takes linkie away*

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Category Games » - by Publisher » Nintendo » Legend of Zelda series
Date Submitted
Views 5600
Favorites... 43
Vote Score 0
Comments 33
Media Unspecified
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Comments (33)

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mikita_inugirl on January 10, 2006, 5:57:58 AM

mikita_inugirl on
mikita_inugirlVery feminine, but still cute. ^_^

Rioki_Lilac on December 20, 2005, 7:18:07 AM

Rioki_Lilac on
Rioki_Lilac*looks crest-fallen* Linky-heart(no copying my name fo him) isn't hot any more. TOO FEMANINE! Linky-heart ain't a gal!

Kratosgirl14 on November 18, 2005, 9:19:34 AM

Kratosgirl14 on
Kratosgirl14SMEXYNESS! *catches*

Pocky_PixieSticks_Anime on July 15, 2005, 3:25:27 PM

Pocky_PixieSticks_Anime on skirt... *snicker* great pic. he is so cute. *favs* *gives pocky and pixie sticks* *kidnaps Link*

I_Totally_Rock on May 27, 2005, 12:00:59 PM

I_Totally_Rock on
I_Totally_RockPeople mostly makes Sheik a seperate person from Zelda. So that's a way Link/Sheik can work. ^_^
~Kathie ^_^~
(You totally rock! ^_^)

Kirby_kun on May 8, 2005, 8:23:30 AM

Kirby_kun on
Kirby_kun*faves* so kawaii!!!

HarpyLink234 on April 9, 2005, 7:31:23 AM

HarpyLink234 on
Your right.
*Throws Link a pair of pants*
There now.He wouldn't look girly now.^_________^

Lynxie on April 8, 2005, 11:20:33 PM

Lynxie on
Lynxieand he isn't wearinf pants because he as tights on..

Lynxie on April 8, 2005, 11:19:37 PM

Lynxie on
Lynxiehe's male actually and that isn't a dress its a
anyways great pic

lili on February 6, 2005, 4:00:55 AM

lili on
liliEhh...Link is a GIRL?

Bobby on January 7, 2005, 6:59:30 AM

Bobby on
BobbyIt's marvellous.

Latias2004 on August 7, 2004, 2:42:03 AM

Latias2004 on
Latias2004I dosn't look like him because...HE'S CUTER HOW YOU DREW HIM! Good job!! So more Linkie pics!!

Kisara on July 27, 2004, 12:10:01 AM

Kisara on
Kisarawow cute.but link look like a girlo.Onice cute pic anyway

PunkJunkie13 on June 30, 2004, 2:43:09 AM

PunkJunkie13 on
PunkJunkie13Omg! You're right!!Ahhh.......... Bwahaha now Ideas run strong in my head.

misscheex on June 21, 2004, 1:38:55 PM

misscheex on
misscheexfrom the waist down he has the shape of a Sailor Scout but I still made it one of my favies! Soooooooooooooooooo cute!<br />

Anime_Girl424 on April 4, 2004, 4:49:33 AM

Anime_Girl424 on
Anime_Girl424*cheers* Yay! Looks great!!!!

PunkJunkie13 on March 29, 2004, 1:52:09 AM

PunkJunkie13 on
PunkJunkie13I wouldn't doubt it. I drew this after going on a mad craz of drawing girls. That's most likely why he looks so friggin' girly.

Lexi_Kitsune on March 26, 2004, 8:51:12 AM

Lexi_Kitsune on
Lexi_Kitsune...he certainly looks female. Is it just me, or does he have chest implantaion?

BlackNinja on March 19, 2004, 12:53:26 PM

BlackNinja on
BlackNinja^-^ that is soo cute that is exacualy what I pictuer my lynal would be!

PunkJunkie13 on January 1, 2004, 2:35:52 AM

PunkJunkie13 on
PunkJunkie13I don't remember that!! I should go look! Lol That's great... Mmm Now I have a urge to draw Yaoi! XDD

DaniSm on December 30, 2003, 10:14:35 PM

DaniSm on
DaniSmXDDDDD I remember that!!!! He's all like 'If I had looks like yours, I'd be running a 'different' kind of business around here'. Everyone kept saying he was hot stuff once he got older! I still think Shiek and Link should be together.

Yami_Kenshin on December 27, 2003, 6:18:34 AM

Yami_Kenshin on
Yami_KenshinLinkie is kawaii anyway ^^ great pic!

GawainesAngel on December 17, 2003, 5:25:32 AM

GawainesAngel on
GawainesAngelFantastic picture! I love all your stuff. Yaoi is *always* appreciated!! *grin* But I was just talking to one of my friends about the same thing... You know, the Poe Collector in OOT hits on Link... But I'm not really sure that guy's even human O.o;;; Anyway, great picture!! ^^

Sherrilynn on October 28, 2003, 4:33:03 AM

Sherrilynn on
SherrilynnI love it! His face is *VERY* nice! Oh, and it would be wonderful if you drew a Link/Dark Link... I'm crazy about that for some strange reason, and there's such a shortage of them!

Nessa51189 on October 18, 2003, 9:20:15 PM

Nessa51189 on
Nessa51189your really good i wish i could draw like that

DaniSm on October 7, 2003, 12:12:16 AM

DaniSm on
DaniSmWell, we yaoi fans are really damned desperate for a pairing for whatever we can get our hands on...and they do look good together, so I say, bring it on!

InuYashasAngel on October 3, 2003, 5:03:42 AM

InuYashasAngel on
InuYashasAngelwasnt sheik a girl.i belived at the end of the game it turned out to be bout one of the zoras or something like that

PunkJunkie13 on September 21, 2003, 1:54:23 AM

PunkJunkie13 on
PunkJunkie13i was thinking that, and some other pairings imma draw. but hush hush.. *shuts self up so i dont spoil anything*

Kana-chan on September 20, 2003, 8:43:55 PM

Kana-chan on
Kana-chanHow about a pairing of Link and Sheik? They'd look pretty good together! ;)

DaniSm on August 26, 2003, 9:41:59 PM

DaniSm on
DaniSmHehe, he does look girly, but it's still pretty! It only looks like a skirt to me cuz you can't see his tights =P Go Linkie!

BlueFrogsInOrbit on August 26, 2003, 1:37:06 AM

BlueFrogsInOrbit on
BlueFrogsInOrbitYea, it's good, and as far as the tunic goes, maybe if it was just slightly longer, it would look less like a skirt, but nonetheless, i think this is a very good picture ^_^

DeathBo on August 26, 2003, 1:19:23 AM

DeathBo on
DeathBoeven tho it looks like a looks really good! ;)