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Veger Ottsel!

Veger Ottsel!

Veger Ottsel! by Punked_up_Wolf
Veger Ottsel! by Punked_up_Wolf


My first pic here, first Cg-ed pic, first ever online pic. Please comment whether you like it, hate it or what i can improve on.

I'm currently writing a fic wit this little bugger in it so thats my excuse for drawing him... Another is I atcually like him! *ducks a barrage of rotten tomatoes*

Ah well, the first pic of Veger goes to me! Yaay!

I did him total Naughty Dog/Bob Rafei style, pencilled, then inked in by a manga G-pen, finally CG-ed on photoshop.

The backgrounds bland, the colours slightly off and he looks a bit... I dunno, sketched by a 5, not a 15 year old but I still think its okay...

Please comment, give me confidence.

I'm up for art trades!

--Punked up wolf

General Info

General Info

Category Games » - All Titles » Jak & Daxter series » Jak 3
Date Submitted
Views 3602
Favorites... 15
Vote Score 0
Comments 21
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (21)

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MoonWalker82958 on March 31, 2006, 10:49:48 AM

MoonWalker82958 on
MoonWalker82958Vegar got what he deserved.. Killing damas... Ohhh I wish I COULD get into that game, and since Jak didn't kill him, I would've! lol

layzcarter on March 30, 2006, 10:26:12 AM

layzcarter on
layzcarterPlease give credit to the image that you referenced from for this and other images in your gallery. If you don't they could be removed.

Eggplant on March 11, 2006, 11:31:45 PM

Eggplant on

I've seen only two pictures of you but you swayed me over, im faving you, you make me drool, it is soooooo cool!

Cursed_Avenger on November 8, 2005, 11:51:23 PM

Cursed_Avenger on
Cursed_Avengerno kidding 'total Naughty Dog/Bob Rafei style', are you sure you didn't steal it?
That is really good, it looks just like their art.

Moewen on August 8, 2005, 5:54:21 AM

Moewen on
MoewenOh, by the way... Don't be afraid to like him, I like that little furry dude I too! Hope he appears in Jak x!

Moewen on August 8, 2005, 5:45:28 AM

Moewen on
MoewenWoooow! Cool! your coloring is fantastic!

Blaise_chan on July 1, 2005, 11:33:10 AM

Blaise_chan on
Blaise_chanThats really good! Keep it up..!!

Blaise_chan on July 1, 2005, 11:33:05 AM

Blaise_chan on
Blaise_chanThats really good! Keep it up..!!

timberfox103 on May 28, 2005, 12:45:53 AM

timberfox103 on
timberfox103sneaks up behind ostell veger and smacks him up the side of the head you draw good

ebonywolf on May 9, 2005, 8:23:33 AM

ebonywolf on
ebonywolfveger's such a cute ottsel!! ^^

meteorsummoner88 on March 27, 2005, 8:58:47 AM

meteorsummoner88 on

*adds to favorites*

sooty on February 16, 2005, 4:11:08 AM

sooty on
sootyAre u SURE ur not related to Bob Rafei!?!?!? cuz u draw sooooo much like him!!!*favz u and picta!*

DylanSanders959 on February 7, 2005, 12:28:17 AM

DylanSanders959 on
DylanSanders959Sweet, ur one awesome artist !
keep it up ? *favz u & pic*

Lynxie on February 6, 2005, 10:19:29 PM

Lynxie on
LynxieAll your pictures are so perfect..amazing....

Weasel on February 1, 2005, 11:10:52 AM

Weasel on
WeaselX_X SWEET LORD. this has totally made my day! XD CHRIST.
this is awesome...sheer perfection. i try Bob Rafei style all the time, and it's murder for me. you've really got the color of him down pat, not to mention the similar style of shadin' bob does. his expression makes me cackle, and the big ole jacket is GENIOUS. GENIOUS, I TELL YUH. wow...awesome awesome skills here. 0_0 *faves j00 and pictuh* oy, im lookin out for yew... x3

Jakxter on January 25, 2005, 12:05:21 AM

Jakxter on
JakxterSo cool! Hehe, I loved that part of the game when he was turned into an ottsel, it just cracked me up! Love it, just love it! *faves*

chibi_demon on January 24, 2005, 2:00:58 PM

chibi_demon on
chibi_demonddaaaaa! thats just darling!^^

Midnight_Chaos on January 24, 2005, 1:50:48 PM

Midnight_Chaos on
Midnight_ChaosWhat ya talkling about 5 year old sketch? This is awesome! Looks so professional, and his colouring is great! Aww, and he can't fit into his little...or should I say big...jacket anymore! Poor little Veger. Sooo cute!! ^_^ Seriously, you should have lots of confidence if you're producing art like this!!!

Technicolour_Tortoise on January 24, 2005, 1:34:34 AM

Technicolour_Tortoise on
Technicolour_TortoiseAmazing picture, and it is great no matter what you think. I love the tonal and colouring work. It looks like it's straight out of "Ottsel-Land"!

Believe in yourself more.

MandyPandaa on January 23, 2005, 9:38:59 PM

MandyPandaa on
MandyPandaaThat is so awesome, I MUST print this out, I LOVE ottsel Veger. He doesn't do much for me in his human form, him being all evil and the like, but he makes ONE adorable spotty ottsel. XD I love the style you did, very Bob Rafei, the nose is exceptionally adorable. x3 Heehee, porr ickle guy can't fit in his jacket...this is awesome, I tells ya. SUPER job! :333 +fav

JakDepidtor on January 23, 2005, 2:33:05 AM

JakDepidtor on
JakDepidtorWow! Tis cool! Bob Rafei is a genious aint he, but you drew his version of veeger so well!