Rebirth of a Tyrant
Rebirth of a Tyrant
Rebirth of a Tyrant by Queen_Asheer5600


YAY FINALLY DONE *dances* This took me awhile to get done with all the markings/tattoo's/chains/jewelry but I got it done at last :D Crit's welcome but I am not going to change this image in anyway :D Comments are more than welcomed.<br />
Here's this old girls profile (well my profile basically XD for when I am in this form XD)<br />
<br />
Name: Shadow<br />
Nickname: Black Death or Bloody Death<br />
Gender: Female<br />
Species: Crocodilian Dragon<br />
Group: Reptillian<br />
Family: Quadropedic Dragon<br />
Age: 17<br />
Elements: Darkness and Water<br />
Height: 15ft. when on all fours, 20ft. when on hide legs.<br />
Length: 25ft. long<br />
Markings Tattoo's, scars, etc.:<br />
Markings:<br />
1. 3 triangles above eyes (Red)<br />
2. 4 triangles below eyes (Red)<br />
3. 2 ~ marks beside eyes (Red)<br />
4. 1 Ankh on each cheek. (Red)<br />
5. 1 Ankh on each side of her neck (Red) <br />
6. 1 Ankh on each foreleg shoulder (Red)<br />
7. 1 Eye of Horus on bottom of each Foreleg (Black)<br />
8. 1 Red Ankh on top of Each Hide Leg (Red) <br />
9. Symbol of Wadjet on Rear Leg (Metallic Blue and Purple)<br />
Jewelry, Chains, ect.:<br />
Jewelry- <br />
1. 2 Studs on top of each ear (Silver)<br />
2. 1 Stud on bottom of each ear between top 2 (Silver)<br />
3. 1 Bracelet with Feathers on upper region of horn (Blue, Peacock Green, Purple, Silver)<br />
4. 1 Bracelet with Feathers on Bottom Region of Horn (Blue, Peacock Green, Purple, Silver)<br />
5. 5 Studs along each foreleg Shoulder (silver)<br />
6. 1 Bracelet with Feathers around ankle of front Right leg (Silver, Blue, Peacock Green, Purple)<br />
7. 1 Bracelet with Feathers around Ankle of Leg Hide Leg (Not Shown, Silver, Blue, Peacock Green, Purple)<br />
8. 1 Stud on Tongue (Not Shown, Silver)<br />
9. 4 Studs along shoulder of Left Wing (Not Shown, Silver)<br />
10. 2 Studs along shoulder of Right Wing (Silver)<br />
11. 2 Studs on each side of Both Hind Leg Ankles (Silver)<br />
12. 3 Studs On Top of tail base (2 Shown, Silver)<br />
Chains-<br />
1. 1 Bracelet with a 1 1/2-2ft. Chain on front left ankle<br />
2. 1 Bracelet with a 1 1/2-2ft. Chain on Rear Right Ankle.<br />
3. 1 Ring with chain on 1st finger of Each Wing, 1ft. Chain<br />
4. 1 Brace in Middle of Tail with a 3-4ft. Chain (Not Shown)<br />
History:<br />
Shadow has evolved from being just a regular wingless drake to being a fully fledged and winged Crocodilian Dragon. She adapted the crocodilian abilities to swim faster, the ability to stay under water for long periods of time, and ambush prey with ease. Shadow has a slightly longer snout than other dragons of her species, and is slightly bulkier than them. Her jaw is lined with rows of jagged crocodilian fangs. The long maroon colored mane she has runs down the entire length of her body and poofs out at the end of her tail (Not Shown). The Spiral Horns are a Symbol of Power in her species, the longer they are the more powerful (and Mature) the creature is, the same goes for all the tattoo's, studs, and marking. Shadow has her Jet Black scales (Rare in her species) and blood red wing membranes, she's probably the only of her species that's this color. The long line of Yellow spikes that line her jaw are used both for weapons, and for a display, the more spikes a female has better chances of her geting a strong mate. Tufts of fur are ment to display elements, although Shadow's are red she isn't in the fire Element, she's in the water element.<br />
Past:<br />
Shadow was used in Dragon Ring Fights, since she was so strong she would win. Her owners kept her chained in a small cage that gave her no room to move. Aside from being a top fighter Shadow was also a top breeder. Her owners would sell her off for breeding to every person with a healthy strong male (Stud). Everytime Shadow was sold for breeding she would get a Stud put on a part of her body, this gave her hatred towards her owners, and all humans. Usually Shadow is placid around her owners but over the years she has grown vicious. One time she lunged forward and ended up killing on of the owners. After his death Shadow was whipped (everyday) and everytime she was brought out she had a muzzle put on and was given a good whipping once or twice to make sure she wouldn't attack. This heated the dragons hatred and gave her a cold heart. She only wanted to see others suffer and cause things pain. Everything she killed was mauled and that earned her the titles "Black Death" and "Bloody Death". After living a full life as a Dragon Fighter, Shadow broke out of her prison, she killed hundreds of humans on her way out, including her remaining owner. Shadow lived in her cage for 5 years before her escape, so she didn't really know what to do. Then she soon remembered her hatred towards humans, and that gave her the energy she needed to leave the prison she once called home. Shadow lived on her own for 2 years, that's when she ran into a young child in the forest, the dragon had killed the girls parents. BUT instead of killing the girl Shadow let her live, she figured the girl had been through enough pain already, plus Shadow couldn't bear to kill the child, Shadow couldn't bring herself to kill the girl. Some legends say Shadow grew soft, but others think the girl remind Shadow of herself when she was young. Shadow adopted the girl in, and slowly learned the human language, in return Shadow taught the girl dragonic tongue. After a few months the dragon grew to adore the girl, she was brave, had a lot of courage (Something Shadow didn't have when she was young), and was bright. The dragon would always be around the girl, as her body guard, and mentor, soon the dragon gave that girl a name, Nightblaze. Shadow lived with Nightblaze for about a year before the dragon had to move off, naturally Nightblaze wanted to follow. After a couple long days of being talked into bring her Shadow finally gave in.<br />
Personality: <br />
Shadow has a cold hearted personality, she hates most humans and will kill them as soon as she saw them. Shadow also has a gentle side, but that's only see when she is around Nightblaze. Very Violent, hot tempered, and extremely vicious would best describe Shadow's personality.<br />
<br />
And here's Nightblaze's profile :D I need to work on a piccy of her :D<br />
<br />
Name: Nightblaze (Janet)<br />
Nickname: Blaze<br />
Species: Human/Angeth (Dark Angel)<br />
Gender: Female<br />
Age: 10<br />
Elements: Darkness and wind<br />
Height: ~ Average height for a 10 year old<br />
Length: ~<br />
Hair: Shoulder Length Black hair with red highlights<br />
Eyes: Neon Green<br />
Markings, Tattoo's, Scars, etc.:<br />
1. 1 star shaped tattoo on her left cheek<br />
2. 1 Spiraling serpent tattoo that spirals down the length of her left arm.<br />
3. 1 Japanese dragon tattoo that spirals down the length of her right leg.<br />
Jewelry, Chains, etc.:<br />
1. Pearl necklace, loosely fitting<br />
2. 1 Black Choker necklace<br />
3. Several Bracelets on both arms<br />
4. Hoop Earrings<br />
Typical Clothing:<br />
Usually wears a Blue Kimono, she has a Japanese dragon design on the back that stands for courage. Dragon is black with golden eyes, horns are brown and the frill that runs down it's back is red.<br />
Also wears a Tanktop, Dragon head on the front is the face of a dragon, the dragon head on the back is the back of the dragons head. With this she will usually wear faded jeans, blue jeans, or bell bottoms. All of her jeans tend to have flames towards the bottom near the feet, each flame has a dragon shooting out of it, kind of like a rebirth thing, almost like the pheonix.<br />
Wings: (optional) When she gets her powers (at 15) her wings are an extrememly dark purple (almost black) and are feathered. The tip of each feather looks like it was dipped in blood, so each feather has a red tip on it. <br />
History:<br />
Orphened when she saw 9 Nightblaze (Real name Janet) was left for death. She was wondering when she found Shadow, unknown to her the dragon was the one who killed the childs parents. The girl was scared, confused, and tired but apparently the dragon took her in. Nightblaze is Half Human and Half Angeth (Dark Angel) on her mother's side, she hasn't grown into her powers yet and probably won't get them until her early teens (15). She isn't sure about Shadow when she first meets the dragon but soon grows attached to her both as a mentor and a mother. Shadow is all she knows, she has learned the ways of a dragon from Shadow and is a skilled fighter. Nightblaze doesn't fear death, she's pretty much used to it after all Shadow kills people and is usually covered in blood when she comes back from her nightly adventures. Nightblaze is more along the lines of being a Tom Boy.<br />
Personality:<br />
Very energetic and happy, she adores all things. She always seems to be curious about everything, mostly dragons. Being a bit of a tom boy she tends to fight and fight dirty.<br />
<br />
Nightblaze and Shadow (c) ME<br />
Art (c) ME<br />
Time: 2 days?<br />
Tools: .05 Mech Pencil, .05 Inking pen, 9x12 drawing paper sheet, crayola and prismacolor pencils
Here's this old girls profile (well my profile basically XD for when I am in this form XD)<br />
<br />
Name: Shadow<br />
Nickname: Black Death or Bloody Death<br />
Gender: Female<br />
Species: Crocodilian Dragon<br />
Group: Reptillian<br />
Family: Quadropedic Dragon<br />
Age: 17<br />
Elements: Darkness and Water<br />
Height: 15ft. when on all fours, 20ft. when on hide legs.<br />
Length: 25ft. long<br />
Markings Tattoo's, scars, etc.:<br />
Markings:<br />
1. 3 triangles above eyes (Red)<br />
2. 4 triangles below eyes (Red)<br />
3. 2 ~ marks beside eyes (Red)<br />
4. 1 Ankh on each cheek. (Red)<br />
5. 1 Ankh on each side of her neck (Red) <br />
6. 1 Ankh on each foreleg shoulder (Red)<br />
7. 1 Eye of Horus on bottom of each Foreleg (Black)<br />
8. 1 Red Ankh on top of Each Hide Leg (Red) <br />
9. Symbol of Wadjet on Rear Leg (Metallic Blue and Purple)<br />
Jewelry, Chains, ect.:<br />
Jewelry- <br />
1. 2 Studs on top of each ear (Silver)<br />
2. 1 Stud on bottom of each ear between top 2 (Silver)<br />
3. 1 Bracelet with Feathers on upper region of horn (Blue, Peacock Green, Purple, Silver)<br />
4. 1 Bracelet with Feathers on Bottom Region of Horn (Blue, Peacock Green, Purple, Silver)<br />
5. 5 Studs along each foreleg Shoulder (silver)<br />
6. 1 Bracelet with Feathers around ankle of front Right leg (Silver, Blue, Peacock Green, Purple)<br />
7. 1 Bracelet with Feathers around Ankle of Leg Hide Leg (Not Shown, Silver, Blue, Peacock Green, Purple)<br />
8. 1 Stud on Tongue (Not Shown, Silver)<br />
9. 4 Studs along shoulder of Left Wing (Not Shown, Silver)<br />
10. 2 Studs along shoulder of Right Wing (Silver)<br />
11. 2 Studs on each side of Both Hind Leg Ankles (Silver)<br />
12. 3 Studs On Top of tail base (2 Shown, Silver)<br />
Chains-<br />
1. 1 Bracelet with a 1 1/2-2ft. Chain on front left ankle<br />
2. 1 Bracelet with a 1 1/2-2ft. Chain on Rear Right Ankle.<br />
3. 1 Ring with chain on 1st finger of Each Wing, 1ft. Chain<br />
4. 1 Brace in Middle of Tail with a 3-4ft. Chain (Not Shown)<br />
History:<br />
Shadow has evolved from being just a regular wingless drake to being a fully fledged and winged Crocodilian Dragon. She adapted the crocodilian abilities to swim faster, the ability to stay under water for long periods of time, and ambush prey with ease. Shadow has a slightly longer snout than other dragons of her species, and is slightly bulkier than them. Her jaw is lined with rows of jagged crocodilian fangs. The long maroon colored mane she has runs down the entire length of her body and poofs out at the end of her tail (Not Shown). The Spiral Horns are a Symbol of Power in her species, the longer they are the more powerful (and Mature) the creature is, the same goes for all the tattoo's, studs, and marking. Shadow has her Jet Black scales (Rare in her species) and blood red wing membranes, she's probably the only of her species that's this color. The long line of Yellow spikes that line her jaw are used both for weapons, and for a display, the more spikes a female has better chances of her geting a strong mate. Tufts of fur are ment to display elements, although Shadow's are red she isn't in the fire Element, she's in the water element.<br />
Past:<br />
Shadow was used in Dragon Ring Fights, since she was so strong she would win. Her owners kept her chained in a small cage that gave her no room to move. Aside from being a top fighter Shadow was also a top breeder. Her owners would sell her off for breeding to every person with a healthy strong male (Stud). Everytime Shadow was sold for breeding she would get a Stud put on a part of her body, this gave her hatred towards her owners, and all humans. Usually Shadow is placid around her owners but over the years she has grown vicious. One time she lunged forward and ended up killing on of the owners. After his death Shadow was whipped (everyday) and everytime she was brought out she had a muzzle put on and was given a good whipping once or twice to make sure she wouldn't attack. This heated the dragons hatred and gave her a cold heart. She only wanted to see others suffer and cause things pain. Everything she killed was mauled and that earned her the titles "Black Death" and "Bloody Death". After living a full life as a Dragon Fighter, Shadow broke out of her prison, she killed hundreds of humans on her way out, including her remaining owner. Shadow lived in her cage for 5 years before her escape, so she didn't really know what to do. Then she soon remembered her hatred towards humans, and that gave her the energy she needed to leave the prison she once called home. Shadow lived on her own for 2 years, that's when she ran into a young child in the forest, the dragon had killed the girls parents. BUT instead of killing the girl Shadow let her live, she figured the girl had been through enough pain already, plus Shadow couldn't bear to kill the child, Shadow couldn't bring herself to kill the girl. Some legends say Shadow grew soft, but others think the girl remind Shadow of herself when she was young. Shadow adopted the girl in, and slowly learned the human language, in return Shadow taught the girl dragonic tongue. After a few months the dragon grew to adore the girl, she was brave, had a lot of courage (Something Shadow didn't have when she was young), and was bright. The dragon would always be around the girl, as her body guard, and mentor, soon the dragon gave that girl a name, Nightblaze. Shadow lived with Nightblaze for about a year before the dragon had to move off, naturally Nightblaze wanted to follow. After a couple long days of being talked into bring her Shadow finally gave in.<br />
Personality: <br />
Shadow has a cold hearted personality, she hates most humans and will kill them as soon as she saw them. Shadow also has a gentle side, but that's only see when she is around Nightblaze. Very Violent, hot tempered, and extremely vicious would best describe Shadow's personality.<br />
<br />
And here's Nightblaze's profile :D I need to work on a piccy of her :D<br />
<br />
Name: Nightblaze (Janet)<br />
Nickname: Blaze<br />
Species: Human/Angeth (Dark Angel)<br />
Gender: Female<br />
Age: 10<br />
Elements: Darkness and wind<br />
Height: ~ Average height for a 10 year old<br />
Length: ~<br />
Hair: Shoulder Length Black hair with red highlights<br />
Eyes: Neon Green<br />
Markings, Tattoo's, Scars, etc.:<br />
1. 1 star shaped tattoo on her left cheek<br />
2. 1 Spiraling serpent tattoo that spirals down the length of her left arm.<br />
3. 1 Japanese dragon tattoo that spirals down the length of her right leg.<br />
Jewelry, Chains, etc.:<br />
1. Pearl necklace, loosely fitting<br />
2. 1 Black Choker necklace<br />
3. Several Bracelets on both arms<br />
4. Hoop Earrings<br />
Typical Clothing:<br />
Usually wears a Blue Kimono, she has a Japanese dragon design on the back that stands for courage. Dragon is black with golden eyes, horns are brown and the frill that runs down it's back is red.<br />
Also wears a Tanktop, Dragon head on the front is the face of a dragon, the dragon head on the back is the back of the dragons head. With this she will usually wear faded jeans, blue jeans, or bell bottoms. All of her jeans tend to have flames towards the bottom near the feet, each flame has a dragon shooting out of it, kind of like a rebirth thing, almost like the pheonix.<br />
Wings: (optional) When she gets her powers (at 15) her wings are an extrememly dark purple (almost black) and are feathered. The tip of each feather looks like it was dipped in blood, so each feather has a red tip on it. <br />
History:<br />
Orphened when she saw 9 Nightblaze (Real name Janet) was left for death. She was wondering when she found Shadow, unknown to her the dragon was the one who killed the childs parents. The girl was scared, confused, and tired but apparently the dragon took her in. Nightblaze is Half Human and Half Angeth (Dark Angel) on her mother's side, she hasn't grown into her powers yet and probably won't get them until her early teens (15). She isn't sure about Shadow when she first meets the dragon but soon grows attached to her both as a mentor and a mother. Shadow is all she knows, she has learned the ways of a dragon from Shadow and is a skilled fighter. Nightblaze doesn't fear death, she's pretty much used to it after all Shadow kills people and is usually covered in blood when she comes back from her nightly adventures. Nightblaze is more along the lines of being a Tom Boy.<br />
Personality:<br />
Very energetic and happy, she adores all things. She always seems to be curious about everything, mostly dragons. Being a bit of a tom boy she tends to fight and fight dirty.<br />
<br />
Nightblaze and Shadow (c) ME<br />
Art (c) ME<br />
Time: 2 days?<br />
Tools: .05 Mech Pencil, .05 Inking pen, 9x12 drawing paper sheet, crayola and prismacolor pencils
General Info
General Info
Category Fantasy » Dragons » Elemental Dragons » Darkness Dragons
Date Submitted
Views 1779
Favorites... 2
Vote Score 1
Category Fantasy » Dragons » Elemental Dragons » Darkness Dragons
Date Submitted
Views 1779
Favorites... 2
Vote Score 1
Media Unspecified
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Media Unspecified
Time Taken
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Vampire-slave on April 19, 2007, 5:20:53 AM

Topaz_Dragon on July 31, 2005, 1:58:29 AM
Topaz_Dragon on
Queen_Asheer5600 on January 26, 2005, 1:28:03 PM
Moon_Bind on January 26, 2005, 1:04:18 AM
Moon_Bind on
DreamOfFire on January 25, 2005, 11:53:21 AM
DreamOfFire on