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AFI doodles on my gradesheet XD

AFI doodles on my gradesheet XD

AFI doodles on my gradesheet XD by Radioactive_froggy
AFI doodles on my gradesheet XD by Radioactive_froggy


yep just posting more mindless crap ^^ ahah yes that is my gradesheet from world history XD Ihave an 87! yay! XD but i think i bombed my last test so bye bye 87 T_T

PS ( yes that is davey hopping around even though he would never wear something that conservative at a concert XD )

General Info

General Info

Category Real People » Singers & Bands » Group/Band » AFI
Date Submitted
Views 1197
Favorites... 2
Vote Score 1
Comments 8
Media Graphite pencil
Time Taken i dunno time stops when mr white is lecturing
Reference none


Comments (8)

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Razeal on December 1, 2006, 5:02:18 PM

Razeal on
RazealYou're right about him not being that conservative live. His tank top is see-through so when he sweats you can see his wings x]

Although when I met him he was all rugged up... so cute *squee*

Anyway, long comment D: But I like this =]

Radioactive_froggy on December 2, 2006, 5:10:56 AM

Radioactive_froggy on
Radioactive_froggyalmost forgot thanks!! ^^

XSpiritedAwayX on November 16, 2006, 6:58:12 AM

XSpiritedAwayX on
are those real grades outta 100???
if so you need to pick em up. i'm not trying to brag ok well to the truth i am I LOVE TO BRAG but being a straight a student 1 thig that i need to learn how to do is study. i dont study amd i get good grades. ,aybe cuz i guess alot...... oh well thats nice. we arnt allowed to draw at my school. i love his shirt and pants the are sao detailed! oh yes and FAVES!

Radioactive_froggy on November 16, 2006, 7:01:58 AM

Radioactive_froggy on
Radioactive_froggylol no they arent out of 100 the very right side shows the letter grades i got on the bottom of the page but yah...he has a weird grading system XD thanks! ^^

The_Angry_Cactus on November 13, 2006, 11:05:15 AM

The_Angry_Cactus on
The_Angry_Cactushahaha brilliant xD

I love those awesome drawings that happen at inconvenient locations where you don't have proper paper, they're always so awesome... I have a ton of art from school I'm too lazy to scan, I applaud you xD

(Ps I hope you keep your average up and the test doesn't count for a lot o_o)

Radioactive_froggy on November 14, 2006, 7:37:33 AM

Radioactive_froggy on
Radioactive_froggyhaha i know right!! i get the best ideas in school when i CANT draw (cept for this class cause im in the back X3) hah thanks oh and i got a 74 (which i can turn to a 79 with the extracredit) so its not awefull considering i didnt have anytime to study XD why study for a test taht you can do really well on if you study when you can study for a diff subject that you know ur gonna fail either way XD...that sense XD

Hikaridranz on November 12, 2006, 6:15:06 PM

Hikaridranz on
Hikaridranzlols nice one X) did u erase it from the paper? haha

Radioactive_froggy on November 13, 2006, 9:11:28 AM

Radioactive_froggy on
Radioactive_froggyhaha no we didnt hafta get this one signed so i left it on there XD even if we did i would make my mom sign around it XD