The Failed Experiment, Samial
The Failed Experiment, Samial
The Failed Experiment, Samial by Rakshiv


A+++ in physical development, F--- in psychological development, hence 'failed experiment'. They wanted something feral and instinct driven, what they got was timid and shy. But what Samial, Sam for short, lacks in ferocity, he makes up in intelligence. He's a genius puzzle solver and has attempted escape on more than one occasion. The term 'he' is purely for convenience's sake; the creature does not possess a gender. As of now he's held in their underground facility, a mere test subject for their unholy experiments.
You see the fog? That was me cheating. I was too lazy to draw the rest of Sam. :/
You see the fog? That was me cheating. I was too lazy to draw the rest of Sam. :/
General Info
General Info
Media Digital drawing or painting
Time Taken few hours
Reference none
Media Digital drawing or painting
Time Taken few hours
Reference none
Great picture by the way, you keep getting better and better.