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Spoiled Jackal

Spoiled Jackal

Spoiled Jackal by Ritscher
Spoiled Jackal by Ritscher


Yay Isis!

Uhm, I spent all day drawing this ... haha .... I'm such a noob at Copics.... >w<

Uhm, Isis is his temporary name ... Anyone got any good Egyptian names for me?

EDIT: Ok, scratch that. I'm gonna name him Khnemu or Isis. You guys vote!

Isis (c) Ritscher '08

General Info

General Info

Category Anime/Manga » - Original art » Characters (Kemonomimi)
Date Submitted
Views 1414
Favorites... 1
Vote Score 2
Comments 15
Media Ink or markers
Time Taken


Comments (15)

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luckylace222 on June 9, 2008, 7:01:12 AM

luckylace222 on
luckylace222xD HOTA HOTA!

B on September 15, 2008, 11:04:47 AM

B on
BMy votes on Khnemu!!!!
I loooove his hair and the tan skin is hott.

Kupo on May 26, 2008, 12:16:31 PM

Kupo on
Kupo(kay, sorry this is in a comment instead of reply, but FAC just hates me today apparently and isn't letting me do replies)

Sweet! Sometimes I can get Prisma to look sorta like this over small areas, but I totally know what you mean by streaky >=/ I guess I'll switch over before I've blown too much money on them :D

Yeah, I guess that's about what I was expecting on the amount of colors used ^^' Will cost a bit to do good crap, but it could be a lot worse. Imagine if colored pencils cost as much as markers! omg I use so many pencils on every little thing it's ridiculous XD (But hey, that's what ebay's for ^^)

Rei_Anul_Sama on May 25, 2008, 12:43:00 PM

Rei_Anul_Sama on
Rei_Anul_SamaI vote Isis^_^ suits him.

So yea, great picie^_^

Pharoh: ISIS! STOP SHOWING YOURSELF TO THE MORTALS! *grumbles* your Mine...>.>...

-From the Vampire

Ritscher on May 25, 2008, 12:48:21 PM

Ritscher on
RitscherIsis: -rolls over- <:3 Yes Master~ <3

Kupo on May 24, 2008, 5:55:28 AM

Kupo on
KupoOMG THAT'S MARKER?!!! I mean like, I can tell, but omg that is the super most bestest marker shine I have ever seen!!!! And the drawing is totally awesome too but just like zomgah!!!! That looks so cool!!!!!! All the shading on this, not just the shinies, are really really good too actually and the rainbow of pillows is neat. The character design in general (especially the hair) is also really cool, and so are the proportions and pose. Amazing. Oh, and I vote for Khnemu because it seems more original.

Ritscher on May 24, 2008, 7:45:46 AM

Ritscher on
RitscherHaha, wow, thanks so much!! <3 This didn't come out as well as I hoped, though .... Hmm, yeah, alot of people like the name Knemu.

Oh, and the Markers -- They're Copics. Very professional art markers at 5 bucks a pop. Took me a while to build up a repertoire like this, but I get alot for my birthdays and stuff.

Kupo on May 25, 2008, 5:03:42 AM

Kupo on
KupoCopics, huh? I'll have to check that out ^^ Are they better than Prismas? Prisma markers are like 3 or 4 dollars apiece and they're what I use now, so I know what you mean about trying to get enough -_-; About how many did you use for this picture?

Ritscher on May 25, 2008, 6:48:58 AM

Ritscher on
RitscherDude, they are LOADS better than Prismas! Prismas are streaky, and these things....Amazing.

Hmmm .... Colors, eh? I used two skin colors for his skin ( Shading and all), one color for his clothes, four for his hair, two for his colors, four for his eyes, and about twelve for the pillows. That's ... 25. Now, the pillows and their shading took up alot, but without the pillows it's a rather low number that I am too lazy to calculate.

LuckyNoodle on May 20, 2008, 6:31:41 AM

LuckyNoodle on
LuckyNoodleEeppp!! 8D


He ish so kyuute and the colouring is awesomeeee!!~ 8D

Name him Khnemu! n____n ISIS is for girls, no? =D


Ritscher on May 20, 2008, 6:43:25 AM

Ritscher on
RitscherNono, I'm hating the coloring... Haha, half my poor babies ( Copics :3 ) died on this .... -sob-

And yes, Isis is a girl's name....But this freak is gay. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! -runs off screaming-

LuckyNoodle on May 20, 2008, 6:52:38 AM

LuckyNoodle on
LuckyNoodleYESH, HURRAY FOR GAY-FREAKS!! *tackles you*

Well, in that case.... ISIS! XD

and what are ya sayin?! 8D the colouring is perfect! n___n
...i suck at colouring ~_~ mehh.

Ritscher on May 20, 2008, 7:02:49 AM

Ritscher on
Ritscher-tackles- HE CAUGHT TEH GHEY! @o@

No, I made the coloring tooooooo streaky .... >.> That's what I get for working with dark colors. -shakes fist-

Gardian_of_the_shadow_relm on May 18, 2008, 11:40:03 PM

Gardian_of_the_shadow_relm on
Gardian_of_the_shadow_relmYO it's the cute pet of pharaoh ^w^
haha, he's adorable on this pic....OK it's the only pic i've seen of him, but he's cute.
hmmm, me thinks i prefer Khnemu hurhurr

naruhina13 on May 18, 2008, 4:33:59 AM

naruhina13 on
naruhina13awww he is very cute =O
i like isis