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Nexus Character Art - Malus

Nexus Character Art - Malus

Nexus Character Art - Malus by Saru_no_Cheesecake
Nexus Character Art - Malus by Saru_no_Cheesecake


Nyowww....this is my friend Seth's character Malus from his supery-dupery fantastically awesome story Nexus! If you even dare try to steal him, he'll probably impale you with some sharp, pointy object. Just a warning there.

*grins* Now, Seth himself doesn't draw in this respect (not to my knowledge anyway...) so he's left it up to all of us to create our own characters. Playstationfreak's character is 'Yukiko' and mine is 'Hokori'. I think Nexus is on FAC somewhere *looks around* Don't know where though...

Aaaanyway, Seth's character is 'Takato' but he also has another OC in that story called 'Malus' *points to pic* This guy. *waves right hand* My entire hand was covered in black, red and blue by the time I was finished *laughs* And its REALLY sore now XD Anyway, enjoy, if you comment and like it, please fave! I tried soooo hard on this! x3

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Category Anime/Manga » - Original art » Characters (Male)
Date Submitted
Views 1299
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Vote Score 4
Comments 6
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Comments (6)

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princezuko101 on December 21, 2007, 9:14:05 AM

princezuko101 on
princezuko101ery evil love it

Trinity_Fire on November 21, 2007, 4:54:54 AM

Trinity_Fire on
Trinity_FireWow, this pic looks real cool. I like the flow of it, and the character's expression is really nice. :)
A good tip I got from a friend for coloring black; if it ends up grainy, try doing the underlying layer in purple! Yes, it'll look a little odd, but then just run the black over it. If it still looks grainy, add more purple, then more black. voila. Purple is darkish and doesn't tint much, so it's a good choice here, and won't make the black look icky or overly-warm as browns or blues might do.
Also, the only other thing that nags me about this picture is the lineart. Careful! Sketch out all the "layers" of a lineart if it helps you; the sleeve over the arm, the arm over the clothes; etc. But when you get down to the inking, try to be careful and only show the top layer! Showing under-layers of lineart only confuses the viewer and makes your lineart look sloppy.
Otherwise, excellent! You already know the tips I've given you for shading, so take what you will of what I offer; you're free to pick and choose. :)
Keep it up! Really nice art.

Saru_no_Cheesecake on November 21, 2007, 5:34:07 AM

Saru_no_Cheesecake on
Saru_no_Cheesecake>.< Eeeks, yeah, I know about the lineart on the sleeve and stuff showing sketches are generally pretty scribbly, so sometimes I go over the wrong part and...well, this one was a gift for a friend so I didn't wanna put whiteout on it and...but yeah, I know what you mean ^^ Thankies!

KingdomHeartShera on November 12, 2007, 10:13:34 PM

KingdomHeartShera on
KingdomHeartSheraI think this is one of your best pictures EVER! ^^ You used so many different kinds of shtuff to do the coloring! =0 I don't even have the patience to do that! XDDD I love the expression, pose, and details- it's very good, and I luve it. <333 Awesome job!

Playstationfreak on November 10, 2007, 3:16:51 PM

Playstationfreak on
PlaystationfreakWheee -twirls- You already know what I think of this piccy, but oh well, I'll tell you again!
He looks megaly-uberly-frickenly awesome! His eyes looks all cool and evilish (but in a good way) and his hair is so pretty that I wanna steal it and glue it to my head!
And the colours look way cool! I bet this took ages, and I bet your hand was all hurty too u.u

gondoey on November 10, 2007, 2:18:37 PM

gondoey on
gondoeywow he looks way awesome!!
one of my fav piccys u have done so far!
total awesomeness!!! *faves* keep up the brilliant work ^^