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OH MY GOD. I haven't posted stuff in FOREVER. I have two unfinish art trades. I finished one, but need to scann(lol keep forgetting), computer ate the other which I worked SO HARD ON AND IT TOOK FOREV BUT NOW IT'S LOST FOREVER *sob*

now scann you say? wtf? Satomi does not SCANN she has a TABLET! well, not any more ;( tablet commited suicide on me and now all I have is a fricking mouse>> Which I used for this pic by the way and it didn't take too long but it was a pain in the azz!Dx>

oh yeah and if uz wondering about the title, this is my apology pic to by bestest friend ever potterfan/Sze/Sam because the comp ate her art trade. lol I drew her OC Surri and Jaspah from TWILIGHT lol8D I do not CARE if you hate twilight. seriously, I DON'T GIVE A SHT!xD They are shty movies but amazing pieces of literature filled with romance and suspense. I've done some research and found that THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO HATE TWILIGHT ARE BIASED BETCHES WHO HAVE NEVER READ THE BOOK THEMSELVESxD

I support SurrixJasper!(inside jokexD)

PS: Robert Pattinson is a prick and I would TOTALLY push Kristen Stewart off a cliff. F*** Summit entertainment for killing the Twilight seriesxD

PSS: I love Edward AND Jacob. TEAM SWITSERLAND!!!

General Info

General Info

Category Books » By Author Name » Stephanie Meyer
Date Submitted
Views 1576
Favorites... 4
Vote Score 3
Comments 14
Media Digital drawing or painting
Time Taken


Comments (14)

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Anime_Eyes on February 19, 2010, 7:47:49 AM

Anime_Eyes on
Anime_EyesHoly crapers. You did this with a mouse? And talent shines through. Your a wonderfull artist. ^_^

SatomiTakashida on February 19, 2010, 8:12:20 AM

SatomiTakashida on
SatomiTakashidaO[]O OHEMGEE thankies!!!!! wuv joo!

Anime_Eyes on February 20, 2010, 4:36:44 AM

Anime_Eyes on
Anime_EyesAww, your welcom. ^_^ This is truly wonderfull. Kudos

QueenPaige on December 29, 2009, 5:39:00 AM

QueenPaige on
QueenPaigeI'm sorry that I don't Twilight and I know you don't wanna hear it but I have an excuse. so here I go: It is true that I've never read the books but I started hating them when all my friends started reading it and that was the only thing they would talk about every time and I was totally ignored when I was supposed to be having fun with my there thats the story but I still don't plan on reading them.

Also I think this is very cute even if If you Tablet Killed itself...I'm sorry well you don't have a tablet and I don't have a Scanner I thing we're even....actually I think you've got it better.....Trade? ;P

SatomiTakashida on December 30, 2009, 7:36:58 AM

SatomiTakashida on
SatomiTakashidaI'm really very sorry about your friends. However I actually MADE friends by reading Twilight. I used to be a loner and then a girl in my class who I respected a lot and looked up to(who is now my BFF) recommended it to me. And she, being smart, and funny, and sweet, and not-phony, and just plain awesome, of course I went ahead and read it(and it was AMAAAAZING!xD). Then I was accepted into her group of friends. And even after the hype went down, to this day they will always have been the best friends anyone, anywhere could ever have, even after I moved away. And we still keep in touch too, because she has an account on here(you know who you arexD). You were just in a different situation and decided to be stubborn and not read it because of those circumstances laid before you. Of course you don't HAVE to read it, but you should rethink your reasons. Just because this happened and that happened doesn't mean the book is bad. Though I DO understand why you think that and I also respect your opinion, I still don't really wanna hear it. But thank you for explaining WHY at least.;)

\;d............. no thanks, my tablet's getting fixed so I'm gonna have it back soonxD SORRY!

potterfan on December 25, 2009, 9:03:40 AM

potterfan on
potterfanAAAAAWWWWW!!! :3
Whether you messed up or not, I LOVEEZ IT!

SatomiTakashida on December 27, 2009, 4:36:19 AM

SatomiTakashida on

RockLeeXSuki on December 15, 2009, 5:07:39 AM

RockLeeXSuki on

SatomiTakashida on December 15, 2009, 6:15:33 AM

SatomiTakashida on
SatomiTakashidadude, did you even READ the description?! DID YOU HEAR ME?! I DON'T GIVE A SHT!Dx< WHY WON'T PEOPLE RESPECT MY WISHES PLEASE?! I'm like, about to block you in five seconds please>>

RockLeeXSuki on December 15, 2009, 9:15:50 AM

RockLeeXSuki on
RockLeeXSukilol im just kiddin XD although every single female.....some male.....are OVER obsessed with ugh twilight >3<; sorry XD

RockLeeXSuki on December 15, 2009, 9:17:20 AM

RockLeeXSuki on
RockLeeXSukibtw i still havent got my glasses XD so i cant read much D: srry >3<;

SatomiTakashida on December 15, 2009, 10:00:53 AM

SatomiTakashida on
SatomiTakashidalol I have contacts>3<

Well, I'M not over obsessed. I'm not one of those screaming raving fan girls lol ANNOYING! But I do love the books. words can hardly describe how really amazing they are!xD

RockLeeXSuki on December 16, 2009, 6:03:46 AM

RockLeeXSuki on
RockLeeXSukithe books are fine but the movie.....-shoots self- and XD contacts seems weird O3o i cant stand poking my eye

SatomiTakashida on December 24, 2009, 5:48:45 AM

SatomiTakashida on
SatomiTakashidaI HATE the movie it was the biggest rip of twilight and also the biggest waste of 12 bucks everxD Iv wish I could drop an A-bomb on Summit Entertainment's head quarters lol.

I looks fugly w/ glasses O3o