It's an easter present...
It's an easter present...
It's an easter present... by ScolexIsGod


I'M NOT DEAD!!! 8D;;;
Yes, just extremely busy unfortunately n_n; But I just finished my final exam yesterday, and then it's assignment submissions next week so after that I should be able to get some stuff posted and be chatting with you guys again :D Once again, I apologise that I haven't been talking with everyone lately D: Year 12's a beeeetch :c BUT, I should be back on soon! For a little while at least ;D
So yes, this picture is my first attempt at soft colouring, it started out as a sketch when I was having a chat with Kaj about her humpity-hump Larten and how he would look in a bunny suit, and then it eventually evolved into this xD;;; There are a few mistakes in there, but I'm much too lazy to go back and fix them C; HAPPY LATE EASTER EVERYONE!!! 8D
Yes, just extremely busy unfortunately n_n; But I just finished my final exam yesterday, and then it's assignment submissions next week so after that I should be able to get some stuff posted and be chatting with you guys again :D Once again, I apologise that I haven't been talking with everyone lately D: Year 12's a beeeetch :c BUT, I should be back on soon! For a little while at least ;D
So yes, this picture is my first attempt at soft colouring, it started out as a sketch when I was having a chat with Kaj about her humpity-hump Larten and how he would look in a bunny suit, and then it eventually evolved into this xD;;; There are a few mistakes in there, but I'm much too lazy to go back and fix them C; HAPPY LATE EASTER EVERYONE!!! 8D
General Info
General Info
Category Books » By Author Name » Darren Shan » Circque du Freak
Date Submitted
Views 1864
Favorites... 3
Vote Score 4
Category Books » By Author Name » Darren Shan » Circque du Freak
Date Submitted
Views 1864
Favorites... 3
Vote Score 4
Media Digital drawing or painting
Time Taken Two hours >w> (Disability!! \(•д•')/)
Reference It didn't have a signature :[
Media Digital drawing or painting
Time Taken Two hours >w> (Disability!! \(•д•')/)
Reference It didn't have a signature :[
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vesblondie on March 30, 2008, 12:18:39 PM
vesblondie on
SomekindofFreak on March 30, 2008, 3:52:51 AM
ElevatorMusicINC on March 29, 2008, 6:48:19 AM

>w> -humphumphumphump-.......>:V HUMNHALAHUMLANHAMUM.
That's my humping music.
<DDD Awwww Sigggggggg. <3
Lil Larten bb, you drew him so cute and this you know cuz I talked to you on iChat or whatever your cheap ripoff of AIM is caaaallleeddd...>w>
>w< And the coloring makes me happy. It's all fluffy and soft...lyk fluffeh prple bawlz.
-Fav button get's fatman'd-
Irken_Akire on March 29, 2008, 2:47:21 AM
Irken_Akire on
TallestPurple on March 28, 2008, 1:52:05 PM
ScolexIsGod on March 28, 2008, 2:06:54 PM
ScolexIsGod on
Falconlobo on March 28, 2008, 2:03:04 PM
Falconlobo on
I love your colring on this *nods* Yes yes. The Circque Du Freak series are AMAZING!!! I still need to read the last book, though. ^^;
Again, an awesome picture! And happy (very late) Easter to all! :D *hugs*
Siggeh is not dead! *dances in circles*