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Buddeh Seereez - Skof

Buddeh Seereez - Skof

Buddeh Seereez - Skof by ScolexIsGod
Buddeh Seereez - Skof by ScolexIsGod



Ummm, yeah, I don't really like how this picture came out, but I'm uploading it anyway >w> Quite simply, it looks like it's been coloured by a two year old... -w-; AH WELL.

What I'm doing is I'm making pictures for all of my well known friends on here over the holidays to make up for missed birthdays, holidays, anniversaries etc. >w> Srsly, I need to get stuff for all of you :c I really apologise that I haven't been submitting many pictures this year, but I'll do my best to get a tonne uploaded over the holidays mkay? ;D So nyeh!

General Info

General Info

Category Anime/Manga » - Original art » Characters (Female)
Date Submitted
Views 1648
Favorites... 4
Vote Score 3
Comments 21
Media Digital drawing or painting
Time Taken Bleh, about an hour and a half
Reference ... I don't think I did... owO


Comments (21)

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SomekindofFreak on July 3, 2008, 9:19:08 AM

SomekindofFreak on
SomekindofFreakSiggeh! Thank you sooo much for the picceh ;~; It is so beautiful!
*swats lightly*
I love this to pieces! I luff you to pieces!! XD Kya! *huggles* >w< <3
Everything is so shiny owo I really love how you did my hair so much! And that earring is amazing - I wish I had one like it! XD And the background is really cool o3o And I personally think the shading/coloring is great!
(is now worried about Siggeh being in pieces)

ScolexIsGod on July 3, 2008, 11:56:00 PM

ScolexIsGod on
ScolexIsGodChu~<3 Thankyou Skoffeh!
I'm glad you like your little present :B Even if it is a small one c: And you like your earring? xD I got one just like it recently actually, and just based it on that <P
Nyaaan! *crush huggles* I'm glad you like it so much bibbity! <D I'll see if I can get some more pictures up asap >8|

ragdoll21092 on July 3, 2008, 1:44:25 PM

ragdoll21092 on
ragdoll210928D I love this!
So professional looking, n__n clean and pretteh like. D: Not like a 2yr old.


ElevatorMusicINC on June 30, 2008, 12:47:31 PM

ElevatorMusicINC on
ElevatorMusicINCOk so I saw this earlier >:U
But it's still awesome, Watson.

I love your clean line-art <3
And the background owo
So full of win.
All digital and awesome.

You know me, Sig >:I
I will.

Come on dude, she'll totally love it 833
I know I do.
It's full of hardcore win.
n 3n

ElevatorMusicINC on June 30, 2008, 12:48:45 PM

ElevatorMusicINC on
ElevatorMusicINCLMAO WHAT.

Lulz wow.
Laaaaaame FAC

ScolexIsGod on June 30, 2008, 4:39:30 PM

ScolexIsGod on
ScolexIsGodLOLWAT. dog xDDD SWEET JESUS FAC. YOU'VE GONE TO A NEW LOW *Watches as this is turned into lulz on ED* :BBB
Nya, thankyew for the comment though Kaj c: Your comments are so nice and reassuring <D *hugs super tight* x333

... Now I'm going to test out this censor... xD
shoot piss frack country matters cocksucker
Motherfracker tit fart turd and twat
... I wonder how dog'd 'family reunion' is gonna get? xD

vesblondie on July 1, 2008, 1:59:13 AM

vesblondie on
vesblondieI belive you can un-censor your comments and what-not under Edit Profile.
I think it's right under Set [img] number (or whatever that thing is)
I'm going to see if it works now...^^[/img]

vesblondie on July 1, 2008, 2:01:01 AM

vesblondie on worked-ded!!! >:]
It is no longer "dog"
*evil laugh*

ScolexIsGod on July 1, 2008, 9:31:53 AM

ScolexIsGod on
ScolexIsGodOrly? owO I'm gonna try that then xD; Hurrrrr! >:U *does an epic battle stance*

vesblondie on July 1, 2008, 10:11:09 AM

vesblondie on
vesblondie*stands next to you*


ScolexIsGod on June 30, 2008, 4:40:12 PM

ScolexIsGod on
ScolexIsGod... LOL FAIL

vesblondie on June 30, 2008, 5:58:04 AM

vesblondie on
vesblondieOh wow!!! >w< Skoffeh looks so pretty, Siggeh! *supah glomps*
I love the wya you drew her outfit! *pokes the green shiney-thing* :3 I also love her ear ring with the chain!!! That's awesome.
This is really good, Siggeh! I'm sure she'll love it a ton! (Owns what I could ever do on a computer XD)

DarkSoulEmperess on June 29, 2008, 10:44:07 AM

DarkSoulEmperess on
DarkSoulEmperessIts sooo good Siggeh! I like it, you really shouldn't be so down on yourself. At least you've done more this year than I have. I need to post something.

Anyway, I like this piccy! You are really good! I swear, I will beat it into you if you don't realize it soon.

Irken_Akire on June 29, 2008, 4:04:03 AM

Irken_Akire on
Irken_AkireWhut? A 2-year old coloring?

A very much better coloring than i ever do on a computer!
My my! You've made her so pretty! I heart everything about this picture...
The backround and her ear-ring...>w>;; Kukuku

Don't worry about us Sig-newton, you were very busy. 8o
Thats why i havent drawn anything for anyone for the whole year...just meh-self. :3

^_^ Now its summer! I'm glad I've seen another awesome pic by Sig himself. Been such a long time! TToTT

darkstar17 on June 28, 2008, 2:56:09 PM

darkstar17 on
Comment Deleted

ScolexIsGod on June 29, 2008, 2:01:08 AM

ScolexIsGod on
ScolexIsGodThankiiies! <D I'm sorry I haven't been talking to you much lately -w-; Just a little busy, but next time you're on we can chat neh? c: But yar! Thankyou kindly for the fave! C:

Konohasdarkshadow on June 28, 2008, 2:35:58 PM

Konohasdarkshadow on
Konohasdarkshadowthe clothing is fine, the picture is great! this is a cool pic! its an absolute-definite-automatic fave

ScolexIsGod on June 29, 2008, 1:59:55 AM

ScolexIsGod on
ScolexIsGodOrly? (´•ω•`) Thankyeww! You're very kind to say so! c: And thankyou for the fave <D

TallestPurple on June 29, 2008, 1:53:30 AM

TallestPurple on
TallestPurpleAww~! This is so amazing Siggeh!!!! <3
I love the clothes! ^0^ Those are spiffy. <33
Her hair looks soooo shiney and so does the gemmy-crystal thing :3 Awww~! This is so cute ^0^
Skof will love this sooo much :3
-wiggle- I'm happy to see new art by Siggeh :D
You shade really well too ^3^

ScolexIsGod on June 29, 2008, 1:57:47 AM

ScolexIsGod on
ScolexIsGodO Y thankyew Luzzeh c: You always leave such nice comments chu~<3
I actually thought the clothes looked terrible xD I like the ones I'm drawing at the moment a lot more ;D Much more flowing cloth :L (Which certainly helps to cover up my terrible figure drawins xDDD)

ScolexIsGod on June 28, 2008, 2:32:31 PM

ScolexIsGod on
ScolexIsGod... I'm so ashamed... xD; I should've taken the time to draw some more intricate clothing and stuff >w>;