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Chaos by Seifer-sama
Chaos by Seifer-sama


I did this picture over spring break and let me tell you, my pencils were so tiny by the time I was finished with this picture.

General Info

General Info

Category Games » - by Publisher » Square-Enix » Final Fantasy series » Final Fantasy 7 » Vincent
Date Submitted
Views 15106
Favorites... 234
Vote Score 12
Comments 135
Media Colored Pencil / Crayon
Time Taken


Comments (135)

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SyphaDantes on January 23, 2022, 3:02:27 AM

SyphaDantes on
SyphaDantesI’m very impressed!!!!!!

SweetxinsanityxSarah on May 15, 2011, 4:53:53 PM

SweetxinsanityxSarah on
SweetxinsanityxSarahSoooo sexy...I luff the folds in his cape #_#
You'd think he was a vampire because of this but he's not...he just slept in a coffin is all. xD

YukiX62 on August 1, 2008, 9:33:34 AM

YukiX62 on
YukiX62your skill is KILLER.

love Vincent.


YnxoXIV on June 13, 2008, 1:13:32 PM

YnxoXIV on
YnxoXIVamazing... :O you say your pencils were tiny? what'd u used? colored pencils? O_o if so...whoa... :O lol i love it :D

you draw blood very well :O

xMiseryx on May 23, 2008, 6:50:20 PM

xMiseryx on

invaiderzen on April 2, 2008, 3:34:27 AM

invaiderzen on
invaiderzenwow thats cool faves.

Sharidaken_Tranqity on February 11, 2008, 9:07:53 PM

Sharidaken_Tranqity on
Sharidaken_TranqityYeah...! It's Vincent. Kick @$$.

gazbeannie on January 9, 2008, 1:21:56 PM

gazbeannie on
gazbeannieI think this is soo cool!!!!!

Aethera on November 15, 2007, 12:17:44 AM

Aethera on
Aethera(O_o) that's amaaaazzing!!! Chaos rocks! ^^ it's cewl!! *fav*

DrakeGirlandLuna on October 7, 2007, 6:56:01 AM

DrakeGirlandLuna on
DrakeGirlandLunaI love his hair in this picture :D The detail blows me away also!

DrakeGirlandLuna on October 7, 2007, 6:56:01 AM

DrakeGirlandLuna on
DrakeGirlandLunaI love his hair in this picture :D The detail blows me away also!

angelfox on October 7, 2007, 12:31:11 AM

angelfox on
angelfoxOHHHH! VINCENT! >w< best character in that! ^_^ great job!^^

Oni-chan on September 28, 2007, 7:27:23 AM

Oni-chan on
Oni-chanomigosh. this is so beautiful!! are amazing!

runninglasagna on September 3, 2007, 6:01:56 AM

runninglasagna on
runninglasagnaYou rock!!! I love It! <3 <3

aeris7dragon on July 31, 2007, 8:42:38 AM

aeris7dragon on
aeris7dragonAww, hes asleep!! (shh, dont wake him up!! hes mine!!!)

DemonVampire99 on November 8, 2006, 5:47:41 AM

DemonVampire99 on
DemonVampire99so...pretty...O.O *glomps pic*

kylaVegeta on November 6, 2006, 7:14:47 AM

kylaVegeta on
kylaVegetahey this is so coolio I thought I had already commented. But I really like this well LOVE YOUR ART *faves*

xXx_EMOkisses_xXx on October 29, 2006, 5:17:49 AM

xXx_EMOkisses_xXx on
vincent is sooo sexii
what type of pencils did you use??

Ghostship on October 9, 2006, 2:23:01 AM

Ghostship on
GhostshipThat's amazing! I love how "Chaos" is scrawled on the floor in blood very nice touch^_^ ~favs*~

thunderstorm101 on October 7, 2006, 5:29:49 AM

thunderstorm101 on
thunderstorm101That is just amazing...and it makes me want to write fanfiction and post it on my account. Why, oh why do you people have to be so good over here? My art (when I can figure out how to use my scanner) can never, ever possibly be this good!




Whyyyyy can't I be good at drawing?

dark_marieriddle on October 6, 2006, 7:16:13 AM

dark_marieriddle on
dark_marieriddleuber good job! UBER GOOD JOB!!!!!!!!

Dailix on August 30, 2006, 12:17:09 AM

Dailix on
DailixI absolutely love this.

I especially love the texture of the inside of the coffin. Perception is great.

Your style is jaw-dropping. *hands you a blonde brownie.* ^-^

Gothic_Bitch_From_Hell on August 4, 2006, 2:54:54 AM

Gothic_Bitch_From_Hell on
Gothic_Bitch_From_Helldamn thats awesome!

LadySymphonia on August 1, 2006, 7:44:45 AM

LadySymphonia on
LadySymphoniaHe's gonna destory us all!
Close the coffin!
Close it hurry!
It's beautiful anyway!

Moon_the_blue_neko on July 27, 2006, 9:25:20 AM

Moon_the_blue_neko on
Moon_the_blue_nekoAWSOME!!!!!!!! I LOVE VINNY!!!!!! wee i am so high on sugar. hehe ::favs picture::

l_Kyra_l on July 2, 2006, 3:57:18 PM

l_Kyra_l on
l_Kyra_lman this picture kicks so much @$$...i love the bloody hand prints *fave*

EanBlazer on June 27, 2006, 11:40:13 AM

EanBlazer on
EanBlazerall your pics seem to be a tad bit fatal.

CrashAndBurn on June 25, 2006, 11:46:56 AM

CrashAndBurn on

Too bad he's all emo-ish all the time...

elfen_lied_is_so_cool on June 22, 2006, 8:00:57 AM

elfen_lied_is_so_cool on
elfen_lied_is_so_coolhis legs are overly long. nice job, tho!!!! :D:D:D:D:DDDDD

Candyochan on June 4, 2006, 11:05:50 PM

Candyochan on
Candyochanvincent ce tre hotz

tifa on June 1, 2006, 5:03:27 PM

tifa on
tifaPoor Vincent He Looks SadGood Work[/colorI LOVE IT]

Riku_Heartless13 on May 3, 2006, 6:02:41 AM

Riku_Heartless13 on
Riku_Heartless13O_O That's really good.

TouchNDie24 on April 8, 2006, 12:19:51 PM

TouchNDie24 on
TouchNDie24*fave artist of all times*

nic1993 on March 10, 2006, 9:36:20 PM

nic1993 on
nic1993this moust have taken a long time... your are the best artist ive ever seen..nice (does mogs water rondo on whoever hates it)

vinny_sama on February 26, 2006, 9:27:15 AM

vinny_sama on
vinny_samacompletely beautiful. I wish i had your talent. -bows down and worships-

I love the drapes and how long and thin vincents body is, its abnormal but seems to go with him in my opinion.

PureAngel06 on February 7, 2006, 7:56:04 AM

PureAngel06 on
PureAngel06my...FREAKING GAWD LOL....dude this is sooo cool^^ i luv ur art soo much, i definatly have to keep an eye out for new stuff on you ^^

Jos_n_Jimmy on January 24, 2006, 4:27:40 AM

Jos_n_Jimmy on
Jos_n_JimmyLol - I agree with Miriko_the_cat. How you did this with pencil crayons I'll never figure out! Love his hair and all the blood, and his mega-long legs. They're uber cool!

miriko_the_cat on December 24, 2005, 2:39:39 PM

miriko_the_cat on
miriko_the_catYou usew.. craola PENCIL CRAYONS to color this.. IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE! WAT THE HELL! you are the coloring pencil GOD! *bows* you rock!! *favz*

MINA-CHAN on December 10, 2005, 11:16:56 AM

MINA-CHANO.O hes tall

wolfgirl98 on November 29, 2005, 10:48:58 AM

wolfgirl98 on
wolfgirl98wow that rox and its kinda creepy but rox soooooo much!!!!

BLOODPIESandCOLDBEER on November 21, 2005, 10:56:33 PM


Jiori-Seth on November 13, 2005, 9:54:31 AM

Jiori-Seth on
Jiori-SethI think I love you. I just wanted you to know that.

TrickSparrow on November 10, 2005, 6:21:02 AM

TrickSparrow on
TrickSparrowHoly ESS, you used PENCILS to draw that!?!? It's awesome! More than awesome, it's fan-frickin'-tastic!! Vincent is my absolute favorite, and this picture completely rocks.

CrashAndBurn on November 2, 2005, 7:24:38 AM

CrashAndBurn on
CrashAndBurneveryone's like "dude his legs are long" I agree, but you're probably going : "MAN, I KNNNNOOOOWWW! SO STOP TELLING ME!!!" So I'll try not to bug ya with that...*huggle huggle* (haha, I never played any FF, but I know who all these people are XD I LOVE YEEEWWWW VINCENT!!! And Cloud...and Sephiroth...and*list goes on* ) *glomp-attack!!!!* *faves picture* *faves artist*

lady_sesshmaru99 on October 27, 2005, 1:10:07 PM

lady_sesshmaru99 on
lady_sesshmaru99Ohhh.....*Runs a finger down his legs* He has suck long legs...>.< WTF?!

JohnChief on October 23, 2005, 9:09:35 PM

JohnChief on
JohnChiefall of ur stuff rules

Kupo on October 9, 2005, 7:18:51 AM

Kupo on
Kupo*mouth drops open* wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwoooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so so good! +favs

Ilpalazzorocks on October 4, 2005, 10:00:18 AM

Ilpalazzorocks on
IlpalazzorocksAwesome Pic! Great game, great character...what more is there to say!

Augustus on October 1, 2005, 12:56:23 PM

Augustus on
AugustusNow THAT is doging!
It's clear that you took a long time to make it! Awesome game, awesome character, incredible artwork. Man, you should publish your work or something and make money!

Mangagal101 on September 9, 2005, 12:18:36 PM

Mangagal101 on
Mangagal101Me like!!!! WOW!!! Keep readin' those emails or you might not make it to mine!:)The coffin thingy is totally cool!

Renzophil on September 8, 2005, 5:31:33 AM

Renzophil on
RenzophilHoly shoot.

KenJiMarVin on August 25, 2005, 11:31:38 AM

KenJiMarVin on
KenJiMarVinI have finally found god.

and you're him. * glomps* I love Vinnie! and you make him so... bishie-full. I hope your life is is long, full, and HAPPY! Because you made my day, man!

Oni-chan on August 24, 2005, 12:57:05 AM

Oni-chan on
Oni-chanDude...That is like totally WICKED!! You are so AWESOME!!

AddictedFreak on August 23, 2005, 1:27:22 PM

AddictedFreak on
AddictedFreakAgain, YOU ARE A GOD!!!! Man, this is beautiful! I wish I could say something better than beautiful, but I can't find the words right now.

clue_black_water on August 21, 2005, 1:48:10 AM

clue_black_water on
clue_black_waterbeautiful coloring, this totally kicks @$$!

Dsnmaxis on August 9, 2005, 8:35:54 PM

Dsnmaxis on
DsnmaxisThis picture, apart from the simply stunning coloring effects, has an amazing atmosphere to it that compiments Vincent entirely. You have mastered him from his raven locks right down to the monstrous claw on his arm. I commend you.

Jiori-Seth on July 26, 2005, 3:34:24 AM

Jiori-Seth on
Jiori-SethThis is SO outta my league... woah... wonderfull job, i woulda never known it was pencil... beautiful.

dragons_healing_blood on July 14, 2005, 10:24:41 AM

dragons_healing_blood on
dragons_healing_blood'what a great jog'
:yes it was a great jog watson
:induvedibly, mr.jenkins
what a lovly joBBB!!!

dragons_healing_blood on July 14, 2005, 10:09:45 AM

dragons_healing_blood on
dragons_healing_blood...WOW, i bet you pencils are tiny...what a great jog!
the wrinkles are so awesome!
the only thing that bothers me is that his legs are super, uber long..but i love it all the same!
spectacular pic!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PS if anyone else tries to clam your art i will be right there defending you. i am on my sister's profil right now, but on one of other sites someone claimed my whole section as hers.(she claimed it was her "updated" file) so yeah, bye

chibi_aeris027 on July 13, 2005, 2:12:14 AM

chibi_aeris027 on
chibi_aeris027*spontaneous nosebleed*

Boo-tee-fool! I'm going to die of blood loss.

Khyleria on June 25, 2005, 3:19:31 AM

Khyleria on

moogle on June 15, 2005, 12:33:07 PM

moogle on
mooglethats freaky, of course so is vencent

Kupo on June 11, 2005, 3:49:07 AM

Kupo on
Kupodid u really draw that in colored pencil?! u r so awsome! that is so cool how do u do that? this is the best pic ive seen! +favs all the way!

Aneris on June 2, 2005, 11:27:36 AM

Aneris on
AnerisI am now motivated to draw more Vincent because of you. *jaw drops*

hungryflashes735 on April 30, 2005, 6:39:20 AM

hungryflashes735 on
hungryflashes735my god!! how can you do all this in color pencil?? its freakin good for cryin out loud!!! i also like the backround in this picture. its great!!! but i have no idea how you did that in color pencils. sometimes, i just like to wonder. oh well, keep up the good work!! //_^

muchalucha on April 8, 2005, 2:02:37 AM

muchalucha on
muchaluchawow cool i love it Rock on! *favs*

Tifa_Fan2004 on March 25, 2005, 11:47:39 AM

Tifa_Fan2004 on
Tifa_Fan2004o so totally awesome!!! O.O

w_i_n_g_s_of_c_h_a_o_s on March 18, 2005, 4:27:32 PM

w_i_n_g_s_of_c_h_a_o_s on
w_i_n_g_s_of_c_h_a_o_sYou're just too good **sob** I wish I could even meet your skills...

Ah but anyways... Your art is so awesome and the characters that you draw... I know 'em all! (just about...) Do you think we could be... friends?? Maybe? **hopeful chibi eyes**

-- Shuyuki

FinalFantasyChick178 on February 26, 2005, 6:21:02 PM

FinalFantasyChick178 on vince pic I've seen on this site yet...

DeathPixie on February 26, 2005, 10:32:32 AM

DeathPixie on
DeathPixiereal friend says he looks like a girl*hits friend*


bloodyangel on February 16, 2005, 10:16:55 AM

bloodyangel on
bloodyangel*wipes a tear from her eye* This is so good! I praise thee, Seifer-sama, I praise thee!!!!

PimpShadow on January 6, 2005, 4:09:24 PM

PimpShadow on
PimpShadowPS: What's with you?

Tiffany: I'm freakin' out!

PS: ..... Why?

Tiffany: I just got to wonderin' if that's a coffon surounded by blood, or if it's blood surounded by a coffon. Why you ask?

PS: ..... I was just wondering if you're a hole surounded by @$$...

lol. Nice pic. Where you learn to draw like that?

_Vincent_Valentine_ on January 6, 2005, 10:48:38 AM

_Vincent_Valentine_ on
_Vincent_Valentine_I love Vincent.This far the most brilliant picture I have I must have this picture to print!
~Vincent Valentine's true love.

Akiko_the_fox_demon on January 3, 2005, 2:06:24 PM

Akiko_the_fox_demon on
Akiko_the_fox_demonVinny again!!! Here, have a cookie!! *hands you a giant cookie*

blue_dragon35 on November 22, 2004, 12:17:14 PM

blue_dragon35 on
blue_dragon35i have no clue who this vincent guy is,but i can conclude that:
1.This guy is really hott.
2.I like coffins
3.This is an amazing drawing

seras_familiar on October 1, 2004, 5:13:03 AM

seras_familiar on

TheDarkShiva on September 10, 2004, 2:37:08 AM

TheDarkShiva on
TheDarkShivagreat athmosphere in this one. vince looks so peaceful in his pain *melts*<br />
<br />

BeautySeeker on August 21, 2004, 3:58:22 AM

BeautySeeker on
BeautySeekerDAMN IT! If I catch another one of you little punks stealing Seifer-Sama's art I will find you and kick your little @$$! Understand!....... sorry about that, I am sorry another little shoot is trying to steal your stuff.

BeautySeeker on August 21, 2004, 3:53:53 AM

BeautySeeker on
BeautySeekerAH! I f-in' love this! Oh man! fav x 1,0000!..... <_<...... >_>.... (no one looking) *creeps into coffin and cuddles with Vincent* tee hee

Fallen_Angel_Vincent on July 27, 2004, 7:31:34 AM

Fallen_Angel_Vincent on
Fallen_Angel_Vincentmy friend found your picture once then forgot where she got it. she's tawnted me for it's mine......<br />
..........*ahem*..........<br />
have a nice day.

Laura_Da_Lamp on July 23, 2004, 10:11:10 PM

Laura_Da_Lamp on
Laura_Da_LampUh,i meant GREATEST.. x)

Laura_Da_Lamp on July 23, 2004, 10:10:43 PM

Laura_Da_Lamp on
Laura_Da_LampI have to say,that ypu are the gratest drawer i have ever seen!

blind_stranger on July 22, 2004, 5:44:11 PM

blind_stranger on
blind_stranger...Wow he's tall... O.O<br />

Lechau on July 21, 2004, 7:22:46 AM

Lechau on
LechauWow, the shading and blending are great. You must have a lot of tiny colored pencils ^_^

moonstruck_fiend on July 13, 2004, 9:13:38 PM

moonstruck_fiend on
moonstruck_fiendthis is...*stare*...just...*staaaaare*.. 0_0 your greatness overwhelms me! ack! *worship* keep drawing! I COMMAND THEE!

LucifersChild on July 5, 2004, 6:13:22 AM

LucifersChild on
LucifersChildthis is not the first pic he or she claimed that was some elses so i say this now listen stupid git stay off this site if your just lie and shoot if you dont stop i will report cause im sick of people like you. sorry bout that Seifer-sama a little late coming hehe... GREAT PICCY!

anime_queen on July 3, 2004, 9:13:48 AM

anime_queen on
anime_queenholy crap! how did u do that???? i LUV LUV LUV the background, it's really cool! i cant do backgrounds that well....

BloodRoses1619 on June 29, 2004, 9:01:14 AM

BloodRoses1619 on

Riku_gurl on June 25, 2004, 2:35:46 PM

Riku_gurl on
Riku_gurlO.O...........DANG!!!!!!IT MAKES ME WANNA GET VINCENT EVEN MORE!!!!!!OMG UR SO GOOD!!!!!Im gonna sit here and look at all the pictures!!I WANNA C EM ALL!!!!!!

SassyBotan8990 on June 21, 2004, 12:07:52 PM

SassyBotan8990 on
SassyBotan8990How do u color like that? My color pencils don't color like that! You are a really talented artist! Can you draw RedXIII (Red 13) Please? Thanks!

LittleScaryChild on June 21, 2004, 4:35:22 AM

LittleScaryChild on
LittleScaryChildgrat jobe he is one of my fav. charecturs.

Fluffy-Erutis on June 9, 2004, 3:16:48 AM

Fluffy-Erutis on
Fluffy-Erutisya Want To Know Somethin' Ironic? My Friend Printed Out This Picture, But I've Never Looked @ It, And I Said "It Looks Like A Picture This One Artist Would Of Done." And Guess What That Artist Was You, And It Was Your Picture!! LOL I Also Like Your Pic. A LOT!!<br />
<br />

Shan-chan on June 4, 2004, 4:11:19 AM

Shan-chan on
Shan-chanGosh I look up to you so much! I worship you*in a healthy way*. I really wish I could draw like you.

Ultima_Sephiroth on May 28, 2004, 3:37:01 PM

Ultima_Sephiroth on
Ultima_SephirothPRAISE SIEFER-SAMA!!!!

hooked_on_me on April 4, 2004, 5:44:22 PM

hooked_on_me on
hooked_on_mei wish more people would draw vincent...not that it matters,yours are the offense to all those other amazing artist though :)

ED_Vanguard on April 4, 2004, 8:36:31 AM

ED_Vanguard on
ED_Vanguardthis is by far the Coolest picture i have ever seen!!!<br />
woot woot

Sumari_Kitsune on April 2, 2004, 11:47:28 AM

Sumari_Kitsune on
Sumari_KitsuneLove the coloring! Amazing!!!

Koolkat6968 on March 30, 2004, 3:38:46 AM

Koolkat6968 on
Koolkat6968Dang, u are so good!!

Skip on March 29, 2004, 1:00:55 PM

Skip on
SkipVery nice! There are some boy structure issues but I think they actually add to the feel of the picture, so I like them. I can't imagine the hand cramp that must have caused. >.< LoL, you have a lot more patience with colored pencils then I do and it really pays off! This is beautiful.<br />
<br />
I'm sorry people are trying to steal your work, I understand that must be endlessly infuriating. Just know that we all know the truth. ^.^

animeedff on March 22, 2004, 8:57:34 AM

animeedff on
animeedffBesides the fact that Vincent look very very thin I absolutely love this pic!

AngelKagome on March 21, 2004, 9:19:00 AM

AngelKagome on
AngelKagomeThat is soo kool!

Angie-chan on March 10, 2004, 11:14:08 PM

Angie-chan on
Angie-chanWow, so pretty~!! *is wondering where those posts spoken of above are*

DarkDevil on February 23, 2004, 9:12:08 AM

DarkDevil on
DarkDevil::bows:: I am not worthy!!! seifer you are a god at drawing and coloring!!!

Noot_das_Schaf on February 22, 2004, 6:25:39 AM

Noot_das_Schaf on
Noot_das_SchafHOOLY! O_o *gasp*<br />
that's...... brilliant!!!!

Demon_Angel_of_Hell on February 19, 2004, 3:08:11 AM

Demon_Angel_of_Hell on
Demon_Angel_of_HellOmigod! Thats awesome!!!! Vincent kicks @$$! WOOO!!!

FoxGirl06 on February 18, 2004, 11:45:10 AM

FoxGirl06 on
FoxGirl06Wow wat a Hottie!!!!!(Vincent)<br />
Can you draw me?<br />
I am a tall sleek girl with long red hair, green eyes and a fox tail.<br />
If you dont take comments thats ok

Teddi_MaulerX on February 17, 2004, 1:05:36 PM

Teddi_MaulerX on
Teddi_MaulerXCOOOL...long legs but that is sweetness

DarkAnGel on February 10, 2004, 7:19:19 AM

DarkAnGel on
DarkAnGeloh my god... sooo good!

Unosuke_Suru on January 29, 2004, 2:32:15 PM

Unosuke_Suru on
Unosuke_Suru@.@ hee hee * drools*

Anime_Girl424 on January 6, 2004, 12:31:20 AM

Anime_Girl424 on
Anime_Girl424Wow... That's wonderful!!! *drools* Um... *grabs Vincent and runs* Mine!!!

Seifer-sama on January 5, 2004, 5:20:11 AM

Seifer-sama on
Seifer-samaComputer paper or printing paper. That's what I use. ^^

sally_the_ragdoll on January 3, 2004, 8:15:11 PM

sally_the_ragdoll on
sally_the_ragdollwow ^^'' holy crap that rox

Roger-the-owl on January 1, 2004, 6:11:38 PM

Roger-the-owl on
Roger-the-owl-long sigh-....damn ,he's hot...

dark_goddess_rikku on December 20, 2003, 1:59:24 AM

dark_goddess_rikku on
dark_goddess_rikkuwhat type of paper do you use if used rice papaer with colored pencils, printer paper, all sorts of crap but they dont come out that well

kipor on December 10, 2003, 3:52:44 PM

kipor on
kiporHow do you do it i mean color like this?

kipor on December 10, 2003, 3:51:08 PM

kipor on
kiporhey im kipor not kiros,ok?<br />

blackwings on December 10, 2003, 10:10:16 AM

blackwings on
blackwings^__^ Doesn't sound too bad either. Suits the title of this pic anyhow. Take care and keep up the powerful artwork!!! <br />
<br />
*had to delete one message just now cos my sis didn't log out while using our com and i accidentally posted a message in her name*

Seifer-sama on December 8, 2003, 2:31:57 AM

Seifer-sama on
Seifer-samaWell Blackwings... I thought about it... and I decided that punishment by embarrassment was so much more fullfiling then deleting them and not showing everyone the ignorance of thieves. ^^ Thanks for the thought though.

blackwings on December 8, 2003, 2:20:44 AM

blackwings on
blackwingsseifer-sama, can't u just delete all Kiros' posts? they seriously tarnish this thread >:(

Fyrsiel on November 28, 2003, 2:58:12 AM

Fyrsiel on
Fyrsiel..... uh.... o__O Wow... now there's one way to get yourself out of trouble.... *I think?*

kipor on November 20, 2003, 6:41:20 PM

kipor on
kiporo ok thanks the way,i love ur art!

Seifer-sama on November 20, 2003, 12:47:49 AM

Seifer-sama on
Seifer-samaI really can't teach anoyone to color because it's up to the artist to learn to color in their own way. Just practice. That's about all I can say.

Squall-sama on November 18, 2003, 2:09:01 AM

Squall-sama on
Squall-sama*gasps* Seifer-sama! how could you!! i-i thought you were different than that... how could you call kiros something so, so.... NICE!?! <br />
<br />
you fracking, lousy, little rotten thief!!! Seifer didn't steal shoot from you, you liar!! this is her art and she even entered it into a contest!! so back off you stupid little kid and grow up!!! if i find you taking her art again, you'll regret buddy. so go off and play with your other immature little junior high friends--go look at 'nude pictures' since you're so fond of those!<br />
<br />
thief--THEIF!!!!!! *picks up gunblade and chases you off*

Seifer-sama on November 18, 2003, 1:18:12 AM

Seifer-sama on
Seifer-samaSorry to disappoint you Sam or Kiros. But this isn't your picture. I am the one who drew it. And if you want proof all one needs to do is look at your pictures and then look at mine. Firstly you will notice that Sam (Kiros) does not color with colored pencils at all in any of the pictures show. And secondly, if you look at mine you will notice that all of mine are colored in the exact same way. Next if you examine style you will notice that your style and my style don't match very well. Most of your art (if it's your's at all) is done on the computer... where as you should see that all of my style matches ALL of my art. I would appreciate it if you would stay the heck away from my art and stop claiming it as your's. And how dare you attempt to call me a thief you lousy little beast. Thanks.

TenthDivine on November 14, 2003, 6:03:45 AM

TenthDivine on
TenthDivineIf that ain't the longest body I've ever seen... I LOVE IT!! Saving to faves *click* There ~_~

Fyrsiel on November 11, 2003, 10:09:21 PM

Fyrsiel on
Fyrsielo__O;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; *adds to favorites* XD Vincent kicks arse..... That... iz... talent....

GawainesAngel on November 9, 2003, 3:42:02 AM

GawainesAngel on
GawainesAngelHoly crap. You're quite talented! I can't wait to see more of your work.... *adds to favorites*

Angel_Kairi on November 6, 2003, 11:06:08 PM

Angel_Kairi on
Angel_Kairihey!! ur really good at drawing vince soooooooo could i ask u 2 draw me a VinceXKairi pic (kairi from KH btw) thankies *cringes then walks away*

blackwings on October 26, 2003, 1:19:01 PM

blackwings on
blackwingsi love the colouring, and the drawing is really good! only thing is that he looks stretched vertically....

Steffie-chan on September 29, 2003, 4:38:59 AM

Steffie-chan on
Steffie-chanThat is a very lovely picture..<br />
especially the coloring... but his legs are REALLY long... ^^

SSJ-IceFire47 on September 4, 2003, 8:53:08 PM

SSJ-IceFire47 on
SSJ-IceFire47Kewlz! Kickass coloring + details!

Quezzi on September 4, 2003, 7:35:29 PM

Quezzi on
Quezziu rule

DeathBo on September 4, 2003, 7:34:07 PM

DeathBo on
DeathBothis is so good! u are very good!