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Battle Scars

Battle Scars

Battle Scars by Seifer-sama
Battle Scars by Seifer-sama


This for Cory who let me know of the little theif that attempted to steal my art. Thanks Cory! ^^<br />
<br />
Oh and please don't ask me to do any more DBZ pictures though. ^^;;;; I'm not very good at them.

General Info

General Info

Category Anime/Manga » Dragon Ball series » Dragonball Z » Trunks
Date Submitted
Views 8217
Favorites... 100
Vote Score 5
Comments 72
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (72)

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SweetxinsanityxSarah on July 29, 2011, 6:54:26 PM

SweetxinsanityxSarah on
SweetxinsanityxSarahWow...much thanks Cory for finding this art theif, otherwise we wouldnt have THIS! @_@

Nyaaaah sexy hair and face...I still ponder how the hell this came from Vegeta! xD

And for shame! Your DBZ pictures are excellent; stop kicking yourself! xP

VictoriaZepeda on May 2, 2010, 10:08:30 AM

VictoriaZepeda on
VictoriaZepedaAwesome pic!!

luckylace222 on July 24, 2009, 10:17:28 AM

luckylace222 on
luckylace222DX I've totally had a dream about me being partners with Trunks. He's just so freakin cool. Also, he's one of those characters whose hair isn't physically impossible. xD HEHEHEHEH GOOD WORK! *0*


xD Now I wonder why they called him that?!

Cyanide on July 22, 2009, 3:10:54 PM

Cyanide on
CyanideThis Trunks is WAY TOO HOT! Oh my God<3

lashanta22 on May 30, 2009, 3:01:08 PM

lashanta22 on
lashanta22oh dear god!!! im gonna faint!!! dbz kicks major butt!!! trunks is by FAR my fav character !!! you just made my day!! AWESOME!!! MORE PLEASE!!! it is a shame that you say you are not good at drawing them bc you are really putting yourself down when you say that:( love it!!!

vash13 on January 22, 2008, 6:15:44 AM

vash13 on
vash13that is the best

Goku_fan on October 1, 2006, 6:59:00 AM

Goku_fan on
Goku_fanWOW he looks hot!!! I don't know what your talking about, you are really good at drawing DBZ. ^^ *FAVES*

Spyro on September 25, 2006, 10:21:36 PM

Spyro on
SpyroOMFG! Trunks is sooo COOL!

Itachilovesme912 on July 24, 2006, 12:19:28 AM

Itachilovesme912 on
Itachilovesme912YAY! It's trunks! He's kewl

honesy on July 20, 2006, 2:58:53 PM

honesy on
honesyVery good job.
my fav dbz character is trunks he is so cool and the sword makes him look it to.

fullnarutoZ on July 19, 2006, 1:58:34 PM

fullnarutoZ on
fullnarutoZgreat job! my fav dbz character is trunks

ScarHeartedBeauty on July 14, 2006, 5:23:02 AM

ScarHeartedBeauty on
ScarHeartedBeautyYAY!! *another glomp and fave* This is the only DBZ picture that I truely like! I don't watch it anymore but this is certainly worth putting on my favorites! Wonderful job!

BlueEyedWonder on July 11, 2006, 6:38:51 PM

BlueEyedWonder on
BlueEyedWonderk im commenting again lol why cause im weird but i was just looking through my favs and listening to bad boys by cascada and i just thought the two fit together LOVE THE PIC!

Taria on July 9, 2006, 7:55:18 AM

Taria on
Tariahe is super hot! fav!

Antisocial on July 8, 2006, 4:07:51 AM

Antisocial on
AntisocialCool! *FAV!*

killaj772 on July 7, 2006, 7:46:05 AM

killaj772 on
killaj772wat did u use to color it wit?

BlueEyedWonder on June 17, 2006, 5:13:02 AM

BlueEyedWonder on
BlueEyedWonderwow thats hott! lol nothing better then a hot muscular sweaty guy! lol im adding you to my fav artists cause i have alot of your yyh pics under my favs

AlchemysBloodandDarkEco on June 9, 2006, 5:04:26 AM

AlchemysBloodandDarkEco on
AlchemysBloodandDarkEcoYou...say you're...not very...good..? Well, you're better than me! My tried always turn out looking demented, even in my own style! You make Trunks look so sexy! Even when he's bleeding!

sam01 on May 15, 2006, 10:17:22 AM

sam01 on
sam01you are to good at DBZ drawing and pluse he is hhhhooottt!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cresent on March 8, 2006, 6:21:35 AM

Cresent on
CresentSomeone tried to steal your work!? (takes out pitchfork) WHERE CAN I FIND THEM?!?!?!

YingYangG12 on November 19, 2005, 7:49:46 AM

YingYangG12 on
YingYangG12AHHHH TRUNKS! *licks* such a hottie! great pic!

trunksbriefs24 on November 8, 2005, 11:57:34 AM

trunksbriefs24 on
trunksbriefs24WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! tHIS IS AWESOME! yOU SO DON'T SUCK AT DRAGONBALL Z PICTURES!Keep it up!!! :)

cptShort on August 11, 2005, 6:44:50 AM

cptShort on
cptShortHow do you do your shading?

Do you have a layer of the color beforehand, and add darker colors? Or the other way around? Or some other way?

How? I must know, I need to learn to shade properly. Please tell me! The pic looks beautiful, all your pictures do, there must be some secret. o.o

tsuki_okami on August 3, 2005, 2:31:28 PM

tsuki_okami on
tsuki_okamiHoly shanks! u do that with colord pencils?!?!?! how the heck do ya get the color so even????? -looks back at the piccie- dang u draw good! i read that someone stole ur drawings and all i have to say is DIE EVIL NO GOOD DIRTY ROTTEN TIEFIE WHO THOUGHT HE COULD!!

Yukina-chun on July 18, 2005, 3:55:53 PM

Yukina-chun on
Yukina-chunOh Seifer-sama, how I worship you so much!!!! You are good with ANY anime you draw how did you learn how to draw so good??? I see no errors in this!! I will fave ALL your pictures!!!!! and I hope to be as good as you one day although it is highly unlikely ^^;

hungryflashes735 on July 2, 2005, 11:42:12 AM

hungryflashes735 on
hungryflashes735my god! its trunkS! i really love hiM! i love how you color this picture! i think its freakin awesome! i love how you drew his hair. i think it looks really realistic. i really like how you colored the blood too! well, keep up the good work! //_^

Jamie_ODea on July 1, 2005, 7:11:18 AM

Jamie_ODea on
Jamie_ODeaThis is awesome! And it's going on my favs!

Jessea on May 8, 2005, 12:41:52 AM

Jessea on

KadajFan on April 22, 2005, 11:12:38 PM

KadajFan on
KadajFanyou have got to carry on drawing these!!! Trunks-sama is so fit for this piccy!!!!! please carry on!!!

Deathelf on March 31, 2005, 3:24:31 PM

Deathelf on
DeathelfHUH? U say yur not good? DAMN!! I'ts exelent!! ME likes! *adds 2 faves*
sigh. me wish i could draw like dat! Me nvu!!

hungryflashes735 on March 12, 2005, 5:14:33 AM

hungryflashes735 on
hungryflashes735dang!! that is an awesome picture!! i love trunks!! he's sooo cool!! i think this picture than thoughs pictures in the anime. trunks looks better in this picture!! //_^

Relena_Briefs on March 5, 2005, 2:17:07 AM

Relena_Briefs on
Relena_BriefsSo sexy! *stares* wow....that is about all i can say right now!

bloodyangel on February 16, 2005, 10:41:28 AM

bloodyangel on
bloodyangelGO TRUNKS!!!! SEXAY MAN!!!!! *FAVES*

Leona_saiyukiotaku on February 4, 2005, 5:36:22 PM

Leona_saiyukiotaku on
Leona_saiyukiotakuO_o ......*glomp* the are incredible

evilsnowball7 on January 17, 2005, 7:41:09 PM

evilsnowball7 on so completely awestruck

sweetangel2353 on January 13, 2005, 9:54:53 PM

sweetangel2353 on
sweetangel2353It's trunks :D! love it! *favs*

dark_marieriddle on December 23, 2004, 6:42:56 AM

dark_marieriddle on
dark_marieriddlegood job.....*smirks and adds to favs*

dark_marieriddle on December 23, 2004, 6:42:48 AM

dark_marieriddle on
dark_marieriddlegood job.....*smirks and adds to favs*

SeanHalnais on December 20, 2004, 12:05:52 AM

SeanHalnais on
SeanHalnaisWait to go, Trunks! You are number one! There is no one who can surpass you. Cool in battle and always takes things slowly. It looks like Trunks has been through hell and back. Perhaps confronted Lord Dextera Viro. You want to know who Viro is, check out my archives. Anyway, keep up the good work!

Justicemilk_Vegetablewoman on September 18, 2004, 1:09:32 PM

Justicemilk_Vegetablewoman on
Justicemilk_VegetablewomanDon't let yourself think for one minute that you aren't good at DBZ!!! That is SOOOO much better than me!!! (take a look...) I think making a DBZ character in your own style would be easier. (proven fact^^) Don't give up on DBZ style!!!!!!

Cara on September 17, 2004, 2:14:17 AM

Cara on
CaraNice ^___^ *gives you many doughnuts*

becca_the_fox_demon on September 5, 2004, 6:09:50 AM

becca_the_fox_demon on
becca_the_fox_demoni love it i think he is sexy *adds to favs*

BeautySeeker on August 21, 2004, 10:29:01 AM

BeautySeeker on
BeautySeeker+favs Trunks is my fav. DBZ character. Damn it! More people are trying to steal your art!? That is soooo not cool! I'm sorry to hear about that..... dumb people. Well, I love the pic. ^^

Blue118 on August 3, 2004, 3:34:03 PM

Blue118 on
Blue118YES YOU ARE GOOD AT THEM VERY VERY GOOD!!!!! *drools* dang he looks so hot! right there *adds to favs*

ChibiKioko1345 on July 26, 2004, 8:51:14 AM

ChibiKioko1345 on
ChibiKioko1345oooooo *drool* awesome piccy.... waddaya mean you can't draw DBZ?? you awesome baby ^^ *favs while still gazing fondly at Trunks* query: would you be so kind as to draw me a romantical Inu/Kag pic for lil me? Luvs ur artistic geniius as always ^^

Inu-twin_Serenity on July 20, 2004, 10:56:03 AM

Inu-twin_Serenity on
Inu-twin_SerenityWOW! He is sooo hot in this pic! Keep up the great work! *favs*

A_dork_you_dont_know on July 1, 2004, 3:28:25 PM

A_dork_you_dont_know on
A_dork_you_dont_knowheh heh trunks is tight. as is this picture.

jomama on June 25, 2004, 8:43:17 AM

jomama on
jomamaoOOo how sexy....

eclipsedmoongoddess482 on April 8, 2004, 10:44:41 AM

eclipsedmoongoddess482 on
eclipsedmoongoddess482Woah...*completly speechless* This is beyond amazing. I love your work!

shyskylar on April 4, 2004, 6:27:26 PM

shyskylar on
shyskylarThanks. ^^;;;; • By: Seifer-sama • On: 2004-01-25 18:21:28 <br />
I actually have drawn Duo before, *laughs* ^^ He's a pretty difficult character to draw actually. Anyway I use Crayola color pencils. ^^;;; Thank for your positive feedback. I appreciate it. <br />
<br />
<br />
CRAYOLA!!! lol I must really suck at coloring now that you said that, thats what I use <br />

Sumari_Kitsune on April 2, 2004, 12:11:48 PM

Sumari_Kitsune on
Sumari_Kitsune............. Wow..............

Griffin_gurl on February 20, 2004, 3:40:54 AM

Griffin_gurl on
Griffin_gurlthat is a great pic. MINE, i suck at crapola pencil crayons >_<

Inu-Yasha_Crazy on February 15, 2004, 9:02:28 PM

Inu-Yasha_Crazy on
Inu-Yasha_Crazy*jawdrop* I have never seen him look so SEXAY before..*drools* EXELENT JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*adds pic and artist to her faves*

Kaze on January 26, 2004, 11:22:18 PM

Kaze on
Kazeoh when i use crayola pencils i spend at most 7 minutes on a pic

Seifer-sama on January 26, 2004, 3:54:55 PM

Seifer-sama on
Seifer-samaI can usually pull out a completely colored picture in about a day. But with stuff liek this. *points up* It would take about five hours or so. (I work slow).

Kaze on January 26, 2004, 1:19:36 AM

Kaze on
Kazehow long does it take you to color in a picture with crayola pencils then O.o

Seifer-sama on January 25, 2004, 10:21:28 AM

Seifer-sama on
Seifer-samaI actually have drawn Duo before, *laughs* ^^ He's a pretty difficult character to draw actually. Anyway I use Crayola color pencils. ^^;;; Thank for your positive feedback. I appreciate it.

yukihime89 on January 25, 2004, 7:48:46 AM

yukihime89 on
And yes, PLEASE DRAW DUO!!! You would make him look so friggen hot! ^^<br />
<br />
By the way, what kind of colored pencils do you use? Prismacolor? Or do you just use regular and they are so awed by your power they listen to you?<br />
<br />

KikaiderNegative on January 24, 2004, 2:27:19 AM

KikaiderNegative on
KikaiderNegativeTRUNKSALICIOUS, is all i have to say, i have used that word evrytime i comment on a trunks picture i like

Azrael on January 2, 2004, 7:25:45 AM

Azrael on
Azraelwere you trained since birth to kick @$$ with colored pencils? your like a master jedi of art, man

StewsxGurlx88 on December 28, 2003, 12:33:38 AM

StewsxGurlx88 on
StewsxGurlx88O.O Trunks is I love this! My colored pencils are possesed by evil spirits that hate me....

cheeze_fizz on November 28, 2003, 11:02:08 PM

cheeze_fizz on
cheeze_fizzhiya seifer. i made an account just so that i could comment on artwork. ur welcome for letting u know about the asshole who tried to steal ur art. I love this pic. thanx soooooo much!!!! ^_^

ssj7aslan on November 22, 2003, 8:45:20 PM

ssj7aslan on
ssj7aslanAwesome pic. I don't see why you don't think you can draw DBZ. This rocks! Anyway, I feel bad for you, 'cause everyone steals your pics. Just so u know, everyone that I have talked to knows you do your own art, and thinks it's awesome, so don't worry about some little shoot who says your art is theirs, cause they deserve to ROT IN HELL!!!! Keep up the awesome work.

Anime_Girl424 on November 19, 2003, 12:43:15 AM

Anime_Girl424 on
Anime_Girl424I love this!! Trunks is great! Your style makes him look better than ever!

Squall-sama on November 18, 2003, 2:14:42 AM

Squall-sama on
Squall-sama*boiuls with rage* if i find you, i'm going to wring your scrawney little neck!! goddamn little shoot--don't believe this stupid kid, Seifer-sama isn't stealing pictures--this little shoot (kiros) is!! so back the frack off--because nobody is gonna believe you!! <br />
<br />
oh by the way, nice picture, Seifer-sama

Seifer-sama on November 18, 2003, 2:13:45 AM

Seifer-sama on
Seifer-samaLook. It's bad enough you stole my art and here you are messing with my comments on my other pictures. You are really starting to make me mad. If you don't knock it off you are going to really regret it. Now get a life, grow up and get the heck away from my art!

Shiara on November 17, 2003, 11:47:49 PM

Shiara on
Shiara::smacks this Kiros fool:: How dare you. Anyway, delicious pic as usual ^~^...And ooh, yeah, Duo would be nice, demonchibi o.o...

firedemon on November 17, 2003, 6:30:03 PM

firedemon on
firedemonWOW he looks damn hot adds to favs *firedemon is poking HOT Trunks*

demonchibi on November 16, 2003, 8:14:44 AM

demonchibi on
demonchibiOoh...I dont watch DBZ much anymore but I love how you draw!! All your pics!! Trunks looks cool! Ooh can you draw Duo from GW!

GawainesAngel on November 16, 2003, 6:57:38 AM

GawainesAngel on
GawainesAngelOooh, another great picture with *GREAT* hair! O.o;;; And what are you talking about "not very good" at DBZ pics?!?! You're fantastic, as always! ^^

GlorLuVsKat on November 16, 2003, 5:18:57 AM

GlorLuVsKat on pic huh? its really good. haha better than how dbz is drawn anyway.

Fyrsiel on November 16, 2003, 2:34:40 AM

Fyrsiel on
Fyrsiel>__o Y'know it would be so awsome if the DBZ style was more like that...