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Restless Soul

Restless Soul

Restless Soul by Seifer-sama
Restless Soul by Seifer-sama


(Requested by Ryley) ^^ I hope you like it. Sorry he took so long to finish, but hey, at least you got your picture. ^^ (Crayola Color Pencils)

General Info

General Info

Category Anime/Manga » Rurouni Kenshin
Date Submitted
Views 5859
Favorites... 86
Vote Score 2
Comments 39
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (39)

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Shadowsama91 on July 4, 2008, 3:56:44 PM

Shadowsama91 on
Shadowsama91This is my OC from Rurouni Kenshin's Father!!! I love it!

Ralinde on April 16, 2007, 4:38:40 PM

Ralinde on
RalindeWow! You don't see many fanarts of Captain Sagara around. Nice job!

Love Ralinde*

Pocky_PixieSticks_Anime on March 6, 2007, 2:56:05 PM

Pocky_PixieSticks_Anime on
Pocky_PixieSticks_Animeawesome! *favs* he is so cute! very cool pic. =^_^= *gives pocky and pixie sticks*

KevBiGuy on February 1, 2006, 1:32:01 PM

KevBiGuy on

tsuki_okami on October 2, 2005, 9:42:11 AM

tsuki_okami on
I LOVIES DA SOUZOU!!!! -grabs-MINE!!! i cant belive i couldnt find practicly any piccies of him! you rock!

shinto_grrl on July 15, 2005, 5:11:32 AM

shinto_grrl on
shinto_grrlSagara's probably the best character in RK! (Even Kenshin HIMSELF couldn't stand a chance against him if it were a contest of the coolest.)

bloodyangel on February 17, 2005, 1:43:45 AM

bloodyangel on
bloodyangel*sniff* Why is it that no one does much art of him..........I SALUTE YOU!!!!!!

ADDICT on February 13, 2005, 6:42:30 PM

ADDICTWoah.... He looks so cool! I love the composition.*faves*

Akien on January 19, 2005, 9:03:10 AM

Akien on
AkienWow!!!The only thing I can say is,this rocks!!!!Yoko is so gonna freak out when she knows that her favorite artist drew her favorite guy...You are truly amazing,and you are a Saint...You rock!

Rurouni_Gemini83 on January 13, 2005, 10:14:26 PM

Rurouni_Gemini83 on
Rurouni_Gemini83Can you say bishonen?
This looks great, I wish I could draw like this (unfortunately, most of my art looks like something the dog dragged in compared to yours') ^ ^;;
Anyway, I noticed that it looks like you do requests. And I don't mean to sound pushy, but I would like to ask you if you would do a couple for me (if it isn't too much to ask, of course). On one, being somewhat of a fan of angst, maybe a pic of Hiko Seijuro from Rurouni Kenshin (possibly after Kenshin had used the ougi, or final attack, against him. Or from a random injury. A little blood doesn't hurt). The other maybe of two of my favorite anime tough guys, Saito Hajime and Urameshi Yusuke hanging out.
If you can do this for me, great! Thanks in advance if you can!

SeanHalnais on December 20, 2004, 12:42:24 AM

SeanHalnais on
SeanHalnaisNo one does enough pictorials of Captian Sagara! I envy you so much! Keep up the good work!

Cara on September 17, 2004, 3:29:26 AM

Cara on
CaraWooooow the coolness. O_O Here have a doughnut. *shoves doughnut down your throat*

ketsurui on August 20, 2004, 2:46:58 AM

ketsurui on
ketsuruithat is soo amazing! You're the best artist on this site. You're awesome!!!

MightyMouse23 on August 6, 2004, 5:08:43 PM

MightyMouse23 on
MightyMouse23aba...uh...ger....gaceeidaba......holy freakin crap that's awesome !!!!! coloring is like awe inspiring haha he looks sooooo great great great job !!!

cold_hearted on August 3, 2004, 1:27:19 AM

cold_hearted on

MightyMouse23 on July 5, 2004, 4:19:45 PM

MightyMouse23 on
MightyMouse23omg....the hotness....he's so prettiful !!! AWESOME JOB! *bows down* u should give me some pointers !!! can u look at some of my art ?? but GREAT JOB

A_dork_you_dont_know on July 1, 2004, 3:34:53 PM

A_dork_you_dont_know on
A_dork_you_dont_knowno idea who he is but I love him anyway. great job, awesome coloring and wonderful picture.

jomama on June 25, 2004, 8:35:29 AM

jomama on

Zora-the-Jaklover on May 13, 2004, 11:29:09 PM

Zora-the-Jaklover on
Zora-the-JakloverSouzou!!!!!!!! MAN!! He's even hotter when you draw him.....*drools* O.O Errrrr..NICE PIC!

Sakura_Sagara on April 18, 2004, 3:32:57 AM

Sakura_Sagara on
Sakura_SagaraDADDEH!!!!!! LOL NO one gets that.... ^^ Nice job!!!!!!!!!!! HE LOOKS GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

silver_dreams on April 9, 2004, 6:32:58 PM

silver_dreams on
silver_dreams!!! SAGARA BISHONEN !!! *dies*<br />

Heafuru on April 7, 2004, 4:46:34 PM

Heafuru on
HeafuruCaptain Sagara! Kawaii! You captured his true beauty! wonderful picture *resumes staring*

Sumari_Kitsune on April 2, 2004, 1:31:35 PM

Sumari_Kitsune on

kitfoxx on March 29, 2004, 2:57:45 PM

kitfoxx on
kitfoxxEEEE! IT'S CAPTAIN SAGARA!! I loves him *-* Sho prettyful...

Koolkat6968 on March 22, 2004, 4:15:08 AM

Koolkat6968 on
Koolkat6968OMG!!! I love dis!!!

DarkDevil on February 23, 2004, 9:22:32 AM

DarkDevil on
DarkDevil::bows:: I am not worthy!!! seifer you are a god at drawing and coloring!!!

grace91390 on February 18, 2004, 1:38:19 PM

grace91390 on

AngelKagome on February 15, 2004, 2:33:39 AM

AngelKagome on
AngelKagomeOh man......................whoot!! that is hott!!

Fyrsiel on February 13, 2004, 10:03:50 AM

Fyrsiel on
FyrsielI loff that guy from the series... even though every time I see him, it's from that same friggin' episode where they talk about his past. o__O Anyways... this is cool because number one: it's a picture of a seriously awsome character, and number two: because this is yet another great coloring job and great detail and great artistic skillz...... and..... XD EXACTLY!

Shiara on February 11, 2004, 10:05:50 AM

Shiara on
ShiaraAbsolutely, positively gorgeous ^_^..

ne1cab on February 11, 2004, 6:52:29 AM

ne1cab on
ne1cabThe first thing i said when i saw this, seriously out loud was, "" *Adds to favorites* Souzou is my favorite anime character of all time...AHH

Everlasting_Light on February 11, 2004, 4:25:47 AM

Everlasting_Light on
Everlasting_Light*GASP!* It's Captain Sagara! Wooooooooow....that's amazing. Really! He so cool! Too bad he died...oh well! It's still a great picture! Excelent work!!

Ryley on February 10, 2004, 10:41:54 PM

Ryley on
RyleyOMG!! I love it soo much!!! Thank you thank you!!!Really!!<br />
I'm gonna print it out and put it with all my other Souzou pics :D<br />
Thank you!!!

SDlai88 on February 10, 2004, 11:42:38 AM

SDlai88 on
SDlai88WOW!!! very very nice!! man yur colorin is is great!!! along with yur drawin!!!

Cheshire on February 10, 2004, 8:17:06 AM

Cheshire on
Cheshirewow! How did you know he was my favorite from that anime, i really don't like the anime all too much but that doesn't matter, you stlye and talent are so amazing

Kaze on February 9, 2004, 10:15:27 PM

Kaze on
KazeYOU ARE BYOND AMAZING!!!!! HAVE A COOKIE!!!!! *shoves cookie down your throat*

Raymei on February 9, 2004, 5:58:17 PM

Raymei on
Raymeiwow....that is just beautiful o.o<br />
the coloring is phenominal....

blackwings on February 9, 2004, 4:29:39 PM

blackwings on
blackwingswaaai~~~ he's gorgeous!!!

Jenniberry on February 9, 2004, 3:52:34 PM

Jenniberry on
Jenniberrybeauutifuuullll.....^.^ I luv how you color!