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Now Taking Requests

Now Taking Requests

Now Taking Requests by SesshoSama_Gurl
Now Taking Requests by SesshoSama_Gurl


Here's a message for all viewers given by me thru Kirara and Sesshoumaru! I can do requests in Inuyasha and Yu-Gi-Oh, too. All I ask is if you want me to draw you, be specific on how you look, so I can do it good. About paper drawings, I can do those much better, but my mom has to scan it at work, so it's gonna take longer. Oh, and yes, I know Kirara came out trashy. Don't make me feel worse about it. Spent too much time on Sesshoumaru. Hope I get at least one request...

General Info

General Info

Category Anime/Manga » Inu-Yasha series
Date Submitted
Views 1958
Favorites... 1
Vote Score 0
Comments 7
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (7)

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Junewinds13 on March 21, 2006, 8:56:55 AM

Junewinds13 on
Junewinds13I'd like to request a picture of me giving Sesshy and Bankotsu a wedgie if you could.

I have long black hair down to my butt, pulled up in a braid with a couple of hairs sticking out. I have tannish brown skin, dark brown eyes, and you will usually find me in a baggy t-shirt and jean shorts with thigh-high converse *see double trouble, yours truly* ^^ Arigatou gozaimasu!

reireichan on August 13, 2005, 8:56:19 AM

reireichan on
reireichanhey SesshoSama Gurl remember me,reireichan your newest buddy? well yeah i want you to draw me something too so yeah.Uhh...draw
me sesshy in chibi with a lollipop oh and uh dress him up how ever you want dont care so yeah that's it and thanks^-^dude

SesshoSama_Gurl on November 8, 2004, 9:40:08 AM

SesshoSama_Gurl on
SesshoSama_GurlI can do requests for you all, but you have to take into consideration I don't exactly know every anime/manga. I'll try my best, though

sakuralin84 on November 7, 2004, 10:55:59 PM

sakuralin84 on
sakuralin84eeehhhh?? you do request ?? ^^ can you draw me takuto from fullmoon?? ^^ thanks alot ^^

I3ankotsu on September 16, 2004, 3:01:32 PM

I3ankotsu on
I3ankotsucould you please draw bankotsu and inuyasha just chillin (kinda like 2 best friends sitin back doing nothin) if you can draw them like in modern clothing. thxs

Kit_wit_issues on September 16, 2004, 11:18:49 AM

Kit_wit_issues on
Kit_wit_issuesi'm sure you will get severl requests...<br />
<br />
and i have one, and i would prefer to be on paper, and I can wait for it to be scanned<br />
<br />
basically i want you to draw InuYasha in a white and blue Kimono of the same fashion as sess's, like the same type, and i want to to have red in it... like in the pattern and stuff, and i want him to to also have armor sorta like sess's, but not exactly, like with a better shoulder guard, and symetric, with spikes in different places <br />
and i want his hair to be pulled back and wraped, and his left ear peirced a few times with simple loops, and off in the forground i wnat sess to be there, but with no armor on<br />
<br />
ok thats my request, i hope i was detaild enough fer ya. oh, and<br />
<br />
i dub thee worthy!