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Um... New Irken Oc? Kris

Um... New Irken Oc? Kris

Um... New Irken Oc? Kris by ShadowMantis
Um... New Irken Oc? Kris by ShadowMantis


Yeah, this is what happens when I'm trapped with my brother for to long.
For everyone who doesn't know my brother has a tendancy to be girlier than me! And I'm a freakin' girl.
Anyways, new character- though he might not stick.

Info and such-

Name: Kris
Age: No clue
Eye color: Light purple
Favorite color(s): Light blue, light purple, pink, mint green
Occupation: SIR unit repair
Personality: Happy, bubbly, girly, funny, silly, makes friends easily.
Sexuality: Gay.
Favorite animal(s): Ferrits, Rabbits, and pretty much anything small and fuzzy...

EDITNESS- He be colored now!!!

General Info

General Info

Category Miscellaneous » Characters » Male
Date Submitted
Views 1164
Favorites... 2
Vote Score 0
Comments 17
Media Graphite pencil
Time Taken


Comments (17)

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Falconlobo on October 16, 2007, 8:54:17 PM

Falconlobo on
Falconlobonice colors and expressions

morphin on October 15, 2007, 4:26:18 AM

morphin on
morphindaw^-^ cuteX3*flaps arms*hiiii new irken

ShadowMantis on October 15, 2007, 8:56:27 AM

ShadowMantis on
ShadowMantisKris: *flails about* Hiii person I've never met before!!

SomekindofFreak on October 15, 2007, 5:40:49 AM

SomekindofFreak on
SomekindofFreakOoooo! COLORS! X333
Im looooving his purple eyes! >w<
and his hair! I need to make a red-head chara X3

ShadowMantis on October 15, 2007, 5:44:01 AM

ShadowMantis on
ShadowMantisYesh XD
That's what I was thinking when I made him- i needed a red head in the group.
I think the only other red headed character I have is Taiki and i haven't drawn him in foreeeeeeeeeeveeeeeeeeeeeer...

TallestPurple on October 14, 2007, 7:18:22 AM

TallestPurple on
TallestPurpleI love his expression!! ^^ He's got a fun name too =D Awesome job in both forms :3

ShadowMantis on October 14, 2007, 7:40:00 AM

ShadowMantis on
ShadowMantisYesh... I love his name ^0^
Thank you kindly!

Irken_Akire on October 14, 2007, 7:32:28 AM

Irken_Akire on
Irken_AkirexD nihihihi, your brother is girlier than you? xDDDD Lawlzle.
Nice Irken OC he rocks! XD

ShadowMantis on October 14, 2007, 7:39:20 AM

ShadowMantis on
Yeah. I'm not girly at all and my brother... well... yeah...
Thanks XD

SomekindofFreak on October 14, 2007, 2:56:59 AM

SomekindofFreak on
SomekindofFreakNeeeh!!! so cute! X3333 I luff him! X3
YAAY he has light purple eyes! ^0^
He is adorable both Irken and Human! >w<

Kuro: *purrs*
Meh: stop it Kuro. *yanks one of his antennae*
Elet: *waves* ^^
Dez: Yaaay! new friend!!! ^____^

ShadowMantis on October 14, 2007, 3:02:09 AM

ShadowMantis on
ShadowMantisKris: ^o^ Hi!!! *waves at everyone*
*hops over and gives everyone a hug* My names Kriiiiiis! But all my friends call me Krissy! ^0^ <3
Me: *facepalm*

SomekindofFreak on October 14, 2007, 3:19:21 AM

SomekindofFreak on
SomekindofFreakDez: Nice to meet you Krissy! X33 My name is Dez! ^0^ I'll introduce you to the others if you would like!
Elet: I'm Elet! ^^
Kuro: my name is Kuro...but you can call me-
Meh: *elbows Kuro* -_-;;

ShadowMantis on October 14, 2007, 3:30:12 AM

ShadowMantis on
ShadowMantisKris: *to Dez* Hi Dez! It's nice to meet you too! *shakes Dez's hand* That would be nice!
Nice to meet you Elet! ^o^ And... Kuro? ^-^ Nice to meet you as well!
You *pokes teh Skof* didn't introduce yourself with the rest of your friends! What's your name Miss?
Me: ...Miss?

SomekindofFreak on October 14, 2007, 3:37:09 AM

SomekindofFreak on
SomekindofFreakMeh: Oh, ^^; I go by SkoF ^^ it's a pleasure, Kris! ^-^
Kuro: speaking of which-
Dez: *pulls Kuro away by an antenna*

ShadowMantis on October 14, 2007, 3:42:24 AM

ShadowMantis on
ShadowMantisKris: That's an interestng name! Nice to meet you Skof! ^0^
... something wrong? *looking at Dez pulling Kuro away by his antenna* Kuro hasn't finneshed a sentance yet!
Me: It's quite possibly for the best... ^^;
Kris: ...? Oh, ok. If you say so! Now Dez, you want to introduce me to any more friends? *happy bounce*

SomekindofFreak on October 14, 2007, 4:13:11 AM

SomekindofFreak on
SomekindofFreakMeh: Trust is for the best...-_-;;
*takes Kuro's antenna from Dez* What did i tell you about behaving yourself in front of new friends? -_-*
Kuro: Ahh...>.<

Dez: Sure! ^^ *takes Kris by the wrist* We can find Jex first! ^^

ShadowMantis on October 14, 2007, 4:25:52 AM

ShadowMantis on
ShadowMantisMe: *Loling at Kuro* XDDD
Kris: =D Yaaaaaaaaaay!!!! *walks with Dez*
Me: Oh? Off to see Jex? Me come toooooo!!!! *follows*