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-=Who's Cuter Now?!?!=-

-=Who's Cuter Now?!?!=-

-=Who's Cuter Now?!?!=- by Shadow_the_Hedgehog_4ever
-=Who's Cuter Now?!?!=- by Shadow_the_Hedgehog_4ever


I'm cuter! Go Pikachu!

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Category Games » - by Publisher » Nintendo » Pokémon series » Pokédex (Pokémon types) » Electric-type Pokémon
Date Submitted
Views 4801
Favorites... 20
Vote Score 1
Comments 30
Media Unspecified
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Comments (30)

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shineezle on May 6, 2007, 2:51:36 PM

shineezle on
shineezleI thought Pikachu was...NICE! *runs over to save Pichu* NO PKACHU! DON'T DO IT! YOU DON'T WANT BE A CRIMINAL, YOU'VE NEVER BEEN TO PRISON! *gets electrocuted by Pikachu and falls to the ground* I stand corrected. *looks over at Pichu* Don't worry! I'll find a way to get us out of this mess! (3 minutes later...) *looks over at Pichu fearfully, strapped to another rocket* Or...maybe not! *peers nevously at Pikachu* Please, I'm begging you! Don't kill us! You really don't want to this to us! *Pikachu snickers evilly and zaps me a bit* Or...maybe you do! *Pikachu tapes mouth shut, laughing evilly*...

TailsPrower on March 17, 2006, 9:14:41 AM

TailsPrower on
TailsProwerNOOOOOO*un tapes young pikachu and looks at big pikachu angerally**pikachu runs away* YAYYY!!

Fan-artluver on January 13, 2006, 9:48:53 AM

Fan-artluver on
Fan-artluverThis pic is great, BUT I LOVE PICHU MORE!!!!! He's the cutest thang alive! He used to be my most played character in SSBM. But now Zelda is.

Favorite SSBM characters:
Zelda (ZelMarth 4ever)
Marth (NOT a fangirl)
Roy (NOT a fangirl)
Pichu (I cannot resist how cute he is!)
Pikachu (Why would I leave him out?)

Sly_and_ally_forever on December 28, 2005, 11:30:33 PM

Sly_and_ally_forever on
Sly_and_ally_forever* Riachu

Sly_and_ally_forever on December 28, 2005, 11:30:18 PM

Sly_and_ally_forever on
Sly_and_ally_foreverI'll settle this! RIACHI IS CUTER! MUHAHAHAHAHA! * gets tied up by pikachu*

Ouroboros on November 29, 2005, 2:23:13 PM

Ouroboros on
Ouroboroslooking at this picu is cutter evil acts make never cute.
Pikachu you know ya killing him right?

Tails2085 on June 25, 2005, 3:34:31 PM

Tails2085 on
Tails2085mw think Pikachu is cuter! *favs*

Doopliss8 on June 15, 2005, 6:37:41 AM

Doopliss8 on
Doopliss8*sniff* sorry about that....

Doopliss8 on June 13, 2005, 1:33:08 AM

Doopliss8 on
Doopliss8And...*takes pichu of rocket and gives it to knuxgirl* HERE IF YOU THINK ITS *WAAAAYY CUTER* TAKE IT!!!!!

Doopliss8 on June 13, 2005, 1:22:25 AM

Doopliss8 on

sonamy-4-ever-and-ever on April 14, 2005, 5:32:59 AM

sonamy-4-ever-and-ever on
sonamy-4-ever-and-everthe pichu is cuter.............. i like it faves

eevee_lover on April 1, 2005, 12:53:31 PM

eevee_lover on
eevee_lovercute! but i think pichu is cuter! *whacks pikachu over the head with a broom* take that! *pikachu uses thundershock* owwww...

Barney--TheAnti-Christ on February 24, 2005, 10:15:36 AM

Barney--TheAnti-Christ on
Barney--TheAnti-ChristI'm gonna have to go with Pichu is cuter....but this is an awsome pic! ^^

lint is fun to poke

DarkLight on December 2, 2004, 9:36:02 AM

DarkLight on
DarkLightDark:Ash Pikachu is trying to murder pichu again.
Ash: Pikachu STOP ATTEMPTING TO MURDER YOUR SON. *thwap* i did not want to have to resort to that!
Pikachu: *electrocutes Ash*
Ash: ow

Nightychao on September 5, 2004, 6:32:07 AM

Nightychao on
NightychaoPikachus defentilty cuter go pikchu light the match LIGHT THE FRIGGEN MATCH send the pichu into orbet!! >:D

lucky_cat on August 31, 2004, 3:50:07 AM

lucky_cat on
lucky_catAww, cool! I hate those damn annoying Pichu...

ice_is_nice on August 15, 2004, 1:05:14 AM

ice_is_nice on
ice_is_niceAwwwwwww poor pichu , Bad pikachu

meganbrat on July 28, 2004, 12:23:27 PM

meganbrat on
meganbratand i thought pikachu was my friend, not. how dare pikachu do that, unless it aint the real pikachu.*threw pikachu on the ground, then picks it up saying sorry.

SegaShadow on July 12, 2004, 12:38:47 PM

SegaShadow on
SegaShadowfuuny! but curel....NO PICHU!!!<br />
<br />
Anyway, good pic

chikoritagirl10 on June 13, 2004, 3:18:17 AM

chikoritagirl10 on
chikoritagirl10i personally think pichu is cuter but,...pikachu's act of EVILNESS!!!!.....makes it cuter at the moment....YAY!

Shaman_Dancer_Luvs_Yoh on April 18, 2004, 10:16:08 AM

Shaman_Dancer_Luvs_Yoh on
Shaman_Dancer_Luvs_YohLatios is cuter for me... Pikachu!! YOU TAKE THAT POOR THING OFFA THAT ROCKET!!! I'll get Ash!

Ducky_man03 on February 14, 2004, 5:40:23 AM

Ducky_man03 on
Ducky_man03LOLOLOLOL!! I *haha* can't stop *haha* laffing *HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA* *falls over laffing* **grim walks in,"another death by laffing, how pathetic. What do you guys find so funny anyhow?"*laffs and falls over**

knuxgirl on February 13, 2004, 11:55:49 PM

knuxgirl on
knuxgirlNO PICHU IS WAAAAAY CUTER THAN PIKACHU CAUSE PIKACHU IS A PATHETIC BRAT AND A MERE MORTAL WHO CAN NOT WARM THE HEART OF A FAMILY!!!!PICHU RULES ALL!!!!!!!!!*saves pichu and makes pikachu faint by using her fraligator*hahahahaha!! any ways that pichu looks like a pikacu with pink cheeks!

Teddi_MaulerX on February 3, 2004, 8:47:59 AM

Teddi_MaulerX on
Teddi_MaulerXWAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHa go pikachu kill it

DeathStar on December 28, 2003, 3:46:16 AM

DeathStar on
DeathStarthat is so true,ilove pickachu, Pichu shall burn,i dont really like it

DiZZi on December 28, 2003, 3:42:04 AM

DiZZi on
DiZZiPikachu is cuter *has never seen Pichu in action*

lilwashu on December 28, 2003, 3:39:45 AM

lilwashu on
lilwashunaw roy ist the best ^^ on ssbm but pikachu moves r pretty sweet ^-^ noooo jaduna u cant hit pikachu *protects da lil pika ^^*

lilwashu on December 28, 2003, 3:32:47 AM

lilwashu on
lilwashuagh tis evil pikachu XD<br />
pikachu cuter then pichu yea true but plusle/minun i think r prob more so the u pikachu nananana

0osarao0 on December 28, 2003, 3:32:31 AM

0osarao0 on
0osarao0Aww, yeah, Pika's better, I rule with him at SSBM. Go Pika! This is soooo cute!

Jaduna on December 28, 2003, 3:31:50 AM

Jaduna on
JadunaNOOOOOOOOOO!! PICHU IS CUTER!!!bad pikachu!*thwaps pikachu with a newspaper* BAD!!