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I... guess they dont like me anymore...

I... guess they dont like me anymore...

I... guess they dont like me anymore... by Sham-Sham
I... guess they dont like me anymore... by Sham-Sham


I DIDN'T DRAW THIS!!! O___o<br />
My friend did and I asked if I could scan it and post it and she said yes. So nobody better ask "Hey Sham! How'd you get so good all of a sudden!?:" XD<br />
Anyway, she wanted me to explain this is what she said. It has a slight spoiler for the shadow game... <br />
<br />
"Don't get me wrong, Shadow is an awesome character. But lately, ever since the Shadow game came out people have been really, REALLY pro-Shadow. And there's nothing wrong with that either. But a certian few younger members are rallying an Anti-Sonic movement. And that I don't like. Shadow's great, but he doesn't have the seniority. Shadow, as a character, is being developed by Sonic Team. He's allowed to progress and become his own person. Sonic is not. He is the Sega mascot and under strict guildlines. That's why Shadow can show emotion. Sonic can't. Shadow is everyting that the game designers wanted to happen with Sonic. But remember this before you give up on the blue blur completly: He was always there for you. He was the one that fought Nintendo and Mario in the 80's, he single handedly saved the Sega corperation (meaning without him, Shadow wouldn't exist). And he's the one we've grown up with since we were little. So just keep that in mind the next time your feeling a bit hostile toward certian hedgehogs. He may not be as "real" in emotions or characteristics as Shadow, but he would be if he could. He does his best for you, and has for many years. He's never once let us down. I just wish people would remember that Sega is just like any other big industry. They don't care about us. They only care about selling the product for cash. Example: Have you noticed every single voice in the Shadow Game is different from the ones in Sonic Heros, or SAB2? That's because Sega fired all the voice actors for cheaper options. Know why Shadow banishes/kills Eggman at the end? Because the voice actor for Eggman died. They. Don't. Care. They never have. And I wouldn't be surprised if Shadow slowly took Sonic's place over as mascot and Sonic became forgotten. Why not? He's already fading from people's hearts, afterall." -Friend-<br />
<br /> comments? On picture or what my buddy said?

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Category Comics » Sonic the Hedgehog
Date Submitted
Views 1803
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Vote Score 1
Comments 26
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Comments (26)

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noodle-head on November 16, 2007, 2:35:07 AM

noodle-head on
noodle-headI blame 4Kids for the cheap voices thing.

plushiegang4 on June 9, 2007, 4:27:58 AM

plushiegang4 on
plushiegang4look i like sonic as much as i LOOOOVE shadow, SEGA should give sonic emotions,and feelings for people(girls)like sharhra, remember?and princess elise. REMEMBER THE GOD DAMN MEMORIES!?!?!?sorry about that....just a tipsy on the sure on game in the sonic adventures they'll make fall for somebody....

Shadowsonic1331 on April 21, 2007, 9:29:06 AM

Shadowsonic1331 on
Shadowsonic1331Nice one, Ilike this pic. The coloring is great. Love it ^-^

TailsFanatic on August 31, 2006, 12:57:34 PM

TailsFanatic on
*puts Sonic sign next to Shadow sign*
Sonic: Y-yes?
Go attack Sonic haters.
Sonic: O...K...
I'll take care of SEGA...

Shadowthe_hedgehog on May 16, 2006, 10:35:26 AM

Shadowthe_hedgehog on
Shadowthe_hedgehogHey. I'm completely obsessed with Shads. No offence, but Sonic just is getting really boring. He's always been number 1. I think that he should move on. I am really glad they made something new. I'm not saying that Sonic's bad, but Shadow is still way better than Sonic. Yes, I agree Sonic is fading, and I think that's just wrong. But he is still hanging on. Shadow isn't a good guy yet, he's still dark, So without Sonic, 1. There would be no hero, 2. Shadow would not have a rival. Besides, wouldn't Sonic get bored not having a challenge that has his own strength and speed? I think that Shadow rocks, and yes Sonic needs to keep going to.
Ok, sorry for the long speach about how Shadow is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cool. Anyways, tell your friend that this pic rocks!!! ^^

DaWolff on March 9, 2006, 5:43:02 PM

DaWolff on
DaWolffLOGO of shadow! hawa, i still like sonic more than shad.

Whisper_The_Mercury_Panther on March 6, 2006, 8:27:48 AM

Whisper_The_Mercury_Panther on
Whisper_The_Mercury_PantherAwwww, don't worry Sonic! I still like you! *Hugs him* ^_^

sis on March 2, 2006, 8:40:20 AM

sis on
sisAw poor Sonic!Great shading dude!X)

nextguardian on February 27, 2006, 11:01:16 AM

nextguardian on
nextguardianThis is really good. Nice work. fav

Cowgirl10 on January 18, 2006, 10:30:50 AM

Cowgirl10 on
Cowgirl10That's so sad! (Hugs him) I still love you Sonic.

speck_the_fox on January 4, 2006, 10:02:56 PM

speck_the_fox on
speck_the_foxHERE HERE !! ^-^ go sonic !! this is awesome by the way tell youf riend i said that !! hehe

sonicpuppylover18 on January 4, 2006, 12:27:54 AM

sonicpuppylover18 on
sonicpuppylover18Awwwwwww...thats so sad...

lilsoniclover on January 2, 2006, 9:41:53 AM

lilsoniclover on
lilsoniclover*cries* that is so sad -_-...I love sonic more than any character on the whole thing. The games,the show,and the comics. If anyone hates sonic,then Im automaticly against them.Awesome words and pic! FAVS! Sham Sham,please tell your friend that I agree with him/her^.^

blackscorpiongirl345 on December 16, 2005, 10:33:57 PM

blackscorpiongirl345 on

oh and keep it up and tell your friend to keep it up!

digi_freak on December 9, 2005, 8:54:19 AM

digi_freak on
digi_freakI'll always care about Sonic.Kill Shadow!!

morphin on December 7, 2005, 12:20:02 AM

morphin on
morphinI think sonic should shadow have a bit of the spotlight as well as him cause there both a cuople of cool hedgehogs.

knux_and_rouge_fan on November 26, 2005, 2:27:13 AM

knux_and_rouge_fan on
knux_and_rouge_fanThats so sad.... I think Shadow is really cool, but Sonic is the the original character, which makes him cool too. Sonic will always be the character who saved sega and has many awesome games, if it wasn't for the Sonic games, there would be no Tails, no Knuckles or anyone.

Sham-Sham on November 25, 2005, 10:53:20 AM

Sham-Sham on
Sham-Shamum... markers and charcoal, I think.. o.O and coloured pencils.

shadowrulesdaworld on November 25, 2005, 8:09:56 AM

shadowrulesdaworld on
shadowrulesdaworldOh yeah, i forgot to ask.......What did your friend use to colour this pic? Coz its so cool ^-^

Sham-Sham on November 25, 2005, 5:36:22 AM

Sham-Sham on
Sham-ShamAlex- I will! And thanks for the incouraging words!

Aly- Me too. They complete each other if ya ask me. Thanks for commenting! :3

aly on November 25, 2005, 4:40:09 AM

aly on
alyVeyr nice words. I like Shadow and Sonic both equally and theres no way i would ever forget him....poor sonic *hugs*

Alex_McCat on November 24, 2005, 11:14:42 PM

Alex_McCat on
Alex_McCatThats why I don't like Shadow.Poor Sonic!;-;
I love Sonic.He was there from the beginning.Now ever since Shadow came along Sonic is slowly disappering from people's hearts.*Hugs Sonic*
Tell your friend this is a really awesome picture!=3

Sham-Sham on November 24, 2005, 10:51:02 PM

Sham-Sham on
Sham-ShamCatgirlrocks- I'm glad you do. n-n And so's my friend. Oh, it's a 'She' btw.

shadowrulesdaworld- I'll tell 'er. ^_^ Can't wait to see your Sonic piccy. I'll hafta show it to her when your done. :3

shadowrulesdaworld on November 24, 2005, 5:56:35 PM

shadowrulesdaworld on
shadowrulesdaworldWow........i feel really bad now....Im totally obsessed with Shadow and i've left poor lil' Sonic out....meep! IM SORRY SONIC! lol. Well, tell your friend that this pick totally rox! And tell them they've inspired me to draw a pic of Sonic! Well done Sham-Sham's buddy-person ^-^ lol.

Catgirlrocks on November 24, 2005, 1:56:45 PM

Catgirlrocks on
CatgirlrocksTell him i said it rocks!He should join!And I still care about sonic=3*huggles*