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A Kenshin&Sano collab.

A Kenshin&Sano collab.

A Kenshin&Sano collab. by Shinigami
A Kenshin&Sano collab. by Shinigami


My friend, another artist on this site;Lord_Inuyasha, and I drew dis. Mine's the sad demented Sano, and their's is the happy non-demented Kenshin! T_^

General Info

General Info

Category Anime/Manga » Rurouni Kenshin
Date Submitted
Views 4016
Favorites... 41
Vote Score 0
Comments 29
Media Unspecified
Time Taken


Comments (29)

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1Hippiegal1 on June 18, 2006, 12:15:35 AM

1Hippiegal1 on
1Hippiegal1Awesome shading ^^

Protofan108 on June 14, 2006, 2:33:21 PM

Protofan108 on
Protofan108Wow this is REEEEEEEEEEEALLY good ^___^ I love the way Sano's eyes are..... *favs*

Anabeil_Pyro on April 16, 2006, 3:23:49 PM

Anabeil_Pyro on
Anabeil_PyroThats cool! ^^ I like Sano's pose!

faustfreak on March 5, 2006, 1:36:52 AM

faustfreak on
faustfreakhmmm...Kenshin's hair looks longer...still good, though.

Angie_Sagara on October 24, 2005, 8:58:24 AM

Angie_Sagara on
Angie_SagaraKyyaa!! congratulations!!! they look soooo coooll!!!! (specially Sano..he's kawaii -^^-)nice job!!! I love it! *.*

MrsRoronoaZoro on July 16, 2005, 7:21:44 AM

MrsRoronoaZoro on

mascot5 on July 13, 2005, 3:27:07 AM

mascot5 on
(Draws in deep breath)
oH i gotta STFU!
GReat PIC!

Sarieu_Tomoegotchi on June 15, 2005, 6:50:44 AM

Sarieu_Tomoegotchi on
Sarieu_TomoegotchiWow, that is sooooo cool! It's sooo awesome, the shading, and everything. Great job *^-^* *favs*

Calipso on June 15, 2005, 6:19:37 AM

Calipso on
CalipsoWOOOOOW BEST PICTURE OF SAMURAI X EVER SEEN! CONGRATULATIONS; want to see more of your art!!, gonna check it out!

OrangeArt on June 15, 2005, 6:09:26 AM

OrangeArt on
OrangeArti think the guy with the sword's one foot is kinda... twisted since it wouldn't be like that if he were standing that way... -_- but great shading! good job

Sly on April 30, 2005, 2:02:10 AM

Sly on
Sly there is no ward for this pic

Touya_Chan on April 12, 2005, 9:24:33 AM

Touya_Chan on
Touya_Chan*Adds to favorites* Nice job! I really like your style! :)

Ambershadow on January 9, 2005, 8:54:11 AM

Ambershadow on
AmbershadowYOU CALL THAT A DEMENTAED SANO?! My Sano is demented yours is awsome. Kenshins' butt kinda anoys me but that is just me

SecondFlame4710 on January 1, 2005, 6:17:13 AM

SecondFlame4710 on
SecondFlame4710DUDE! This is an awesome pic! It's goin on my favs! And you did a great job on Sano. He looks very real. And fun poses. Really fits the chars. Keep up the good pics! I'll be lookin.

tsunami90 on December 29, 2004, 8:35:00 AM

tsunami90 on
tsunami90WHOA! That's so awesome! I love the way you and your friend textured Kenshin and Sano. It's SO AWESOME! Keep up the good work!

Wolninja on December 19, 2004, 12:26:31 PM

Wolninja on
WolninjaThat is my favorit show and it looks so realistic make onother this is incredible good luck.

ButterflyKisses on September 1, 2004, 5:54:22 AM

ButterflyKisses on
ButterflyKissesWOW this pic is neat!! Sano is so funny!

CherryBlossom on August 28, 2004, 8:54:52 AM

CherryBlossom on
CherryBlossomThis pic is sooooo cool.

TriXterHaven on July 26, 2004, 2:01:47 PM

TriXterHaven on
TriXterHaven*wipes drool off of her shirt from everyone* ahem...awesome!

Eggplant on July 14, 2004, 8:59:42 AM

Eggplant on
EggplantSANOSUKE!!!!!!! *drool*

Earth_Fairy17 on June 25, 2004, 2:53:29 AM

Earth_Fairy17 on
Earth_Fairy17This is Really good. Great job. Adds favorites.

Shinigami on June 7, 2004, 2:31:39 AM

Shinigami on
Shinigamisorry, I don't draw girls, they're too hard for me and i'm not really par to requests either...sorry, but thanks for the comments! ^^

hiei_and_kurama on June 5, 2004, 3:46:26 AM

hiei_and_kurama on
hiei_and_kuramacan udraw my sis somthing? just kenshinm younger sis she has short brown hair she can be holiding a wodden sowrd she is in love with Yaheko o0o0 no kimonon either somthing tomboy like thank u i have been wanting to ask you this for the longest time ,but my computer has been down.GREAT PICTURE*clicks artist to faves<br />

EmmyChan on May 30, 2004, 8:13:55 AM

EmmyChan on
EmmyChanThis is an incredible picture! I love the shading!

Hotaru_rae on May 3, 2004, 2:58:13 AM

Hotaru_rae on
Hotaru_raeThis is great!!!

Wild-Card-KKC on May 2, 2004, 5:04:00 PM

Wild-Card-KKC on
Wild-Card-KKCLooks good Kenshin's pants look kind of wierd, but other whise it looks vary good

KenshinLover on May 1, 2004, 9:47:23 PM

KenshinLover on
KenshinLoverlol this is so cute!

Sakura_Sagara on April 30, 2004, 10:19:03 PM

Sakura_Sagara on
Sakura_SagaraKYA!!!!!!!!!!!! SANO!!!!!!!!!! *glomps Sano* YOU MADE HIM LOOK SOOO HOTT!!!!!!!!!!! GREAT JOB!!!!!!!