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the Stupidness consumes you...

the Stupidness consumes you...

the Stupidness consumes you... by Sliver
the Stupidness consumes you... by Sliver


I went shopping today! ^o^ ...Cloths shoppingAnd Ecstacys having the exact same problem i was...<br />
<br />
but then i got happy and went to the toy store and bought a slinky...T_T then it broke

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Category Comics » - Original Comics
Date Submitted
Views 5288
Favorites... 53
Vote Score 0
Comments 38
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Comments (38)

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RockStar2005 on August 1, 2006, 7:43:42 AM

RockStar2005 on
RockStar2005Yeah, I know bras are overpriced, and slinkies always break.. *remembers childhood memory* waaaahhhhhh!!!!! But what's really overpriced are pants!! 50 GODDAMNED DOLLARS WHEN I CAN JUST BUY AN OVERSIZE PAIR OF BLACK JEANS AND ADD CHAINS N RIP EM UP AND... *keeps going on about how overpriced clothes are* I'm gonna go lie down now... o.o.. OH THE PIC!! Great pic! love the coloring!!!

K I'm lyin' down now.... lol


raven_titan on August 20, 2005, 8:54:17 PM

raven_titan on
raven_titanawsome pic.*favs*

steph on August 4, 2005, 3:43:52 AM

steph on
stephkool pic!!!!!!

Deathelf on June 12, 2005, 2:52:33 PM

Deathelf on
DeathelfLOL! Poor slinky... Very awesome. *adds 2 faves*

Lillu55 on June 12, 2005, 2:14:17 PM

Lillu55 on
Lillu55I am proud to say i have that slinky shirt. no, the shirt it's self is not slinky, but is has the phrase, "people are alot like slinkies ..." yatta yatta. THis pic is way cool though. I think i under stand the secrets to the universe now. *nods head solemly* i shal go shout them at everyone.

I_Totally_Rock on June 6, 2005, 12:44:55 PM

I_Totally_Rock on
I_Totally_RockThe truth of the world. ^_^ YOU TOTALLY ROCK! ^_^
~Kathie ^_^~

Setos_Misstress on April 15, 2005, 5:43:57 AM

Setos_Misstress on
Setos_Misstressi luv their clothes.

silverfox on March 20, 2005, 6:51:47 AM

silverfox on
silverfoxThat's so funny!

As soon as I read your little comment thingy I started laughing even harder! I mean, serious, why pay so much for something only you(hopefully) are going to see?! It doesn't make any flippin' sense at all.

I love these characters, they're so cute! Slinkies do break too easily... O.o;;; It's a CONSIPIRACY, I TELL YOU! CONSPIRACY!!!!!!!!!

Tempest on January 7, 2005, 6:45:40 AM

Tempest on
Tempest Love it Love it Love it!!!!!!!!!!!
Omg lol I love slinkies lol And I have even said the exact same thing lmao!!! Wow,I love it so much!! **Favs** I love their expressions!!! Greak Work!!!
::goes off as she fiddles with her slinkie::
I was wondering if maybe I could use a slinkie concept for something I draw? I'm asking you first so it doesn't seem liek cpoying,since I'm not using any of your work/characters or anything like that,just the slinkie idea? Maybe? lol Get back to me ^_^ Its awesome!! Take care!!

mskchick on December 12, 2004, 2:28:52 AM

mskchick on
mskchickmy sis went 2 hot topic & saw a shirt that said "some people are like slinkys there totaly useless but its still fun to watch them fall down stairs" sars makes me think of that shirt!! awesome!!

Cara on November 10, 2004, 5:00:23 AM

Cara on
CaraXD I know how you feel. It is stupid, but you're lucky most of the bras around here(Vegas) are like $20. Maybe it's just here or my size that is so expensive, I don't know. Anyway awesome job, definately going in favs. I swear I don't know how many of your pics I have in favs but I know they're in there and you are on my fav artist list. Here have a doughnut. *shoves a doughnut down your throat*

sna020891 on October 20, 2004, 7:11:51 AM

sna020891 on
sna020891i love the belts

HieisAngel on June 23, 2004, 12:13:55 AM

HieisAngel on
HieisAngelI had a weard dreem last night and it had Sars and Ecasty in it I died and was in the same hospital as them and then I got a slinky!! Kool pic!!

LadyoftheDeadlyDance on June 14, 2004, 12:55:46 PM

LadyoftheDeadlyDance on
LadyoftheDeadlyDanceHehe! That's so true, that is freaking insane! I love Sars' expression, it's so pissy.

livingdeadgirl on June 1, 2004, 7:55:57 AM

livingdeadgirl on
livingdeadgirlThe expression on his face is great. It so loathing. I love it.<br />

Sumari_Kitsune on May 25, 2004, 11:40:20 AM

Sumari_Kitsune on
Sumari_KitsuneI hate slinkies... They're so fun but mine always breaks the day I get it... -__- <br />
<br />
Great as always

Koolkat6968 on May 14, 2004, 1:37:43 AM

Koolkat6968 on
Koolkat6968That's why I leave the shoppin' 2 my parents

BloodySunAngel on May 3, 2004, 3:21:57 PM

BloodySunAngel on
BloodySunAngelSomething like that happened to me. I got a sliver under my nail and I was pissed, then my mom took me to a store and we got a one time use camera. Then it broke so I flushed small pieces of it down the toilet....<br />
<br />
*favorites* slinkies rule...

LJmouse on April 7, 2004, 11:11:47 PM

LJmouse on
LJmouselol, i had the same problem as ecstacy a few days ago and the strap broke T_T

truedarkness_ on April 5, 2004, 3:40:27 AM

truedarkness_ on

Ducky_man03 on March 30, 2004, 7:29:14 AM

Ducky_man03 on
Ducky_man03o.O HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!! **FALLS OVER LAFFING**HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA**WRITES COMMENT** HAHAHAHA **dies laffing due to massively explosive lung/brain hemmhorageing (Kayodic_Weazel's suggestion)**<br />
<br />
HA HA HA HA *coff*coff*

Kayodic_Weazel on March 30, 2004, 7:25:37 AM

Kayodic_Weazel on
Kayodic_WeazelHAHA!!!! A slnky.... those things are soooooo gay..... they always tangle up and then you cant get them apart anD YOU JUST WANT TO KILLL!!!!!!!!!!!! but yeah.....uh....anyway.....!

WalMart_Manager on March 20, 2004, 4:15:47 AM

WalMart_Manager on
WalMart_ManagerI drew a wierd picture I'll get up when my scanner's fixed, where Ecstacy got Sars a thong that is hot pink and has "Man-dog" written on it in black. (?!)

VoilesDragonGurl on March 14, 2004, 12:08:50 PM

VoilesDragonGurl on
VoilesDragonGurllol *favs*<br />

CalicoChan on March 9, 2004, 6:49:43 AM

CalicoChan on kinda hopin their thongs ^_^<br />
hey! i love your work!

Sliver on March 5, 2004, 6:01:21 AM

Sliver on
Sliver...Boxers you say?<br />
<br />
<br />
....hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...........<br />

Angie-chan on March 3, 2004, 9:10:05 PM

Angie-chan on
Angie-chanSlinkies are EVIL. I hate slinkies, 'cause they're so fun for like 10 minutes, and then they get all tangled. OR someone else tangles it, and sends you into a blind rage to avenge you slinky!

Rukira on February 24, 2004, 11:23:57 AM

Rukira on
Rukiraomg dude! thats so cool! XDDD poor slinky! lmao... I love your style! ^0^ its so cool <br />
<br />
HE HAS PINK BOXERS!! XDDDD *shuts up* o.o;;

Sliver on February 23, 2004, 12:20:46 PM

Sliver on
SliverWell, so Sars dosent have to deal with the (exreamly unreasonabul) prices of Bras... <br />
<br />
But his slinky broke so i tihnk hes sad enough as it is.. lol<br />
<br />
thanks for the comments ^^

krysofdeath on February 22, 2004, 9:00:44 AM

krysofdeath on
krysofdeathyeah. bras are EXTREMELY expensive. why dont GUYS have to deal with stuff like that, its not FAIR! -.-# okay, im done. ^^; sars is SO funny in this one! -^^- slinkies never DO last long... *adds to faves*

CheshireGoddess on February 22, 2004, 7:16:42 AM

CheshireGoddess on
CheshireGoddesslol victoria secret bras cost even more -___-;;;

ratbrat on February 21, 2004, 12:09:19 PM

ratbrat on
ratbrati love him whenever i get hte chance...even if u are looking!!<br />
<br />
ps the 12 yr old freak was here!

DarkAnGel on February 20, 2004, 12:33:04 AM

DarkAnGel on
DarkAnGelawesome! so funny!

rock-n-roll-queen on February 19, 2004, 9:50:10 AM

rock-n-roll-queen on
rock-n-roll-queenslinkys are evil<br />

Kerushi on February 19, 2004, 7:58:38 AM

Kerushi on
KerushiAwesome!!! Sars looks especially hot in this one! ^_^!!!

WaterNeko_Goddess on February 19, 2004, 6:35:03 AM

WaterNeko_Goddess on
WaterNeko_GoddessXDXDXDXD! lol. slinkys NEVER last long around me. lol. i always end up breaking them ^^. and i like all the cool clothes they are wearing! ^-^ :):):):):):):)

tenurialguy on February 19, 2004, 4:43:02 AM

tenurialguy on
tenurialguykewl !! i like your work its very goth, the colors are great , lol it's funny also. I should have something punkish done in couple of days, awesome work !

shadow_of_darkness on February 19, 2004, 3:32:21 AM

shadow_of_darkness on
shadow_of_darknessXD LMAO! this is too great.<br />
<br />
slinkys are fuunnnnnnnnnnnnnn ^^