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She's got the keys

She's got the keys

She's got the keys by Snows-wolf
She's got the keys by Snows-wolf


Snow, Bentley, Murray, and Kara. I'm rather proud of how it turned out. And I like Snow's new look don't you? But Bentley looks kinda wierd. There is a story behind the picture, please read.

"Bentley," the white wolf said breaking the odd silence between the old friends. The turtle jerked his head up to meet a pair of green orbs. “Yes Snow?” He asked kindly. Snow smiled and spoke, “As long as we’re in Holland. Why don’t we go out to dinner at Cabaña?” Bentley was shocked. She was asking him out on a date. Snow caught on, “We could have Kara come and you could fill us in on the Cooper Vault Job,” Bentley relaxed and eased back down into his wheelchair, “Murray could drive my BMW. I know how he wants to get behind the wheel of that thing and I guess sooner or later I’ll have to let him behind the wheel of my car,” she laughed, “And I was thinking…” Bentley rolled his eyes at his friend and leaned back to listen.
“Hey Murray!” Bentley called after his brawny friend. “Hey little buddy what cha’ need?” Bentley looked up to his pal not noticing Snow slip into the room, “How would you like to drive Snow and I over to Cabaña?” “You got the courage to ask her out man! That is AWESOME Bentley! I have to go tell Sly!” Murray yelled. “Murray!” Bentley yelled. “What?” “I didn’t ask Snow out, ok. I need to run over the Cooper Vault Job with her and Kara. And since you and Sly will be down my shell the whole time about Snow, I need to do this outside the safe house,” Bentley said quietly, but not quite enough. Murray shot Snow a quick glance and smiled, “Then I’ll drive ya’ll over! Who’s…Snow’s car. Oh man this is gonna be so wicked awesome! But why can’t Snow drive?” Bentley cleared his throat and continued, “Since Snow drives a compact car, I’ll need to take my wheelchair apart and have Snow store it in the trunk. So in the car I can explain to her how to put it back together, so I’ll need you to carry me out to the car and to help me out.” “Ok little buddy! Anything to help you two,” Murray said, “When are ya’ll leaving?” “In an hour.”
“Kara?” Snow said to the meditating Wildcat. “Yeah?” she sighed. “How would you like to go to Cabaña with Bentley and me?” Snow explained. “He asked you out! Oh I wish Murray would ask me out,” Kara said with a dreamy look on her face. “Wish granted!” Snow said, “If I’m correct Murray is coming with us. And no Bentley didn’t ask me out. It’s just to go over the Cooper Vault Job.” Snow’s expression saddened. Bentley rolled into the room just in time to hear Snow sadden. “When are we leaving?” Kara asked practically bouncing off the walls of the dojo. “Soon, but come on girl we have to look good for Murray and Bentley!” “No makeup!” Kara cried.
“Kara! No not my good jacket!” Snow cried, “My father gave me that!” “You didn’t know your real Dad much did you?” Kara asked. “No he was always somewhere else,” Snow said. “It’s alright the only family I ever had was Rajan and Arpeggio,” Kara said, “but now you guys are more of my family than anything.” “Kara, how ‘bout these for you?” Snow said holding up a purple three quarter sleeve shirt, a belt, and dark blue jeans. “Oh those are so awesome!” she said her eyes flashing the whole time, “but aren’t you gonna change?” “Out of my favorite blazer, shirt, and skirt? No!” Snow said with a grin. Out in the hall laughter could be heard from Snow’s room. Bentley knocked twice and a short white wolf and a tall purple wildcat opened the door. Snow smiled sweetly and Bentley and asked, “Where’s Murray?” Bentley still dumbfounded didn’t answer, “C’mon, Kara, I’ll show you the car. Bentley? Why is your wheelchair still intact? Oh never mind. Kara, find Murray and give him my keys. C’mon Bentley.” Snow started to pace down the hallway down to the air hanger were all her mechanic things stored. “Well Ms. Wolfe, you plan is working perfectly,” Bentley said. “Thanks, but were behind schedule,” Snow chided, “SLY!” A fuzzy raccoon poked his head into the air hanger and said, “Why do you yell so loud?” He looked down at Snow taking the wheelchair apart quickly. And Bentley seated in the chair behind her shrugged. “Sly I need you to carry the disassembled wheelchair out to my BMW. If that is too much to ask you can carry Bentley then.” “That’s a tough question, see mystery BMW or carry Bentley,” Sly said with a laugh, “Hand me the parts Snow.” As soon as Sly had all the parts Snow picked up Bentley and led them to the garage. Murray and Kara were standing there chatting happily about what-not. Murray saw Snow and pulled the sheet which reviled a blue 323i stick shift BMW. Sly loaded the parts into the BWM and they were off.
When they got to Cabaña Murray gave Snow the keys who slipped them somewhere. Murray pulled Bentley out of the car and looked at Kara, “Uh, Snow, She’s got the keys.” Bentley and Snow looked at each other. Mission complete. “Murray I guess you have to stay now because I’m not giving these keys back,” Kara said.
All in all it was a good dinner, even though it had nothing to do with the Cooper Vault Job.

General Info

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Category Games » - by Genre » - Action (Platforming) games » Sly Cooper series » Characters & Fanart
Date Submitted
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Comments 8
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Comments (8)

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Snows-wolf on March 11, 2006, 3:21:36 AM

Snows-wolf on
Snows-wolfIf it gets it's own word then it is turely awesome! Thanks Immortie!

Immortally_Broken on March 10, 2006, 11:46:52 AM

Immortally_Broken on

Go Kara! Whoot!

Okay... I love Snow and Kara in this. You got Kara really well, in the story and the picture. And Snow's new look is FANTABULOUS!

It's so awesome it gets its own word, yes?

Snows-wolf on March 10, 2006, 4:20:00 AM

Snows-wolf on
Snows-wolfWell thank you anyways!

edocatastrophi on March 10, 2006, 4:19:19 AM

edocatastrophi on
edocatastrophiahahahaha!!! i don't know...

Snows-wolf on March 10, 2006, 4:19:13 AM

Snows-wolf on
Snows-wolfThank you!

mattiusthegreat on March 10, 2006, 4:18:25 AM

mattiusthegreat on
mattiusthegreatcool good story i'm an unkean reader but that was good!!^_^

Snows-wolf on March 10, 2006, 4:09:24 AM

Snows-wolf on
Snows-wolfwhat does that mean?

edocatastrophi on March 10, 2006, 4:08:24 AM

edocatastrophi on
edocatastrophiinteresting, but i don't have a long enough itention span, wow, my spelling sucks...again...write back to me!!!