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First try at NiGHTS

First try at NiGHTS

First try at NiGHTS by SomekindofFreak
First try at NiGHTS by SomekindofFreak


I got the Wii version of NiGHTS for Christmas :33

though NiGHTS is supposed to be androgynous, I will always think of him as a Male >w<
I will try to practice more with Nights and maybe even Reala XD
Enjoy meh icky stylized NIGHTS XP

General Info

General Info

Category Games » - by Publisher » Sega » NiGHTS into Dreams
Date Submitted
Views 1494
Favorites... 5
Vote Score 3
Comments 16
Media Colored Pencil / Crayon
Time Taken


Comments (16)

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IAmTheWALRUS4 on November 27, 2008, 11:13:20 PM

IAmTheWALRUS4awww that's so cute! even though I hate NiGHTS' new outfit, I still think you made it look good :D
it's a lot better than my first try at NiGHTS.
lol I always think of him as male too. sometimes people look at me weird when i tell them about NiGHTS and I say I think he's a guy. they've got something against guys that wanna look pretty or something


GemWist on February 6, 2008, 7:17:44 PM

GemWist on
GemWist>w< NiGHTS ish awesome~

Noodle_is_mah_Sister on January 21, 2008, 8:53:38 AM

Noodle_is_mah_Sister on
Noodle_is_mah_SisterAww, shweet! -faves-
I love the new NiGHTS game for the Wii. I gots it, too. ^__^()

Falconlobo on December 31, 2007, 9:40:54 AM

Falconlobo on
FalconloboCOOL nice colors and outfit

InvaderKylie on December 29, 2007, 9:29:02 AM

InvaderKylie on
InvaderKylieCool! I saw that game..never rented it...^^;

SomekindofFreak on December 30, 2007, 2:49:15 AM

SomekindofFreak on
I recommend it X3

vesblondie on December 28, 2007, 3:02:16 AM

vesblondie on
vesblondieTHAT'S PRETTY!!! 0w0
I love teh colors! There's so bright *gets blinded*
This is awesome, Skoffeh! *hugs*

SomekindofFreak on December 30, 2007, 2:48:41 AM

SomekindofFreak on
SomekindofFreakNya! Thank you Vikki! *hugs back* NiGHTS sure is a colorful lil guy :3

ShadowMantis on December 27, 2007, 10:20:13 PM

ShadowMantis on
ShadowMantisAwwww... I've never seen any of the games, but he ish so purdy!
I like the eyes. ^-^
You enjoying the game? I might have to look into it!

SomekindofFreak on December 30, 2007, 2:48:08 AM

SomekindofFreak on
SomekindofFreakHe ish pretteh, isnt he? anyone who thinks he is a girl has something against pretty males XD
It is a fun game! You really should look into it Wayra! ^^

Irken_Akire on December 27, 2007, 6:48:22 PM

Irken_Akire on
Irken_AkireOooooo! Nights! It looks like a very good game- all magical n' stuffz. Nihihi!
Nice job Skoffles! *hugs* Pretty-ful colors and eyes!

SomekindofFreak on December 30, 2007, 2:47:08 AM

SomekindofFreak on
SomekindofFreakYesh, tis very magical XD
Thank you Akire!

TallestPurple on December 27, 2007, 1:23:29 PM

TallestPurple on
TallestPurpleAwwww This is so cool, Skoffeh ^^ I've never seen/played that game... IS it fun? Anyhowz, This is really neat! You use the prettiest colors ^0^ That's sucha cool outfit xD

SomekindofFreak on December 27, 2007, 1:28:05 PM

SomekindofFreak on
SomekindofFreakThank you so much Luzzles! :3
It is very fun! But also quite challenging...with the wiimote at least. It takes a while to adapt to the controls ^^;;

CryptoTheCat on December 27, 2007, 12:56:28 PM

CryptoTheCat on
CryptoTheCatowo Pretty!

SomekindofFreak on December 27, 2007, 1:16:33 PM

SomekindofFreak on
SomekindofFreakThank you! ^^