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"Riku..." by Sorceress_Ultimecia
"Riku..." by Sorceress_Ultimecia


Done on ms paint! It took forever, though.... -_-<br />
<br />
That damn program...

General Info

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Category Games » - by Publisher » Square-Enix » Kingdom Hearts series » Characters (KH1) » Riku
Date Submitted
Views 4517
Favorites... 20
Vote Score 0
Comments 19
Media Unspecified
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Comments (19)

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dragon_flames on February 3, 2006, 5:11:52 PM

dragon_flames on

willo_the_wisp on May 31, 2005, 1:54:15 AM

willo_the_wisp on
willo_the_wispriku is alot cooler than sora

BlackFireDemon01 on May 14, 2005, 9:03:52 AM

BlackFireDemon01 on
BlackFireDemon01you did this on ms paint!! holy moley thats good *jumps up and down* its riku its riku its riku its riku!!!! ahem im ok (>.

blakkpaw on May 7, 2005, 1:26:05 PM

blakkpaw on
blakkpawwhats a tablet

good job but the head is kinda messed up! Faves

NitaChan on May 7, 2005, 9:33:48 AM

NitaChan on
NitaChanCan't afford a tablet? Don't worry, I can't either. xD That's why I only use a mouse...and I suck. -_- Oh well. I'm just starting. Anyway, the only thing that's bugging me is the hair. @_@ And...God, I feel stupid asking this...what's with the greenish stuff? You know, near the middle?

Don't sue me, I didn't beat the game yet! xD

Caught-In-Twilight on April 30, 2005, 1:57:25 PM

Caught-In-Twilight on
Caught-In-TwilightThat's hot! Great style!

RikkuTenshi on February 27, 2005, 7:20:10 PM

RikkuTenshi on
RikkuTenshiits hot ^^ *gives you a cookie* good job!

The_Vampire_Queen on February 4, 2005, 12:54:22 PM

The_Vampire_Queen on
The_Vampire_QueenThat's a beautiful drawing of Riku. Beautiful work! *faves*

DarkHieiGurl on January 17, 2005, 9:39:48 AM

DarkHieiGurl on
DarkHieiGurlHow do u do that?! I'm not that bad on ms paint but you're way better with it than I am. If that took u forever than it's probably gonna take me an ETERNITY! *favs*

Rikus_Lover_MINE on November 15, 2004, 1:07:13 PM

Rikus_Lover_MINE on
Rikus_Lover_MINEoh um his eyes r sopposed 2 b sky blue but thats ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!^^;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

mustanggirl on November 12, 2004, 1:59:07 PM

mustanggirl on
mustanggirlawsome job the pic looxs great^_^

XxCrazy4HieixX on August 19, 2004, 4:12:36 PM

XxCrazy4HieixX on
XxCrazy4HieixXRIKU!!!!!!!!!That's really cool!Dat's da cooliest!GOOD JOB!

WaterNeko_Goddess on August 8, 2004, 4:54:36 AM

WaterNeko_Goddess on
WaterNeko_Goddess0.0 The coloring is incredible. It's the best i have EVER seen on ms paint. God I wish I had your skills!

Rikus_Lover_MINE on August 2, 2004, 12:42:40 PM

Rikus_Lover_MINE on
Rikus_Lover_MINEthats is soooooooooo cool!!!! *grabs riku and runs* ^-^ (sorry im in luv!!!!)

feari on August 2, 2004, 8:15:23 AM

feari on
feariThis looks awesome. Despite using MS Paint. ^__^ Very awesome. You did a marvelous job.

Vayonu on August 1, 2004, 5:51:24 PM

Vayonu on
VayonuHis expression look great. The shading is done very well and the colors look simply amazing!<br />
It was certainly worth it!^^

Sorceress_Ultimecia on August 1, 2004, 4:10:43 PM

Sorceress_Ultimecia on
Sorceress_UltimeciaI use a mouse. Just a mouse, I can't afford a tablet!

Hori on August 1, 2004, 4:06:47 PM

Hori on
Horimy jaw literally dropped, my god it's riku, one of the only good riku's i've seen on this site, i hate him so much, but the shading and the lighting is so well done it's hard not to like it, it is of course getting added to my favourites right away, what did u use for this? a tablet or a mouse? i would really like to know.. great job!

crusifer on August 1, 2004, 3:38:01 PM

crusifer on
crusiferThat whole transition is great! Think you could do both versions in the same picture?