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Master Chief isnt the only Spartan??

Master Chief isnt the only Spartan??

Master Chief isnt the only Spartan?? by Spartan_112
Master Chief isnt the only Spartan?? by Spartan_112


I drew this cause i thnk master chief shoulda get a parterner i mean wouldnt that be cool? two spartans more kills. The one on the right is suppose to be female spartan but i kinda screwed it up and it doesnt look like a she.

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Category Games » - All Titles » Halo series » Halo 2
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Comments (27)

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sargewolf on April 11, 2006, 8:40:59 AM

sargewolf on
sargewolfActually, they were abducted at age 6, for those who dont know. Great pic, btw.

Rayne06 on March 16, 2006, 2:17:20 AM

Rayne06 on
Rayne06I really wish there was a 4th book! Then Halo2 would make more sense! How many folk above this comment are stupid?

Rehtorical question!

Awesome pic! Love all the detail! It musta taken you hours!!!

affinsaff on February 20, 2006, 1:01:38 AM

affinsaff on
affinsaffi dont get that there are4 spartans still alive at the end of the 3rd book

strng_man13 on January 5, 2006, 6:13:49 PM

strng_man13 on
strng_man13half you peple are well......................stupid the spartans were abducted at AGE 7 and trained on reach. when they were about 14-16(cant remember right now)they went through the surgery to augment there speed strenght etc. half died the other half fought until covenant made it to reach mc was had already gone to alo. the covenant burne most o reach except for a small portion where there was an artifact they were looking for which also happens to be where Castle base is. Castle base and in the area where it is were spartans hiding out well by the time it came to just before h2 There were only a handful of survivers if you want to know more go and join this site its the best.

oh and there are 3 books not 2
and awesome pic.

ray_lover100 on November 12, 2005, 2:24:09 AM

ray_lover100 on
ray_lover100awesome!!!! thats awesome great job :)

PatriarchHydralisk on October 17, 2005, 9:08:14 AM

PatriarchHydralisk on
PatriarchHydraliskthere are definitley more of em. they were taken into the spartan program when they were 6 and trained to age 25. then they went through augmentation, but 76% of em died. John, kelly, linda, fred, and will [plus many others] did live, but the planet they were created on, Reach, was destroyed by those goddamn covenent....

affinsaff on August 10, 2005, 2:46:16 AM

affinsaff on
affinsaffthis is to all poeple who wanna know
there where 2 sparton projects
jhon is the chiefs name
and the spatans where killed trying to protect reach

M12Halo on August 5, 2005, 12:54:20 AM

M12Halo on
M12HaloREACH WAS THE PLANET SPARTENS WERE ENHANCCED AND TRAINED ON! The planet was BURNED! Not blown up. The planet still exists, only its a big smoding peice of crap... GET UR DAM FACTS STRAIGHT! This is to Zakuman and ZEN!

But aside, awesome picture!

Master_Chief60 on July 30, 2005, 4:25:45 AM

Master_Chief60 on
Master_Chief60I saw this one on Halobabies!!! Hi, I'm A_Covenant_Grunt. :)

HeadMarine on July 27, 2005, 12:06:14 PM

HeadMarine on
HeadMarineThat rocks! How do u do those. All your drawings rule! Especially this one!!!

Cho_Gakkai on July 21, 2005, 11:04:56 AM

Cho_Gakkai on
Cho_GakkaiNA u think i mean its good but its a 2 player game so he wont b...

Shedra on July 15, 2005, 5:19:41 PM

Shedra on
Shedrayeah the sparten on the right looks like a girl.

Kupo on June 10, 2005, 11:57:28 AM

Kupo on
Kupoi could tell it was a girl it looks great! i read 3 halo books and found out that actually they used to have 75 spartans who were just normal 5 YR OLDS who were abducted and trained very hard. Tlhen about half of the spartans died when they made them special with surgeries to give them enhanced abilities. Then all of the spartans except Master Chief (John), Linda, and someone else i forgot went to fight on planet Reach when them 3 went to fight on a ship or something and then their ship was attacked and Linda+other guy stayed in cryo sleepp (when they r cryogenicly frozen like in austin powers to sleep on space ships) while MC went to Halo.

sorry 4 the super long explanation, but thats y MC is the only spartan on halo

(after that he meets up w/ spartan buddies on Reach and Linda but his other buddy in cryo sleep died somehow but anyway what im wondering is y he is only spartan in halo2 if he got back together w/ his friends in 3rd halo book?

American_Idiot on June 4, 2005, 10:06:53 AM

American_Idiot on

cyber_cerberus337 on June 1, 2005, 8:15:57 PM

cyber_cerberus337 on
cyber_cerberus337You are so good at drawing Master Chief I try tto draw him yesterday and I couldnt even draw the helmet You are such a great artist.

Yamikei on May 10, 2005, 4:02:20 AM

Yamikei on
Yamikeidamn spartan, and you commented me?! I'm not worthy!

Jasketch on May 5, 2005, 4:33:00 PM

Jasketch on
JasketchKick @$$!
PLz more!!!
You rock, seriously.

EnergizerBunny2fst4U on April 16, 2005, 7:49:58 AM

EnergizerBunny2fst4U on
EnergizerBunny2fst4UAre you kidding me, your master cheif is sooooo awesome! My tidus dosen't even come close to it. You're an amazing artist! Keep up the really good work!

Spartan_112 on April 15, 2005, 8:24:18 AM

Spartan_112 on
Spartan_112I cant remember how long this pic took but i remember it being a really really really really really really long time

chocolate_gimeegimeegimee on April 12, 2005, 1:50:44 PM

chocolate_gimeegimeegimee on
chocolate_gimeegimeegimeenooo not this again *falls on floor* *revives* sorry um ya I had a bad expereince actually I probubly wouldent have clicked if it wasent pic of the hour but I'm glad I did this is great ^_^ person who shall remain unamed: mastecheif wears green waffle stocking me: you see why I have a problem with master cheif even though every weird thing that twerp over there says is not true he still scares me and lately his newest finatec is how mastercheif wears green waffle stalkings just don't ask .................. anyway great pic the detail is amazing I could never do thta congrats it's great

EnergizerBunny2fst4U on April 12, 2005, 1:14:53 PM

EnergizerBunny2fst4U on
EnergizerBunny2fst4UWoh that's really good.

hakashar on April 12, 2005, 1:08:15 PM

hakashar on
hakasharHOLY SH... i mean, that's just awesome.. i love the details, the pose, everything! i wish i had a patience to draw things like that. keep up the good work!

Prophet-of-truth on December 31, 2004, 5:54:03 PM

Prophet-of-truth on
Prophet-of-truththere are 5 spartans still alive john( the Mc ) kelly
linda fred will
but unfortunatly bunjie said screw the books and left the others out of halo 2 damn them!

KotokoPlum on December 28, 2004, 8:43:49 AM

KotokoPlum on
KotokoPlumO.O The detail! Wow. I've never played any of the games that you have pics of, but they look really cool!

zakuman on December 22, 2004, 12:13:01 AM

zakuman on
zakumanWell yeah that'd be nice. It would also nice if bungie didn't shoot on the story in the 2nd game(which turned out to be completely pointless). It would also be nice if the online set-up (on halo 2) wasn't a big piece of crap. But that is the case, and there's not much that can be done about it.

That's a sweet pic though. My buddy thought it'd be cool if Cortana downloaded herself to a robot body. But I don't know about that one. Anyway the new chief does still look badass.

P.S. to Zen's comment, I believe the covenant destroy the planet that the spartan's were being trained and created on. I'm not 100% but I think that's how the story goes.

Spartan_112 on December 21, 2004, 5:56:34 AM

Spartan_112 on
Spartan_112to Zen: Have you read the two books about halo? if no u gotta .the story some how makes ya think there are more spartans alive out there

ZEN on December 21, 2004, 4:59:27 AM

ZEN on
ZENWell technicaly there are more spartans it is just well, they're dead. I at least I have read, on some website it said according with the books that Master Cheif was the only one that survived, survived what, I don't know I'm guessing the process of becoming a Spartan. Anyway, this pic is freaking sweet!