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Tattoo Dragon

Tattoo Dragon

Tattoo Dragon by Spike_Schinizzle
Tattoo Dragon by Spike_Schinizzle


My friend gave me a pic like this that she found on the net... she then gave it to me so i could re-draw it... and now it's like 20 times the original size... and RedTailDragon wants it tattooed onto his back...heh heh heh heh ^_^ i would watch that!!!

Spike .S.

General Info

General Info

Category Miscellaneous » Shapes & Patterns
Date Submitted
Views 1173
Favorites... 3
Vote Score 0
Comments 6
Media Graphite pencil
Time Taken few hours
Reference little piece of paper


Comments (6)

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HimuraKamatari on March 11, 2007, 1:51:35 PM

HimuraKamatari on
HimuraKamatariAWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *FAVS* ^^

sasukesakura1 on July 16, 2006, 6:30:09 PM

sasukesakura1 on
sasukesakura1i like this my cousin might want this tatooed on his back or whatever body part hehehehehehe

xXDarkHuntressXx on July 8, 2006, 4:43:26 AM

xXDarkHuntressXx on
xXDarkHuntressXxso freakin awesome!!! yea, this would be a cool tatoo! but then again, i draw hennas on my leg like every day, at least you got a sweet one on paper! it rox, awesome.
keep it up

Qing on July 8, 2006, 12:34:01 AM

Qing on
QingI want that tatoo on my back, shoulder, wrist.... *continues for several hours
^^ soooooo cool, i love it!!
Thanks sooooooo much for the rose, i sent it on to some people ^^
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LunchBox on July 4, 2006, 4:27:33 AM

LunchBox on
LunchBoxYo if i get a tattoo can i use this its awsome!

Xx_AviloriA_xX on July 3, 2006, 11:30:21 PM

Xx_AviloriA_xX on
Xx_AviloriA_xXCOOLIE!! thats awesome! I would love that tatoo, but my b/f wont let me cause he said you can't give blood afterwards ;.;

But its awesome!