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He lives in you

He lives in you

He lives in you by SweetxinsanityxSarah
He lives in you by SweetxinsanityxSarah


"Ingonyama nengw' enamabala
[Here is a lion and a tiger]

And the spirit of life

Oh, oh, iyo
Oh, oh, iyo

And a voice
With the fear of a child

Oh, oh, iyo
Oh, mamela
Oh, oh, iyo

Ubukhosi bo khokho
[Throne of the ancestors]
We ndodana ye sizwe sonke
[Oh, son of the nation)]

There's no mountain too great
Oh, oh, iyo
Hear the words and have faith
Oh, oh, iyo
Have faith

Hela hey mamela
[Hey, listen]

He lives in you
He lives in me
He watches over
Everything we see
Into the water
Into the truth
In your reflection
He lives in you

Ingonyama nengw' enamabala
[Here is a lion and a tiger]

(repeat third verse)

(repeat chorus)"

He lives in you From Lion King 2

Cute group "Awww" in 3...2..

After hearing the song above, and due to one of the rps im in; I was inspired to draw this cute little number. It is a depiction of lord Sesshoumaru with Belladona, Tsukino's mother, cradling an infant Tsukino in her arms. Fluffy seems like the perfect father after all for Tsuki in teh rp. Considering she has inherited his deadly glare, wicked silent but deadly temper, and lets not forget; his deadly powers. Such as the whip of light and poisonus claws. But she has also obtained her mother's dazzeling eyes, long raven streaked locks, and rebellious attitude. I'm still torn though to what kind of demon to make the mother. I either want to make her a ferret, weasel, or wolf demon. That or a fox demon. As for element she weilds, either poisen too, or somewhere around ice or nature. (Suggestions are luff!)

And look at teh new father. He still maintains the illusion of calm if you look at the picture from far away. But like Mona Lisa, if you look real close you can see him smiling, if only a tiny bit. Come on he's a daddy now, he at least has to be joyful at that.

And due to the song, I thought it would be cute to put a cloudy form of Fluffy's pappa in the backround. (Yes I made a backround holy smoofles!)

But anyways, view and commentz and adore the cuteness that is fluffy's baby! ADORE I SAY! >83

General Info

General Info

Category Anime/Manga » Inu-Yasha series
Date Submitted
Views 1354
Favorites... 2
Vote Score 2
Comments 14
Media Graphite pencil
Time Taken 7 hours x__x
Reference couple poses


Comments (14)

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TotalWeirdo666 on December 2, 2010, 11:17:40 AM

TotalWeirdo666 on
TotalWeirdo666no idea what this pic is about but OMG LION KING SONG i love that song

SweetxinsanityxSarah on December 3, 2010, 5:17:03 AM

SweetxinsanityxSarah on
SweetxinsanityxSarahLol thankies xD

xNayamashiixDarklingx on October 17, 2010, 1:32:44 AM

xNayamashiixDarklingx on
xNayamashiixDarklingxYes Ladies and Gents it is rare for us to see the mighty Sarah do a bg and I cant wait for her to color it...I SAID COLOR IT, YOU MUST!

SweetxinsanityxSarah on October 17, 2010, 6:26:32 AM

SweetxinsanityxSarah on
SweetxinsanityxSarahI dunno, might be harder to scan if I colors eet. Besides I think you'd do a much better job IMO ;P

xAmiDarkfieldx on October 12, 2010, 3:38:14 PM

xAmiDarkfieldx on
xAmiDarkfieldxya know, I have always wondered who would be crazy enough to be with Sesshomaru AND for him to be with them too and spawn a child.

Though in the anime, it seemed that Kagura wanted to be with him though it is hard to tell if he felt the same way. I am rewatching Inuyasha (english dubbed cause I feel like it).

I need to draw what Ami would look like in the Inuyasha world rofl I traced over a picture I googled to get an idea. I need to draw it from scratch so I can submit it xD

SweetxinsanityxSarah on October 12, 2010, 3:48:55 PM

SweetxinsanityxSarah on
SweetxinsanityxSarahOh that was too obvious when she first saw him she was nuts for him. Cant say as I blame her. But as the song goes "Poisen" by Alice Cooper, she WANTS to be with him, but Kagura has a feeling she'd get shot down. After all Sesshomaru pretty much is a plant when it comes to the that subject lol. I think he'd even shoot down a succubus. xD
And the fact he hates Naraku too.

Belladona I guess has that sort of flare to her where she takes crap from no one, yet can be kind in her own right. Plus she sorta saves Rin, which gives her bonus points to travel with teh fluff. You cant go wrong helping out Rin and getting Fluffy's approval there.

Also I saw one of the newer epis on youtube where you get to see his MOM! Oh my god she was teh shiznat, she downtalked Fluffy and got away with it! Plus she looks like a female sesshomaru it's not even funny. xP
(You should have seen some of the comments, the idiots were saying it wasnt her, though Jaken flat out says "Sesshomaru's mother" in one part of the clip lmao.

xAmiDarkfieldx on October 12, 2010, 6:38:37 PM

xAmiDarkfieldx on
xAmiDarkfieldxSome commenters on youtube are idiots. I just ignore them cause it is pointless to explain the obvious to them. I have been told, by Ed I believe, that you do get to see Sesshy's mommy. I am actually rewatching episode well about to watch episode 93 right now after all the episodes I will watch final act to see what else happens.

Yes, helping Rin gives you bonus points in getting Sesshy's approval and shoot. Even though he despises humans he likes Rin and saved her. I bet he had his reasons.

I approve of Belladona and Sesshy couple (but as for orignal, I still go for Kagura and Sesshomaru but go for yours at the same time cause it makes senses too your reasons lol)

I like Koga, he is awesome and its funny and pathetic how him and Inuyasha fight and Kagome has to stop them rofl

SweetxinsanityxSarah on October 12, 2010, 6:58:03 PM

SweetxinsanityxSarah on
SweetxinsanityxSarahKoga reminds me of my brother with his attitude. Plus they both luff chips lol. xD

Also I have all the epis hardwired into my brain with memory it's not even funny. I can quote the entire episode of Sesshoumaru when he attacks the group for a third time. (When Totosai makes his debut.)
I PRAY they bring that show to the adult swim; cause im getting rather bored of Bleach and it's damn sidestory arc. BRING OUT BADASS NEL DAMN YOU!

And well when it comes to me with who fluffy would be with...I would have to say no one. Not being mean; just that I cant really see him hooking up with anyone. Probly cause he's soo stubborn that he doesnt like the thought of settling down. But if it came right down to the knitty gritty and I was forced to choose, I'd say fluff and Kikyo -shot!- Probly cause of their similar personalities lol. They dont take crap from NO ONE. =P

And when it comes to commenting, I rage at those who support young rin and fluffy...cause that's just SICK. x_X
He sees her as a lil sister, not a damn mate you pervs! I much rather support Kohaku and Rin. Much cuter, and I think Rin has a crush on him too. ;3
Plus I got into a small debate on what the heck Sesshomaru's thingy is on his shoulder. I think it's his fur, not a tail or boa. Cause you always see it with him, and not to mention when he goes into dog form, you see it attached to him in the same fashion as in human form. And another biggy, do you see the boa coming out of his pants? xD No I dont think so! My friend pointed that part out to me when I thought it was his tail at first.

xAmiDarkfieldx on October 13, 2010, 9:31:33 AM

xAmiDarkfieldx on
xAmiDarkfieldxYes, Kohaku and Rin. I support that. I don't support Kikyo with anyone mainly cause her body is not really. She will never be able to mate cause she is the walking dead. Her body is made of bones and graveyard soil. Her days of being able to mate died when she got killed cause of Naraku.

I also believe Inuyasha has been on Adult Swim before. Cause I have seen clips on youtube AND pictures with the Adult Swim logo watermark in the corner of the screen. But I don't know O_o

If I ever rped Inuyasha, I would pair Ami off with Koga. AND Ami would be Inuyasha's little sister (adoptive of course, found when she was little and took her in basically)

Boa coming from his pants?!?! OMG ITS HIS FLUFFY PEENUS!!! ROFL!!! jk

ShadowPrincess1982 on October 12, 2010, 10:46:30 AM

ShadowPrincess1982 on
ShadowPrincess1982Awwwes!! This is so awesome and so touching! I love the song...I had never heard it before. I love Sesshoumaru...even though I can't spell his name have the time...LOL! This is detailed and I agree with lash that this would look beautiful in color. Great work! =^_^=

SweetxinsanityxSarah on October 12, 2010, 3:50:29 PM

SweetxinsanityxSarah on
SweetxinsanityxSarahThankies, and zomg you SHOULD listen! Soo beautiful. And yeah I feel you there, I keep goofing on his name too with the fact I add an extra U in his name lol xP

And maybe I could get someone to color eet in da future, so stay tuned and ya might get your wish ;3

lashanta22 on October 12, 2010, 3:21:53 AM

lashanta22 on
lashanta22I really love that song!!!! I was addicted to that movie when i was little^^
I think this picture would look great in color and i love how the cloud in the background looks like sessy's inner wolf thing

SweetxinsanityxSarah on October 12, 2010, 3:35:20 AM

SweetxinsanityxSarah on
SweetxinsanityxSarahActually that is Sesshoumaru's daddy in spirit form in the backround xP
They look ALOT alike in true demon form, trust me. ;3

Also I think you're going to love it even more, ah the joys of youtube <333

lashanta22 on October 12, 2010, 8:19:16 AM

lashanta22 on
lashanta22ur welcome^^
well i have not seen all the episodes yet but maybe some day