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A notice to all my friends

A notice to all my friends

A notice to all my friends by Taina_Kumori
A notice to all my friends by Taina_Kumori


this is just a random drawing i did for all my friends on FAC ^.^ its just a notice to inform you how my lifes been put it simply its got its good parts and bad parts...the good news is im healthy and full of spunk again!! YAY!! and the bad part is, i skinned my knee Friday, than accidently opened the burn up on Saturday -.-; and i have to walk with a slight limp because it still BURNS!! o_o anyways... ^.^ im gonna go now X3 i got some other stuffs to work on! *huggles for all, and gives out cookies* JA NE MY FRIENDS!! -^.^-

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Category Miscellaneous » Characters » RP Characters » Female
Date Submitted
Views 1384
Favorites... 2
Vote Score 0
Comments 5
Media Unspecified
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Comments (5)

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Taina_Kumori on September 7, 2004, 8:46:15 PM

Taina_Kumori on
Taina_KumoriAww!! you get better now, ya hear?! *clinging hug*

Wings_EbonStar on September 7, 2004, 2:38:54 PM

Wings_EbonStar on
Wings_EbonStar*huggles*<br />
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Life has been good and bad for me, too.<br />
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Mostly bad. That's why I haven't been on AIM or posted any pictures...X_x. Rah.<br />
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Aaaanyway, I'll talk to you laters, buh-bai for now and great pic. :D

RyukoKaiba on September 7, 2004, 12:07:17 PM

RyukoKaiba on
RyukoKaibaHey Luv your pic^_^<br />
Sorry that you skinend your knee X_x.... Put a cold bandage on it and it shud feel better^_^<br />
Anyway I agree with Maylia- I thought you were quiting FAC O_O<br />
Anyway your swing pic is a LOT better than mine X_X I can never draw swings:( Well done ^^

Taina_Kumori on September 7, 2004, 11:24:27 AM

Taina_Kumori on
Taina_Kumorio.o; oopsie, lol sorries Maylia-chan, i didnt mean it ^.^;

Maylia_Intusha on September 7, 2004, 11:15:44 AM

Maylia_Intusha on
Maylia_Intusha-squeals and feels special :Dx- Yey!! -waves- Hihi, Tai-Tai-chan!!<br />
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Ouch..that hard to hurt. ._- I sprained my ankle a few months ago..probably the first physical thing that made me cry in, like 4 years..god did it ever hurt. -hugs and gives you sugar to make it heal quicker-<br />
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Waah! You scared me. ;_; The title was giving me the 'Taina-chan is going to quit Fanart Central!' vibe, and I was like NOOOOOOO! Thank sugar and bunny head-bands that wasn't the case. ^-^<br />
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-huuuuuuuuuugzzzz!- ^______^ -bounces around with a bag o' sugar in her hands, and tosses you a bag :3-